Source code for arkouda.pdarraysetops

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Sequence, TypeVar, Union, cast

import numpy as np
from typeguard import typechecked

from arkouda.client import generic_msg
from arkouda.client_dtypes import BitVector
from arkouda.groupbyclass import GroupBy, groupable, groupable_element_type, unique
from arkouda.logger import getArkoudaLogger
from arkouda.numpy.dtypes import bigint
from arkouda.numpy.dtypes import bool_ as akbool
from arkouda.numpy.dtypes import int64 as akint64
from arkouda.numpy.dtypes import uint64 as akuint64
from arkouda.pdarrayclass import create_pdarray, pdarray
from arkouda.pdarraycreation import array, ones, zeros, zeros_like
from arkouda.sorting import argsort
from arkouda.strings import Strings
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

    from arkouda.categorical import Categorical
    Categorical = TypeVar("Categorical")

__all__ = ["in1d", "concatenate", "union1d", "intersect1d", "setdiff1d", "setxor1d", "indexof1d"]

logger = getArkoudaLogger(name="pdarraysetops")

def _in1d_single(
    pda1: Union[pdarray, Strings, "Categorical"],
    pda2: Union[pdarray, Strings, "Categorical"],
    invert: bool = False,
) -> pdarray:
    Test whether each element of a 1-D array is also present in a second array.

    Returns a boolean array the same length as `pda1` that is True
    where an element of `pda1` is in `pda2` and False otherwise.

    pda1 : pdarray or Strings or Categorical
        Input array.
    pda2 : pdarray or Strings or Categorical
        The values against which to test each value of `pda1`. Must be the
        same type as `pda1`.
    invert : bool, optional
        If True, the values in the returned array are inverted (that is,
        False where an element of `pda1` is in `pda2` and True otherwise).
        Default is False. ``ak.in1d(a, b, invert=True)`` is equivalent
        to (but is faster than) ``~ak.in1d(a, b)``.

    pdarray, bool
        The values `pda1[in1d]` are in `pda2`.

        Raised if either pda1 or pda2 is not a pdarray, Strings, or
        Categorical object or if invert is not a bool
        Raised if the dtype of either array is not supported

    See Also
    arkouda.groupbyclass.unique, intersect1d, union1d

    `in1d` can be considered as an element-wise function version of the
    python keyword `in`, for 1-D sequences. ``in1d(a, b)`` is logically
    equivalent to ``ak.array([item in b for item in a])``, but is much
    faster and scales to arbitrarily large ``a``.

    ak.in1d is not supported for bool or float64 pdarrays

    >>> ak.in1d(ak.array([-1, 0, 1]), ak.array([-2, 0, 2]))
    array([False, True, False])

    >>> ak.in1d(ak.array(['one','two']),ak.array(['two', 'three','four','five']))
    array([False, True])
    from arkouda.categorical import Categorical as Categorical_

    if isinstance(pda1, pdarray) or isinstance(pda1, Strings) or isinstance(pda1, Categorical_):
        # While isinstance(thing, type) can be called on a tuple of types,
        # this causes an issue with mypy for unknown reasons.
        if pda1.size == 0:
            return zeros(0, dtype=akbool)
    if isinstance(pda2, pdarray) or isinstance(pda2, Strings) or isinstance(pda2, Categorical_):
        if pda2.size == 0:
            return zeros(pda1.size, dtype=akbool)
    if hasattr(pda1, "categories"):
        x = cast(Categorical_, pda1).in1d(pda2)
        return x if not invert else ~x
    elif isinstance(pda1, pdarray) and isinstance(pda2, pdarray):
        if pda1.dtype == bigint and pda2.dtype == bigint:
            return in1d(pda1.bigint_to_uint_arrays(), pda2.bigint_to_uint_arrays(), invert=invert)
        repMsg = generic_msg(
                "pda1": pda1,
                "pda2": pda2,
                "invert": invert,
        return create_pdarray(repMsg)
    elif isinstance(pda1, Strings) and isinstance(pda2, Strings):
        repMsg = generic_msg(
                "objType": pda1.objType,
                "obj": pda1.entry,
                "otherType": pda2.objType,
                "other": pda2.entry,
                "invert": invert,
        return create_pdarray(cast(str, repMsg))
        raise TypeError("Both pda1 and pda2 must be pdarray, Strings, or Categorical")

