Source code for arkouda.series

from __future__ import annotations

import json
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np  # type: ignore
import pandas as pd  # type: ignore
from pandas._config import get_option  # type: ignore
from typeguard import typechecked

import arkouda.dataframe
from arkouda.accessor import CachedAccessor, DatetimeAccessor, StringAccessor
from arkouda.alignment import lookup
from arkouda.categorical import Categorical
from arkouda.dtypes import dtype, float64, int64
from arkouda.groupbyclass import GroupBy, groupable_element_type
from arkouda.index import Index, MultiIndex
from arkouda.numeric import cast as akcast
from arkouda.numeric import isnan, value_counts
from arkouda.pdarrayclass import (
from arkouda.pdarraycreation import arange, array, full, zeros
from arkouda.pdarraysetops import argsort, concatenate, in1d, indexof1d
from arkouda.strings import Strings
from arkouda.util import convert_if_categorical, get_callback, is_float

# pd.set_option("display.max_colwidth", 65) is being called in This will resolve BitVector
# truncation issues. If issues arise, that's where to look for it.

__all__ = [

import operator

supported_scalars = Union[int, float, bool, str, np.int64, np.float64, np.bool_, np.str_]

def is_supported_scalar(x):
    return isinstance(x, (int, float, bool, str, np.int64, np.float64, np.bool_, np.str_))

def natural_binary_operators(cls):
    for name, op in {
        "__add__": operator.add,
        "__sub__": operator.sub,
        "__mul__": operator.mul,
        "__truediv__": operator.truediv,
        "__floordiv__": operator.floordiv,
        "__and__": operator.and_,
        "__or__": operator.or_,
        "__xor__": operator.xor,
        "__eq__": operator.eq,
        "__le__": operator.le,
        "__lshift__": operator.lshift,
        "__mod__": operator.mod,
        "__rshift__": operator.rshift,
        "__pow__": operator.pow,
        setattr(cls, name, cls._make_binop(op))

    return cls

def unary_operators(cls):
    for name, op in {
        "__invert__": operator.invert,
        "__neg__": operator.neg,
        setattr(cls, name, cls._make_unaryop(op))

    return cls

def aggregation_operators(cls):
    for name in ["max", "min", "mean", "sum", "std", "var", "argmax", "argmin", "prod"]:
        setattr(cls, name, cls._make_aggop(name))
    return cls

[docs] @unary_operators @aggregation_operators @natural_binary_operators class Series: """ One-dimensional arkouda array with axis labels. Parameters ---------- index : pdarray, Strings an array of indices associated with the data array. If empty, it will default to a range of ints whose size match the size of the data. optional data : Tuple, List, groupable_element_type a 1D array. Must not be None. Raises ------ TypeError Raised if index is not a pdarray or Strings object Raised if data is not a pdarray, Strings, or Categorical object ValueError Raised if the index size does not match data size Notes ----- The Series class accepts either positional arguments or keyword arguments. If entering positional arguments, 2 arguments entered: argument 1 - data argument 2 - index 1 argument entered: argument 1 - data If entering 1 positional argument, it is assumed that this is the data argument. If only 'data' argument is passed in, Index will automatically be generated. If entering keywords, 'data' (see Parameters) 'index' (optional) must match size of 'data' """ objType = "Series" @typechecked def __init__( self, data: Union[Tuple, List, groupable_element_type], name=None, index: Optional[Union[pdarray, Strings, Tuple, List, Index]] = None, ): self.registered_name: Optional[str] = None if isinstance(data, (tuple, list)) and len(data) == 2: # handles the previous `ar_tuple` case if not isinstance(data[0], (pdarray, Index, Strings, Categorical, list, tuple)): raise TypeError("indices must be a pdarray, Strings, Categorical, List, or Tuple") if not isinstance(data[1], (pdarray, Strings, Categorical)): raise TypeError("values must be a pdarray, Strings, or Categorical") self.values = data[1] self.index = Index.factory(index) if index else Index.factory(data[0]) else: # When only 1 positional argument it will be treated as data and not index self.values = array(data) if not isinstance(data, (Strings, Categorical)) else data self.index = Index.factory(index) if index is not None else Index(arange(self.values.size)) if self.index.size != self.values.size: raise ValueError("Index size does not match data size") = name self.size = self.index.size def __len__(self): return self.values.size def __repr__(self): """ Return ascii-formatted version of the series. """ if len(self) == 0: return "Series([ -- ][ 0 values : 0 B])" maxrows = pd.get_option("display.max_rows") if len(self) <= maxrows: prt = self.to_pandas() length_str = "" else: prt = pd.concat( [ self.head(maxrows // 2 + 2).to_pandas(), self.tail(maxrows // 2).to_pandas(), ] ) length_str = f"\nLength {len(self)}" return ( prt.to_string( dtype=prt.dtype, min_rows=get_option("display.min_rows"), max_rows=maxrows, length=False, ) + length_str )
