import math
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from arkouda.dataframe import DataFrame
from arkouda.timeclass import Datetime, Timedelta, date_range, timedelta_range
from arkouda.pdarrayclass import skew
from arkouda.pdarraycreation import arange
from arkouda.numeric import histogram, isnan
from arkouda.groupbyclass import GroupBy
def plot_dist(b, h, log=True, xlabel=None, newfig=True):
Plot the distribution and cumulative distribution of histogram Data
b : np.ndarray
Bin edges
h : np.ndarray
Histogram data
log : bool
use log to scale y
xlabel: str
Label for the x axis of the graph
newfig: bool
Generate a new figure or not
This function does not return or display the plot. A user must have matplotlib imported in
addition to arkouda to display plots. This could be updated to return the object or have a
flag to show the resulting plots.
See Examples Below.
>>> import arkouda as ak
>>> from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
>>> b, h = ak.histogram(ak.arange(10), 3)
>>> ak.plot_dist(b, h.to_ndarray())
>>> # to show the plot
if newfig:
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 5))
plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
plt.plot(b, h, marker=".", linestyle="solid")
if log:
if xlabel is not None:
plt.gca().set_xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=14)
plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
plt.plot(b, np.cumsum(h) / np.sum(h), marker=None, linestyle="solid")
plt.gca().set_ylim((0, 1))
plt.gca().set_title("cumulative distribution")
if xlabel is not None:
plt.gca().set_xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=14)
def hist_all(ak_df: DataFrame, cols: list = []):
Create a grid plot histogramming all numeric columns in ak dataframe
ak_df : ak.DataFrame
Full Arkouda DataFrame containing data to be visualized
cols : list
(Optional) A specified list of columns to be plotted
This function displays the plot.
>>> import arkouda as ak
>>> from arkouda.plotting import hist_all
>>> ak_df = ak.DataFrame({"a": ak.array(np.random.randn(100)),
"b": ak.array(np.random.randn(100)),
"c": ak.array(np.random.randn(100)),
"d": ak.array(np.random.randn(100))
>>> hist_all(ak_df)
if len(cols) == 0:
cols = ak_df.columns
num_rows = int(math.ceil(len(cols) ** 0.5))
num_cols = (len(cols) + num_rows - 1) // num_rows
fig, axes = plt.subplots(num_rows, num_cols, figsize=(10, 10))
if isinstance(axes, plt.Axes):
axes = np.array(axes).flatten()
elif isinstance(axes, np.ndarray):
axes = axes.flatten()
axes = [axes]
for col in cols:
ax = axes[cols.index(col)]
x = ak_df[col]
if x.dtype == "float64":
x = x[~isnan(x)]
n = len(x)
g1 = skew(x)
except ValueError:
GB_df = GroupBy(ak_df[col])
new_labels = arange(GB_df.unique_keys.size)
newcol = GB_df.broadcast(new_labels)
x = newcol[: ak_df.size]
if x.dtype == "float64":
x = x[~isnan(x)]
n = len(x)
g1 = skew(x)
sigma_g1 = math.sqrt(6 * (n - 2) / ((n + 1) * (n + 3)))
# Doane's Formula
num_bins = int(1 + math.log2(n) + math.log2(1 + abs(g1) / sigma_g1))
# Compute histogram counts in arkouda
h = histogram(x, num_bins)
# Compute bins in numpy
if isinstance(x, Datetime):
# Matplotlib has trouble plotting np.datetime64 and np.timedelta64
bins = date_range(x.min(), x.max(), periods=num_bins).to_ndarray().astype("int")
elif isinstance(x, Timedelta):
bins = timedelta_range(x.min(), x.max(), periods=num_bins).to_ndarray().astype("int")
bins = np.linspace(x.min(), x.max(), num_bins + 1)[:-1], h[1].to_ndarray(), width=bins[1] - bins[0])
ax.set_title(col, size=8)
if x.max() > 100 * x.min():