[docs] @typechecked def in1d( pda1: groupable, pda2: groupable, assume_unique: bool = False, symmetric: bool = False, invert: bool = False, ) -> groupable: """ Test whether each element of a 1-D array is also present in a second array. Returns a boolean array the same length as `pda1` that is True where an element of `pda1` is in `pda2` and False otherwise. Support multi-level -- test membership of rows of a in the set of rows of b. Parameters ---------- a : list of pdarrays, pdarray, Strings, or Categorical Rows are elements for which to test membership in b b : list of pdarrays, pdarray, Strings, or Categorical Rows are elements of the set in which to test membership assume_unique : bool If true, assume rows of a and b are each unique and sorted. By default, sort and unique them explicitly. symmetric: bool Return in1d(pda1, pda2), in1d(pda2, pda1) when pda1 and 2 are single items. invert : bool, optional If True, the values in the returned array are inverted (that is, False where an element of `pda1` is in `pda2` and True otherwise). Default is False. ``ak.in1d(a, b, invert=True)`` is equivalent to (but is faster than) ``~ak.in1d(a, b)``. Returns ------- True for each row in a that is contained in b Return Type ------------ pdarray, bool Notes ------ Only works for pdarrays of int64 dtype, float64, Strings, or Categorical """ from arkouda.alignment import NonUniqueError from arkouda.categorical import Categorical as Categorical_ if isinstance(pda1, (pdarray, Strings, Categorical_)): if isinstance(pda1, (Strings, Categorical_)) and not isinstance(pda2, (Strings, Categorical_)): raise TypeError("Arguments must have compatible types, Strings/Categorical") elif isinstance(pda1, pdarray) and not isinstance(pda2, pdarray): raise TypeError("If pda1 is pdarray, pda2 must also be pda2") elif isinstance(pda2, (pdarray, Strings, Categorical_)): if symmetric: return _in1d_single(pda1, pda2), _in1d_single(pda2, pda1, invert) return _in1d_single(pda1, pda2, invert) else: raise TypeError( "Inputs should both be Union[pdarray, Strings, Categorical] or both be " "Sequence[pdarray, Strings, Categorical]." " (Do not mix and match.)" ) atypes = np.array([ai.dtype for ai in pda1]) btypes = np.array([bi.dtype for bi in pda2]) if not (atypes == btypes).all(): raise TypeError("Array dtypes of arguments must match") if not assume_unique: ag = GroupBy(pda1) ua = ag.unique_keys bg = GroupBy(pda2) ub = bg.unique_keys else: ua = pda1 ub = pda2 # Key for deinterleaving result isa = concatenate((ones(ua[0].size, dtype=akbool), zeros(ub[0].size, dtype=akbool)), ordered=False) c = [concatenate(x, ordered=False) for x in zip(ua, ub)] g = GroupBy(c) k, ct = g.size() if assume_unique: # need to verify uniqueness, otherwise answer will be wrong if (g.sum(isa)[1] > 1).any(): raise NonUniqueError("Called with assume_unique=True, but first argument is not unique") if (g.sum(~isa)[1] > 1).any(): raise NonUniqueError("Called with assume_unique=True, but second argument is not unique") # Where value appears twice, it is present in both a and b # truth = answer in c domain truth = g.broadcast(ct == 2, permute=True) if assume_unique: # Deinterleave truth into a and b domains if symmetric: return truth[isa], truth[~isa] if not invert else ~truth[isa], ~truth[~isa] else: return truth[isa] if not invert else ~truth[isa] else: # If didn't start unique, first need to deinterleave into ua domain, # then broadcast to a domain atruth = ag.broadcast(truth[isa], permute=True) if symmetric: btruth = bg.broadcast(truth[~isa], permute=True) return atruth, btruth if not invert else ~atruth, ~btruth else: return atruth if not invert else ~atruth