[docs] def validate_key( self, key: Union[Series, pdarray, Strings, Categorical, List, supported_scalars] ) -> Union[pdarray, Strings, Categorical, supported_scalars]: """ Validates type requirements for keys when reading or writing the Series. Also converts list and tuple arguments into pdarrays. Parameters ---------- key: Series, pdarray, Strings, Categorical, List, supported_scalars The key or container of keys that might be used to index into the Series. Returns ------- The validated key(s), with lists and tuples converted to pdarrays Raises ------ TypeError Raised if keys are not boolean values or the type of the labels Raised if key is not one of the supported types KeyError Raised if container of keys has keys not present in the Series IndexError Raised if the length of a boolean key array is different from the Series """ if isinstance(key, list): return self.validate_key(array(key)) if isinstance(key, tuple): raise TypeError("Series does not support tuple keys") if isinstance(key, Series): # @TODO align the series indexes return self.validate_key(key.values) if is_supported_scalar(key): # type: ignore if dtype(type(key)) != self.index.dtype: raise TypeError( "Unexpected key type. Received {} but expected {}".format( dtype(type(key)), self.index.dtype ) ) elif isinstance(key, Strings): if self.index.dtype != dtype(str): raise TypeError( "Unexpected key type. Received Strings but expected {}".format(self.index.dtype) ) if any(~in1d(key, self.index.values)): raise KeyError("{} not in index".format(key[~in1d(key, self.index.values)])) elif isinstance(key, pdarray): if key.dtype == self.index.dtype: if any(~in1d(key, self.index.values)): raise KeyError("{} not in index".format(key[~in1d(key, self.index.values)])) elif key.dtype == bool: if key.size != self.index.size: raise IndexError( "Boolean index has wrong length: {} instead of {}".format(key.size, self.size) ) else: raise TypeError( "Unexpected key type. Received {} but expected {}".format( dtype(type(key)), self.index.dtype ) ) else: raise TypeError( "Series [] only supports indexing by scalars, lists of scalars, and arrays of scalars." ) return key
@typechecked def __getitem__(self, _key: Union[supported_scalars, pdarray, Strings, List]): """ Gets values from Series. Parameters ---------- key: pdarray, Strings, Series, list, supported_scalars The key or container of keys to get entries for. Returns ------- Series with all entries with matching labels. If only one entry in the Series is accessed, returns a scalar. """ key = self.validate_key(_key) if is_supported_scalar(key): return self[array([key])] assert isinstance(key, (pdarray, Strings)) if key.dtype == bool: # boolean array indexes without sorting return Series(index=self.index[key], data=self.values[key]) indices = indexof1d(key, self.index.values) if len(indices) == 1: return self.values[indices[0]] else: return Series(index=self.index[indices], data=self.values[indices])
[docs] def validate_val( self, val: Union[pdarray, Strings, supported_scalars, List] ) -> Union[pdarray, Strings, supported_scalars]: """ Validates type requirements for values being written into the Series. Also converts list and tuple arguments into pdarrays. Parameters ---------- val: pdarray, Strings, list, supported_scalars The value or container of values that might be assigned into the Series. Returns ------- The validated value, with lists converted to pdarrays Raises ------ TypeError Raised if val is not the same type or a container with elements of the same time as the Series Raised if val is a string or Strings type. Raised if val is not one of the supported types """ if isinstance(val, list): val = array(val) if is_supported_scalar(val): # type: ignore if dtype(type(val)) != self.values.dtype: raise TypeError( "Unexpected value type. Received {} but expected {}".format( dtype(type(val)), self.values.dtype ) ) if isinstance(val, str): raise TypeError("Cannot modify string type dataframes") elif isinstance(val, Strings): raise TypeError("Cannot modify string type dataframes") elif isinstance(val, pdarray): if val.dtype != self.values.dtype: raise TypeError( "Unexpected value type. Received {} but expected {}".format( dtype(type(val)), self.values.dtype ) ) else: raise TypeError("cannot set with unsupported value type: {}".format(type(val))) return val
