Indexs in Arkouda

Like Pandas, Arkouda supports Indexes. The purpose and intended functionality remains the same in Arkouda, but are configured to be based on arkouda.pdarrays.

class arkouda.Index(values, name=None, allow_list=False, max_list_size=1000)[source]

Additionally, Multi-Indexes are supported for indexes with multiple keys.

..autoclass:: arkouda.MultiIndex


Index support the majority of functionality offered by pandas.Index.

Change Dtype

arkouda.Index.set_dtype(self, dtype)

Change the data type of the index

Currently only aku.ip_address and ak.array are supported.

arkouda.MultiIndex.set_dtype(self, dtype)

Change the data type of the index

Currently only aku.ip_address and ak.array are supported.


arkouda.Index.argsort(self, ascending=True)
arkouda.MultiIndex.argsort(self, ascending=True)


arkouda.Index.lookup(self, key)
arkouda.MultiIndex.lookup(self, key)


arkouda.Index.concat(self, other)
arkouda.MultiIndex.concat(self, other)