def in1dmulti(a, b, assume_unique=False, symmetric=False): """ Alias for in1d to maintain backwards compatibility. Calls in1d. """ return in1d(a, b, assume_unique=assume_unique, symmetric=symmetric)
[docs] def indexof1d(query: groupable, space: groupable) -> pdarray: """ Return indices of query items in a search list of items. Items not found will be excluded. When duplicate terms are present in search space return indices of all occurrences. Parameters ---------- query : (sequence of) pdarray or Strings or Categorical The items to search for. If multiple arrays, each "row" is an item. space : (sequence of) pdarray or Strings or Categorical The set of items in which to search. Must have same shape/dtype as query. Returns ------- indices : pdarray, int64 For each item in query, its index in space. Notes ----- This is an alias of `ak.find(query, space, all_occurrences=True, remove_missing=True).values` Examples -------- >>> select_from = ak.arange(10) >>> arr1 = select_from[ak.randint(0, select_from.size, 20, seed=10)] >>> arr2 = select_from[ak.randint(0, select_from.size, 20, seed=11)] # remove some values to ensure we have some values # which don't appear in the search space >>> arr2 = arr2[arr2 != 9] >>> arr2 = arr2[arr2 != 3] >>> ak.indexof1d(arr1, arr2) array([0 4 1 3 10 2 6 12 13 5 7 8 9 14 5 7 11 15 5 7 0 4]) Raises ------ TypeError Raised if either `keys` or `arr` is not a pdarray, Strings, or Categorical object RuntimeError Raised if the dtype of either array is not supported """ from arkouda.categorical import Categorical as Categorical_ if isinstance(query, (pdarray, Strings, Categorical_)): if isinstance(query, (Strings, Categorical_)) and not isinstance(space, (Strings, Categorical_)): raise TypeError("Arguments must have compatible types, Strings/Categorical") elif isinstance(query, pdarray) and not isinstance(space, pdarray): raise TypeError("If keys is pdarray, arr must also be pdarray") from arkouda.alignment import find as akfind found = akfind(query, space, all_occurrences=True, remove_missing=True) return found if isinstance(found, pdarray) else found.values
# fmt: off
[docs] @typechecked def concatenate( arrays: Sequence[Union[pdarray, Strings, "Categorical", ]], ordered: bool = True, ) -> Union[pdarray, Strings, Categorical, Sequence[Categorical]]: """ Concatenate a list or tuple of ``pdarray`` or ``Strings`` objects into one ``pdarray`` or ``Strings`` object, respectively. Parameters ---------- arrays : Sequence[Union[pdarray,Strings,Categorical]] The arrays to concatenate. Must all have same dtype. ordered : bool If True (default), the arrays will be appended in the order given. If False, array data may be interleaved in blocks, which can greatly improve performance but results in non-deterministic ordering of elements. Returns ------- Union[pdarray,Strings,Categorical] Single pdarray or Strings object containing all values, returned in the original order Raises ------ ValueError Raised if arrays is empty or if 1..n pdarrays have differing dtypes TypeError Raised if arrays is not a pdarrays or Strings python Sequence such as a list or tuple RuntimeError Raised if 1..n array elements are dtypes for which concatenate has not been implemented. Examples -------- >>> ak.concatenate([ak.array([1, 2, 3]), ak.array([4, 5, 6])]) array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]) >>> ak.concatenate([ak.array([True,False,True]),ak.array([False,True,True])]) array([True, False, True, False, True, True]) >>> ak.concatenate([ak.array(['one','two']),ak.array(['three','four','five'])]) array(['one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five']) """ from arkouda.categorical import Categorical as Categorical_ from arkouda.numpy.dtypes import int_scalars from arkouda.util import get_callback size: int_scalars = 0 objtype = None dtype = None names = [] if ordered: mode = "append" else: mode = "interleave" if len(arrays) < 1: raise ValueError("concatenate called on empty iterable") callback = get_callback(list(arrays)[0]) if len(arrays) == 1: # return object as it's original type return callback(arrays[0]) types = {type(x) for x in arrays} if len(types) != 1: raise TypeError(f"Items must all have same type: {types}") if isinstance(arrays[0], BitVector): # everything should be a BitVector because all have the same type, but do isinstance for mypy widths = {x.width for x in arrays if isinstance(x, BitVector)} revs = {x.reverse for x in arrays if isinstance(x, BitVector)} if len(widths) != 1 or len(revs) != 1: raise TypeError("BitVectors must all have same width and direction") if hasattr(arrays[0], "concatenate"): return cast( Sequence[Categorical_], cast(Categorical_, arrays[0]).concatenate( cast(Sequence[Categorical_], arrays[1:]), ordered=ordered ), ) for a in arrays: if not isinstance(a, pdarray) and not isinstance(a, Strings): raise TypeError("arrays must be an iterable of pdarrays or Strings") if objtype is None: objtype = a.objType if objtype == pdarray.objType: if dtype is None: dtype = a.dtype elif dtype != a.dtype: raise ValueError("All pdarrays must have same dtype") names.append(cast(pdarray, a).name) elif objtype == Strings.objType: names.append(cast(Strings, a) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"concatenate not implemented for object type {objtype}") size += a.size if size == 0: if objtype == "pdarray": return callback(zeros_like(cast(pdarray, arrays[0]))) else: return arrays[0] repMsg = generic_msg( cmd="concatenate", args={ "nstr": len(arrays), "objType": objtype, "mode": mode, "names": names, }) if objtype == pdarray.objType: return callback(create_pdarray(cast(str, repMsg))) elif objtype == Strings.objType: # ConcatenateMsg returns created attrib(name)+created nbytes=123 return Strings.from_return_msg(cast(str, repMsg)) else: raise TypeError("arrays must be an array of pdarray or Strings objects")
# fmt:on def multiarray_setop_validation( pda1: Sequence[groupable_element_type], pda2: Sequence[groupable_element_type] ): from arkouda.categorical import Categorical as Categorical_ if len(pda1) != len(pda2): raise ValueError("multi-array setops require same number of arrays in arguments.") size1 = {x.size for x in pda1} if len(size1) > 1: raise ValueError("multi-array setops require arrays in pda1 be the same size.") size2 = {x.size for x in pda2} if len(size2) > 1: raise ValueError("multi-array setops require arrays in pda2 be the same size.") atypes = [akint64 if isinstance(x, Categorical_) else x.dtype for x in pda1] btypes = [akint64 if isinstance(x, Categorical_) else x.dtype for x in pda2] if not atypes == btypes: raise TypeError("Array dtypes of arguments must match") # (A1 | A2) Set Union: elements are in one or the other or both
[docs] @typechecked def union1d( pda1: groupable, pda2: groupable, ) -> groupable: """ Find the union of two arrays/List of Arrays. Return the unique, sorted array of values that are in either of the two input arrays. Parameters ---------- pda1 : pdarray/Sequence[pdarray, Strings, Categorical] Input array/Sequence of groupable objects pda2 : pdarray/List Input array/sequence of groupable objects Returns ------- pdarray/groupable