def __setitem__(self, key, val): """ Sets or adds entries in a Series by label. Parameters ---------- key: pdarray, Strings, Series, list, supported_scalars The key or container of keys to set entries for. val: pdarray, list, supported_scalars The values to set/add to the Series. Raises ------ ValueError Raised when setting multiple values to a Series with repeated labels Raised when number of values provided does not match the number of entries to set. """ val = self.validate_val(val) key = self.validate_key(key) if isinstance(key, (pdarray, Strings)) and len(key) > 1 and self.has_repeat_labels(): raise ValueError("Cannot set with multiple keys for Series with repeated labels.") indices = None if is_supported_scalar(key): # type: ignore indices = self.index == key else: indices = in1d(self.index.values, key) # type: ignore tf, counts = GroupBy(indices).count() update_count = counts[1] if len(counts) == 2 else 0 if update_count == 0: # adding a new entry if isinstance(val, (pdarray, Strings)): raise ValueError("Cannot set. Too many values provided") new_index_values = concatenate([self.index.values, array([key])]) self.index = Index.factory(new_index_values) self.values = concatenate([self.values, array([val])]) return if is_supported_scalar(val): # type: ignore self.values[indices] = val return else: if val.size == 1 and is_supported_scalar(key): # type: ignore self.values[indices] = val[0] # type: ignore return if update_count != val.size: raise ValueError( "Cannot set using a list-like indexer with a different length from the value" ) self.values[indices] = val return
[docs] def memory_usage(self, index: bool = True, unit="B") -> int: """ Return the memory usage of the Series. The memory usage can optionally include the contribution of the index. Parameters ---------- index : bool, default True Specifies whether to include the memory usage of the Series index. unit : str, default = "B" Unit to return. One of {'B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB'}. Returns ------- int Bytes of memory consumed. See Also -------- arkouda.pdarrayclass.nbytes arkouda.index.Index.memory_usage arkouda.series.Series.memory_usage arkouda.dataframe.DataFrame.memory_usage Examples -------- >>> from arkouda.series import Series >>> s = ak.Series(ak.arange(3)) >>> s.memory_usage() 48 Not including the index gives the size of the rest of the data, which is necessarily smaller: >>> s.memory_usage(index=False) 24 Select the units: >>> s = ak.Series(ak.arange(3000)) >>> s.memory_usage(unit="KB") 46.875 """ from arkouda.util import convert_bytes v = convert_bytes(self.values.nbytes, unit=unit) if index: v += self.index.memory_usage(unit=unit) return v
[docs] def has_repeat_labels(self) -> bool: """ Returns whether the Series has any labels that appear more than once """ tf, counts = GroupBy(self.index.values).count() return counts.size != self.index.size
@property def loc(self) -> _LocIndexer: """ Accesses entries of a Series by label Parameters ---------- key: pdarray, Strings, Series, list, supported_scalars The key or container of keys to access entries for """ return _LocIndexer(self) @property def at(self) -> _LocIndexer: """ Accesses entries of a Series by label Parameters ---------- key: pdarray, Strings, Series, list, supported_scalars The key or container of keys to access entries for """ return _LocIndexer(self) @property def iloc(self) -> _iLocIndexer: """ Accesses entries of a Series by position Parameters ---------- key: int The positions or container of positions to access entries for """ return _iLocIndexer("iloc", self) @property def iat(self) -> _iLocIndexer: """ Accesses entries of a Series by position Parameters ---------- key: int The positions or container of positions to access entries for """ return _iLocIndexer("iat", self) dt = CachedAccessor("dt", DatetimeAccessor) str_acc = CachedAccessor("str", StringAccessor) @property def shape(self): # mimic the pandas return of series shape property return (self.values.size,)
[docs] @typechecked def isin(self, lst: Union[pdarray, Strings, List]) -> Series: """Find series elements whose values are in the specified list Input ----- Either a python list or an arkouda array. Returns ------- Arkouda boolean which is true for elements that are in the list and false otherwise. """ if isinstance(lst, list): lst = array(lst) boolean = in1d(self.values, lst) return Series(data=boolean, index=self.index)
[docs] @typechecked def locate(self, key: Union[int, pdarray, Index, Series, List, Tuple]) -> Series: """Lookup values by index label The input can be a scalar, a list of scalers, or a list of lists (if the series has a MultiIndex). As a special case, if a Series is used as the key, the series labels are preserved with its values use as the key. Keys will be turned into arkouda arrays as needed. Returns ------- A Series containing the values corresponding to the key. """ if isinstance(key, Series): # special case, keep the index values of the Series, and lookup the values return Series(index=key.index, data=lookup(self.index.index, self.values, key.values)) elif isinstance(key, MultiIndex): idx = self.index.lookup(key.index) elif isinstance(key, Index): idx = self.index.lookup(key.index) elif isinstance(key, pdarray): idx = self.index.lookup(key) elif isinstance(key, (list, tuple)): key0 = key[0] if isinstance(key0, list) or isinstance(key0, tuple): # nested list. check if already arkouda arrays if not isinstance(key0[0], pdarray): # convert list of lists to list of pdarrays key = [array(a) for a in np.array(key).T.copy()] elif not isinstance(key0, pdarray): # a list of scalers, convert into arkouda array try: val = array(key) if isinstance(val, pdarray): key = val except Exception: raise TypeError("'key' parameter must be convertible to pdarray") # else already list if arkouda array, use as is idx = self.index.lookup(key) else: # scalar value idx = self.index == key return Series(index=self.index[idx], data=self.values[idx])
@classmethod def _make_binop(cls, operator): def binop(self, other): if isinstance(other, Series): if self.index._check_aligned(other.index): return cls((self.index, operator(self.values, other.values))) else: idx = self.index._merge(other.index).index a = lookup(self.index.index, self.values, idx, fillvalue=0) b = lookup(other.index.index, other.values, idx, fillvalue=0) return cls((idx, operator(a, b))) else: return cls((self.index, operator(self.values, other))) return binop @classmethod def _make_unaryop(cls, operator): def unaryop(self): return cls((self.index, operator(self.values))) return unaryop @classmethod def _make_aggop(cls, name): def aggop(self): return getattr(self.values, name)() return aggop
[docs] @typechecked def add(self, b: Series) -> Series: index = self.index.concat(b.index).index values = concatenate([self.values, b.values], ordered=False) idx, vals = GroupBy(index).sum(values) return Series(data=vals, index=idx)
[docs] @typechecked def topn(self, n: int = 10) -> Series: """Return the top values of the series Parameters ---------- n: Number of values to return Returns ------- A new Series with the top values """ k = self.index v = self.values idx = argmaxk(v, n) idx = idx[-1 : -n - 1 : -1] return Series(index=k.index[idx], data=v[idx])
def _reindex(self, idx): if isinstance(self.index, MultiIndex): new_index = MultiIndex(self.index[idx].values,, names=self.index.names) elif isinstance(self.index, Index): new_index = Index(self.index[idx], else: new_index = Index(self.index[idx]) return Series(index=new_index, data=self.values[idx])
[docs] @typechecked def sort_index(self, ascending: bool = True) -> Series: """Sort the series by its index Parameters ---------- ascending : bool Sort values in ascending (default) or descending order. Returns ------- A new Series sorted. """ idx = self.index.argsort(ascending=ascending) return self._reindex(idx)
[docs] @typechecked def sort_values(self, ascending: bool = True) -> Series: """Sort the series numerically Parameters ---------- ascending : bool Sort values in ascending (default) or descending order. Returns ------- A new Series sorted smallest to largest """ if not ascending: if isinstance(self.values, pdarray) and self.values.dtype in ( int64, float64, ): # For numeric values, negation reverses sort order idx = argsort(-self.values) else: # For non-numeric values, need the descending arange because reverse slicing # is not supported idx = argsort(self.values)[arange(self.values.size - 1, -1, -1)] else: idx = argsort(self.values) return self._reindex(idx)
[docs] @typechecked def tail(self, n: int = 10) -> Series: """Return the last n values of the series""" idx_series = self.index[-n:] return Series(index=idx_series.index, data=self.values[-n:])
[docs] @typechecked def head(self, n: int = 10) -> Series: """Return the first n values of the series""" idx_series = self.index[0:n] return Series(index=idx_series.index, data=self.values[0:n])
[docs] @typechecked def to_pandas(self) -> pd.Series: """Convert the series to a local PANDAS series""" import copy idx = self.index.to_pandas() val = convert_if_categorical(self.values) if isinstance(, str): name = copy.copy( return pd.Series(val.to_ndarray(), index=idx, name=name) else: return pd.Series(val.to_ndarray(), index=idx)
[docs] def to_markdown(self, mode="wt", index=True, tablefmt="grid", storage_options=None, **kwargs): r""" Print Series in Markdown-friendly format. Parameters ---------- mode : str, optional Mode in which file is opened, "wt" by default. index : bool, optional, default True Add index (row) labels. tablefmt: str = "grid" Table format to call from tablulate: storage_options: dict, optional Extra options that make sense for a particular storage connection, e.g. host, port, username, password, etc., if using a URL that will be parsed by fsspec, e.g., starting “s3://”, “gcs://”. An error will be raised if providing this argument with a non-fsspec URL. See the fsspec and backend storage implementation docs for the set of allowed keys and values. **kwargs These parameters will be passed to tabulate. Note ---- This function should only be called on small Series as it calls pandas.Series.to_markdown: Examples -------- >>> import arkouda as ak >>> ak.connect() >>> s = ak.Series(["elk", "pig", "dog", "quetzal"], name="animal") >>> print(s.to_markdown()) | | animal | |---:|:---------| | 0 | elk | | 1 | pig | | 2 | dog | | 3 | quetzal | Output markdown with a tabulate option. >>> print(s.to_markdown(tablefmt="grid")) +----+----------+ | | animal | +====+==========+ | 0 | elk | +----+----------+ | 1 | pig | +----+----------+ | 2 | dog | +----+----------+ | 3 | quetzal | +----+----------+ """ return self.to_pandas().to_markdown( mode=mode, index=index, tablefmt=tablefmt, storage_options=storage_options, **kwargs )