Unique, sorted union of the input arrays. Raises ------ TypeError Raised if either pda1 or pda2 is not a pdarray RuntimeError Raised if the dtype of either array is not supported See Also -------- intersect1d, arkouda.groupbyclass.unique Notes ----- ak.union1d is not supported for bool or float64 pdarrays Examples -------- >>> # 1D Example >>> ak.union1d(ak.array([-1, 0, 1]), ak.array([-2, 0, 2])) array([-2, -1, 0, 1, 2]) #Multi-Array Example >>> a = ak.arange(1, 6) >>> b = ak.array([1, 5, 3, 4, 2]) >>> c = ak.array([1, 4, 3, 2, 5]) >>> d = ak.array([1, 2, 3, 5, 4]) >>> multia = [a, a, a] >>> multib = [b, c, d] >>> ak.union1d(multia, multib) [array[1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5], array[1, 2, 5, 3, 2, 4, 4, 5], array[1, 2, 4, 3, 5, 4, 2, 5]] """ from arkouda.categorical import Categorical as Categorical_ if ( isinstance(pda1, (pdarray, Strings, Categorical_)) and isinstance(pda2, (pdarray, Strings, Categorical_)) and type(pda1) is type(pda2) ): if pda1.size == 0: return pda2 # union is pda2 if pda2.size == 0: return pda1 # union is pda1 if ( pda1.dtype == int and pda2.dtype == int or (pda1.dtype == akuint64 and pda2.dtype == akuint64) ): repMsg = generic_msg(cmd="union1d", args={"arg1": pda1, "arg2": pda2}) return cast(pdarray, create_pdarray(repMsg)) x = cast( pdarray, unique(cast(pdarray, concatenate((unique(pda1), unique(pda2)), ordered=False))) ) return x[argsort(x)] elif isinstance(pda1, Sequence) and isinstance(pda2, Sequence): multiarray_setop_validation(pda1, pda2) ag = GroupBy(pda1) ua = ag.unique_keys bg = GroupBy(pda2) ub = bg.unique_keys c = [concatenate(x, ordered=False) for x in zip(ua, ub)] g = GroupBy(c) k, ct = g.size() return list(k) else: raise TypeError( f"Both pda1 and pda2 must be pdarray, List, or Tuple. Received {type(pda1)} and {type(pda2)}" )
# (A1 & A2) Set Intersection: elements have to be in both arrays
[docs] @typechecked def intersect1d( pda1: groupable, pda2: groupable, assume_unique: bool = False ) -> Union[pdarray, groupable]: """ Find the intersection of two arrays. Return the sorted, unique values that are in both of the input arrays. Parameters ---------- pda1 : pdarray/Sequence[pdarray, Strings, Categorical] Input array/Sequence of groupable objects pda2 : pdarray/List Input array/sequence of groupable objects assume_unique : bool If True, the input arrays are both assumed to be unique, which can speed up the calculation. Default is False. Returns ------- pdarray/groupable Sorted 1D array/List of sorted pdarrays of common and unique elements. Raises ------ TypeError Raised if either pda1 or pda2 is not a pdarray RuntimeError Raised if the dtype of either pdarray is not supported See Also -------- arkouda.groupbyclass.unique, union1d Notes ----- ak.intersect1d is not supported for bool or float64 pdarrays Examples -------- >>> # 1D Example >>> ak.intersect1d([1, 3, 4, 3], [3, 1, 2, 1]) array([1, 3]) # Multi-Array Example >>> a = ak.arange(5) >>> b = ak.array([1, 5, 3, 4, 2]) >>> c = ak.array([1, 4, 3, 2, 5]) >>> d = ak.array([1, 2, 3, 5, 4]) >>> multia = [a, a, a] >>> multib = [b, c, d] >>> ak.intersect1d(multia, multib) [array([1, 3]), array([1, 3]), array([1, 3])] """ from arkouda.categorical import Categorical as Categorical_ if ( isinstance(pda1, (pdarray, Strings, Categorical_)) and isinstance(pda2, (pdarray, Strings, Categorical_)) and type(pda1) is type(pda2) ): if pda1.size == 0: return pda1 # nothing in the intersection if pda2.size == 0: return pda2 # nothing in the intersection if (pda1.dtype == int and pda2.dtype == int) or ( pda1.dtype == akuint64 and