[docs] @typechecked() def to_list(self) -> list: p = self.to_pandas() return p.to_list()
[docs] @typechecked def value_counts(self, sort: bool = True) -> Series: """Return a Series containing counts of unique values. The resulting object will be in descending order so that the first element is the most frequently-occurring element. Parameters ---------- sort : Boolean. Whether or not to sort the results. Default is true. """ dtype = get_callback(self.values) idx, vals = value_counts(self.values) s = Series(index=idx, data=vals) if sort: s = s.sort_values(ascending=False) s.index.set_dtype(dtype) return s
[docs] @typechecked def diff(self) -> Series: """Diffs consecutive values of the series. Returns a new series with the same index and length. First value is set to NaN. """ values = zeros(len(self), "float64") if not isinstance(self.values, Categorical): values[1:] = akcast(self.values[1:] - self.values[:-1], "float64") values[0] = np.nan else: raise TypeError("Diff not supported on Series built from Categorical.") return Series(data=values, index=self.index)
[docs] @typechecked def to_dataframe( self, index_labels: Union[List[str], None] = None, value_label: Union[str, None] = None ) -> arkouda.dataframe.DataFrame: """Converts series to an arkouda data frame Parameters ---------- index_labels: column names(s) to label the index. value_label: column name to label values. Returns ------- An arkouda dataframe. """ list_value_label = [value_label] if isinstance(value_label, str) else value_label return Series.concat([self], axis=1, index_labels=index_labels, value_labels=list_value_label)
[docs] @typechecked def register(self, user_defined_name: str): """ Register this Series object and underlying components with the Arkouda server Parameters ---------- user_defined_name : str user defined name the Series is to be registered under, this will be the root name for underlying components Returns ------- Series The same Series which is now registered with the arkouda server and has an updated name. This is an in-place modification, the original is returned to support a fluid programming style. Please note you cannot register two different Series with the same name. Raises ------ TypeError Raised if user_defined_name is not a str RegistrationError If the server was unable to register the Series with the user_defined_name See also -------- unregister, attach, is_registered Notes ----- Objects registered with the server are immune to deletion until they are unregistered. """ from arkouda.client import generic_msg if self.registered_name is not None and self.is_registered(): raise RegistrationError(f"This object is already registered as {self.registered_name}") generic_msg( cmd="register", args={ "name": user_defined_name, "objType": self.objType, "num_idxs": 1, "idx_names": [ json.dumps( { "codes":, "categories":, "NA_codes":, **( {"permutation":} if self.index.values.permutation is not None else {} ), **( {"segments":} if self.index.values.segments is not None else {} ), } ) if isinstance(self.index.values, Categorical) else ], "idx_types": [self.index.values.objType], "values": json.dumps( { "codes":, "categories":, "NA_codes":, **( {"permutation":} if self.values.permutation is not None else {} ), **( {"segments":} if self.values.segments is not None else {} ), } ) if isinstance(self.values, Categorical) else, "val_type": self.values.objType, }, ) self.registered_name = user_defined_name return self
[docs] def unregister(self): """ Unregister this Series object in the arkouda server which was previously registered using register() and/or attached to using attach() Raises ------ RegistrationError If the object is already unregistered or if there is a server error when attempting to unregister See also -------- register, attach, is_registered Notes ----- Objects registered with the server are immune to deletion until they are unregistered. """ from arkouda.util import unregister if not self.registered_name: raise RegistrationError("This object is not registered") unregister(self.registered_name) self.registered_name = None
[docs] @staticmethod @typechecked def attach(label: str, nkeys: int = 1) -> Series: """ DEPRECATED Retrieve a series registered with arkouda Parameters ---------- label: name used to register the series nkeys: number of keys, if a multi-index was registerd """ import warnings from arkouda.util import attach warnings.warn( "ak.Series.attach() is deprecated. Please use ak.attach() instead.", DeprecationWarning, ) return attach(label)
[docs] @typechecked def is_registered(self) -> bool: """ Return True iff the object is contained in the registry or is a component of a registered object. Returns ------- numpy.bool Indicates if the object is contained in the registry Raises ------ RegistrationError Raised if there's a server-side error or a mis-match of registered components See Also -------- register, attach, unregister Notes ----- Objects registered with the server are immune to deletion until they are unregistered. """ from arkouda.util import is_registered if self.registered_name is None: return False else: return is_registered(self.registered_name)
[docs] @classmethod @typechecked def from_return_msg(cls, repMsg: str) -> Series: """ Return a Series instance pointing to components created by the arkouda server. The user should not call this function directly. Parameters ---------- repMsg : str + delimited string containing the values and indexes Returns ------- Series A Series representing a set of pdarray components on the server Raises ------ RuntimeError Raised if a server-side error is thrown in the process of creating the Series instance """ data = json.loads(repMsg) val_comps = data["value"].split("+|+") if val_comps[0] == Categorical.objType.upper(): values = Categorical.from_return_msg(val_comps[1]) # type: ignore elif val_comps[0] == Strings.objType.upper(): values = Strings.from_return_msg(val_comps[1]) # type: ignore else: values = create_pdarray(val_comps[1]) # type: ignore index = Index.from_return_msg(data["index"]) return cls(values, index)
@staticmethod @typechecked def _all_aligned(array: List) -> bool: """Is an array of Series indexed aligned?""" itor = iter(array) a1 = next(itor).index for a2 in itor: if a1._check_aligned(a2.index) is False: return False return True
[docs] @staticmethod @typechecked def concat( arrays: List, axis: int = 0, index_labels: Union[List[str], None] = None, value_labels: Union[List[str], None] = None, ) -> Union[arkouda.dataframe.DataFrame, Series]: """Concatenate in arkouda a list of arkouda Series or grouped arkouda arrays horizontally or vertically. If a list of grouped arkouda arrays is passed they are converted to a series. Each grouping is a 2-tuple with the first item being the key(s) and the second being the value. If horizontal, each series or grouping must have the same length and the same index. The index of the series is converted to a column in the dataframe. If it is a multi-index,each level is converted to a column. Parameters ---------- arrays: The list of series/groupings to concat. axis : Whether or not to do a verticle (axis=0) or horizontal (axis=1) concatenation index_labels: column names(s) to label the index. value_labels: column names to label values of each series. Returns ------- axis=0: an arkouda series. axis=1: an arkouda dataframe. """ if len(arrays) == 0: raise IndexError("Array length must be non-zero") types = {type(x) for x in arrays} if len(types) != 1: raise TypeError(f"Items must all have same type: {types}") if isinstance(arrays[0], tuple): arrays = [Series(i) for i in arrays] if axis == 1: # Horizontal concat if value_labels is None: value_labels = [f"val_{i}" for i in range(len(arrays))] if Series._all_aligned(arrays): data = next(iter(arrays)).index.to_dict(index_labels) if value_labels is not None: # Expect value_labels to always be not None; were doing the check for mypy for col, label in zip(arrays, value_labels): data[str(label)] = col.values else: aitor = iter(arrays) idx = next(aitor).index idx = idx._merge_all([i.index for i in aitor]) data = idx.to_dict(index_labels) if value_labels is not None: # Expect value_labels to always be not None; were doing the check for mypy for col, label in zip(arrays, value_labels): data[str(label)] = lookup(col.index.index, col.values, idx.index, fillvalue=0) return arkouda.dataframe.DataFrame(data) else: # Verticle concat idx = arrays[0].index v = arrays[0].values for other in arrays[1:]: idx = idx.concat(other.index) v = concatenate([v, other.values], ordered=True) return Series(index=idx.index, data=v)
[docs] def map(self, arg: Union[dict, Series]) -> Series: """ Map values of Series according to an input mapping. Parameters ---------- arg : dict or Series The mapping correspondence. Returns ------- arkouda.series.Series A new series with the same index as the caller. When the input Series has Categorical values, the return Series will have Strings values. Otherwise, the return type will match the input type. Raises ------ TypeError Raised if arg is not of type dict or arkouda.Series. Raised if series values not of type pdarray, Categorical, or Strings. Examples -------- >>> import arkouda as ak >>> ak.connect() >>> s = ak.Series(ak.array([2, 3, 2, 3, 4])) >>> display(s) +----+-----+ | | 0 | +====+=====+ | 0 | 2 | +----+-----+ | 1 | 3 | +----+-----+ | 2 | 2 | +----+-----+ | 3 | 3 | +----+-----+ | 4 | 4 | +----+-----+ >>>{4: 25.0, 2: 30.0, 1: 7.0, 3: 5.0}) +----+-----+ | | 0 | +====+=====+ | 0 | 30.0| +----+-----+ | 1 | 5.0 | +----+-----+ | 2 | 30.0| +----+-----+ | 3 | 5.0 | +----+-----+ | 4 | 25.0| +----+-----+ >>> s2 = ak.Series(ak.array(["a","b","c","d"]), index = ak.array([4,2,1,3])) >>> +----+-----+ | | 0 | +====+=====+ | 0 | b | +----+-----+ | 1 | b | +----+-----+ | 2 | d | +----+-----+ | 3 | d | +----+-----+ | 4 | a | +----+-----+ """ from arkouda import Series from arkouda.util import map return Series(map(self.values, arg), index=self.index)
[docs] def isna(self) -> Series: """ Detect missing values. Return a boolean same-sized object indicating if the values are NA. NA values, such as numpy.NaN, gets mapped to True values. Everything else gets mapped to False values. Characters such as empty strings '' are not considered NA values. Returns ------- arkouda.series.Series Mask of bool values for each element in Series that indicates whether an element is an NA value. Examples -------- >>> import arkouda as ak >>> ak.connect() >>> from arkouda import Series >>> import numpy as np >>> s = Series(ak.array([1, 2, np.nan]), index = ak.array([1, 2, 4])) >>> s.isna() +----+---------+ | | 0 | +====+=========+ | 1 | False | +----+---------+ | 2 | False | +----+---------+ | 4 | True | +----+---------+ """ if not is_float(self.values): return Series(full(self.values.size, False, dtype=bool), index=self.index) return Series(isnan(self.values), index=self.index)
[docs] def isnull(self) -> Series: """ Series.isnull is an alias for Series.isna. Detect missing values. Return a boolean same-sized object indicating if the values are NA. NA values, such as numpy.NaN, gets mapped to True values. Everything else gets mapped to False values. Characters such as empty strings '' are not considered NA values. Returns ------- arkouda.series.Series Mask of bool values for each element in Series that indicates whether an element is an NA value. Examples -------- >>> import arkouda as ak >>> ak.connect() >>> from arkouda import Series >>> import numpy as np >>> s = Series(ak.array([1, 2, np.nan]), index = ak.array([1, 2, 4])) >>> s.isnull() +----+---------+ | | 0 | +====+=========+ | 1 | False | +----+---------+ | 2 | False | +----+---------+ | 4 | True | +----+---------+ """ return self.isna()
[docs] def notna(self) -> Series: """ Detect existing (non-missing) values. Return a boolean same-sized object indicating if the values are not NA. Non-missing values get mapped to True. Characters such as empty strings '' are not considered NA values. NA values, such as numpy.NaN, get mapped to False values. Returns ------- arkouda.series.Series Mask of bool values for each element in Series that indicates whether an element is not an NA value. Examples -------- >>> import arkouda as ak >>> ak.connect() >>> from arkouda import Series >>> import numpy as np >>> s = Series(ak.array([1, 2, np.nan]), index = ak.array([1, 2, 4])) >>> s.notna() +----+---------+ | | 0 | +====+=========+ | 1 | True | +----+---------+ | 2 | True | +----+---------+ | 4 | False | +----+---------+ """ if not is_float(self.values): return Series(full(self.values.size, True, dtype=bool), index=self.index) return Series(~isnan(self.values), index=self.index)
[docs] def notnull(self) -> Series: """ Series.notnull is an alias for Series.notna. Detect existing (non-missing) values. Return a boolean same-sized object indicating if the values are not NA. Non-missing values get mapped to True. Characters such as empty strings '' are not considered NA values. NA values, such as numpy.NaN, get mapped to False values. Returns ------- arkouda.series.Series Mask of bool values for each element in Series that indicates whether an element is not an NA value. Examples -------- >>> import arkouda as ak >>> ak.connect() >>> from arkouda import Series >>> import numpy as np >>> s = Series(ak.array([1, 2, np.nan]), index = ak.array([1, 2, 4])) >>> s.notnull() +----+---------+ | | 0 | +====+=========+ | 1 | True | +----+---------+ | 2 | True | +----+---------+ | 4 | False | +----+---------+ """ return self.notna()
[docs] def hasnans(self) -> bool: """ Return True if there are any NaNs. Returns ------- bool Examples -------- >>> import arkouda as ak >>> ak.connect() >>> from arkouda import Series >>> import numpy as np >>> s = ak.Series(ak.array([1, 2, 3, np.nan])) >>> s >>> s.hasnans True """ if is_float(self.values): return any(isnan(self.values)) else: return False
[docs] def fillna(self, value) -> Series: """ Fill NA/NaN values using the specified method. Parameters ---------- value : scalar, Series, or pdarray Value to use to fill holes (e.g. 0), alternately a Series of values specifying which value to use for each index. Values not in the Series will not be filled. This value cannot be a list. Returns ------- Series Object with missing values filled. Examples -------- >>> import arkouda as ak >>> ak.connect() >>> from arkouda import Series >>> data = ak.Series([1, np.nan, 3, np.nan, 5]) >>> data +----+-----+ | | 0 | +====+=====+ | 0 | 1 | +----+-----+ | 1 | nan | +----+-----+ | 2 | 3 | +----+-----+ | 3 | nan | +----+-----+ | 4 | 5 | +----+-----+ >>> fill_values1 = ak.ones(5) >>> data.fillna(fill_values1) +----+-----+ | | 0 | +====+=====+ | 0 | 1 | +----+-----+ | 1 | 1 | +----+-----+ | 2 | 3 | +----+-----+ | 3 | 1 | +----+-----+ | 4 | 5 | +----+-----+ >>> fill_values2 = Series(ak.ones(5)) >>> data.fillna(fill_values2) +----+-----+ | | 0 | +====+=====+ | 0 | 1 | +----+-----+ | 1 | 1 | +----+-----+ | 2 | 3 | +----+-----+ | 3 | 1 | +----+-----+ | 4 | 5 | +----+-----+ >>> fill_values3 = 100.0 >>> data.fillna(fill_values3) +----+-----+ | | 0 | +====+=====+ | 0 | 1 | +----+-----+ | 1 | 100 | +----+-----+ | 2 | 3 | +----+-----+ | 3 | 100 | +----+-----+ | 4 | 5 | +----+-----+ """ from arkouda.numeric import where if isinstance(value, Series): value = value.values if isinstance(self.values, pdarray) and is_float(self.values): return Series(where(isnan(self.values), value, self.values), index=self.index) else: return Series(self.values, index=self.index)
[docs] @staticmethod @typechecked def pdconcat( arrays: List, axis: int = 0, labels: Union[Strings, None] = None ) -> Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]: """Concatenate a list of arkouda Series or grouped arkouda arrays, returning a PANDAS object. If a list of grouped arkouda arrays is passed they are converted to a series. Each grouping is a 2-tuple with the first item being the key(s) and the second being the value. If horizontal, each series or grouping must have the same length and the same index. The index of the series is converted to a column in the dataframe. If it is a multi-index,each level is converted to a column. Parameters ---------- arrays: The list of series/groupings to concat. axis : Whether or not to do a verticle (axis=0) or horizontal (axis=1) concatenation labels: names to give the columns of the data frame. Returns ------- axis=0: a local PANDAS series axis=1: a local PANDAS dataframe """ if len(arrays) == 0: raise IndexError("Array length must be non-zero") types = {type(x) for x in arrays} if len(types) != 1: raise TypeError(f"Items must all have same type: {types}") if isinstance(arrays[0], tuple): arrays = [Series(i) for i in arrays] if axis == 1: idx = arrays[0].index.to_pandas() cols = [] for col in arrays: cols.append(pd.Series(data=col.values.to_ndarray(), index=idx)) retval = pd.concat(cols, axis=1) if labels is not None: retval.columns = labels else: retval = pd.concat([s.to_pandas() for s in arrays]) return retval
class _LocIndexer: def __init__(self, series): self.series = series def __getitem__(self, key): return self.series[key] def __setitem__(self, key, val): self.series[key] = val class _iLocIndexer: def __init__(self, method_name, series): = method_name self.series = series def validate_key(self, key): if isinstance(key, list): key = array(key) if isinstance(key, tuple): raise TypeError(".{} does not support tuple arguments".format( if isinstance(key, pdarray): if len(key) == 0: raise ValueError("Cannot index using 0-length iterables.") if key.dtype != int64 and key.dtype != bool: raise TypeError(".{} requires integer keys".format( if key.dtype == bool and key.size != self.series.size: raise IndexError( "Boolean index has wrong length: {} instead of {}".format(key.size, self.series.size) ) elif any(key >= self.series.size): raise IndexError("{} cannot enlarge its target object.".format( elif isinstance(key, int): if key >= self.series.size: raise IndexError("{} cannot enlarge its target object.".format( else: raise TypeError(".{} requires integer keys".format( return key def validate_val(self, val) -> Union[pdarray, supported_scalars]: return self.series.validate_val(val) def __getitem__(self, key): key = self.validate_key(key) if is_supported_scalar(key): # type: ignore key = array([key]) return Series(index=self.series.index[key], data=self.series.values[key]) def __setitem__(self, key, val): key = self.validate_key(key) val = self.validate_val(val) if is_supported_scalar(val): # type: ignore self.series.values[key] = val return else: if is_supported_scalar(key): # type: ignore self.series.values[key] = val return if key.dtype == int64 and len(val) != len(key): raise ValueError( "cannot set using a list-like indexer with a different length than the value" ) self.series.values[key] = val