pda2.dtype == akuint64 ): repMsg = generic_msg( cmd="intersect1d", args={"arg1": pda1, "arg2": pda2, "assume_unique": assume_unique} ) return create_pdarray(cast(str, repMsg)) if not assume_unique: pda1 = cast(pdarray, unique(pda1)) pda2 = cast(pdarray, unique(pda2)) aux = concatenate((pda1, pda2), ordered=False) aux_sort_indices = argsort(aux) aux = aux[aux_sort_indices] mask = aux[1:] == aux[:-1] int1d = aux[:-1][mask] return int1d elif (isinstance(pda1, list) or isinstance(pda1, tuple)) and ( isinstance(pda2, list) or isinstance(pda2, tuple) ): multiarray_setop_validation(pda1, pda2) if not assume_unique: ag = GroupBy(pda1) ua = ag.unique_keys bg = GroupBy(pda2) ub = bg.unique_keys else: ua = pda1 ub = pda2 # Key for deinterleaving result isa = concatenate( (ones(ua[0].size, dtype=akbool), zeros(ub[0].size, dtype=akbool)), ordered=False ) c = [concatenate(x, ordered=False) for x in zip(ua, ub)] g = GroupBy(c) if assume_unique: # need to verify uniqueness, otherwise answer will be wrong if (g.sum(isa)[1] > 1).any(): raise ValueError("Called with assume_unique=True, but first argument is not unique") if (g.sum(~isa)[1] > 1).any(): raise ValueError("Called with assume_unique=True, but second argument is not unique") k, ct = g.size() in_union = ct == 2 return [x[in_union] for x in k] else: raise TypeError( f"Both pda1 and pda2 must be pdarray, List, or Tuple. Received {type(pda1)} and {type(pda2)}" )
# (A1 - A2) Set Difference: elements have to be in first array but not second
[docs] @typechecked def setdiff1d( pda1: groupable, pda2: groupable, assume_unique: bool = False ) -> Union[pdarray, groupable]: """ Find the set difference of two arrays. Return the sorted, unique values in `pda1` that are not in `pda2`. Parameters ---------- pda1 : pdarray/Sequence[pdarray, Strings, Categorical] Input array/Sequence of groupable objects pda2 : pdarray/List Input array/sequence of groupable objects assume_unique : bool If True, the input arrays are both assumed to be unique, which can speed up the calculation. Default is False. Returns ------- pdarray/groupable Sorted 1D array/List of sorted pdarrays of values in `pda1` that are not in `pda2`. Raises ------ TypeError Raised if either pda1 or pda2 is not a pdarray RuntimeError Raised if the dtype of either pdarray is not supported See Also -------- arkouda.groupbyclass.unique, setxor1d Notes ----- ak.setdiff1d is not supported for bool or float64 pdarrays Examples -------- >>> a = ak.array([1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 1]) >>> b = ak.array([3, 4, 5, 6]) >>> ak.setdiff1d(a, b) array([1, 2]) #Multi-Array Example >>> a = ak.arange(1, 6) >>> b = ak.array([1, 5, 3, 4, 2]) >>> c = ak.array([1, 4, 3, 2, 5]) >>> d = ak.array([1, 2, 3, 5, 4]) >>> multia = [a, a, a] >>> multib = [b, c, d] >>> ak.setdiff1d(multia, multib) [array([2, 4, 5]), array([2, 4, 5]), array([2, 4, 5])] """ from arkouda.categorical import Categorical as Categorical_ if ( isinstance(pda1, (pdarray, Strings, Categorical_)) and isinstance(pda2, (pdarray, Strings, Categorical_)) and type(pda1) is type(pda2) ): if pda1.size == 0: return pda1 # return a zero length pdarray if pda2.size == 0: return pda1 # subtracting nothing return orig pdarray if (pda1.dtype == int and pda2.dtype == int) or ( pda1.dtype == akuint64 and pda2.dtype == akuint64 ): repMsg = generic_msg( cmd="setdiff1d", args={"arg1": pda1, "arg2": pda2, "assume_unique": assume_unique} ) return create_pdarray(cast(str, repMsg)) if not assume_unique: pda1 = cast(pdarray, unique(pda1)) pda2 = cast(pdarray, unique(pda2)) x = pda1[in1d(pda1, pda2, invert=True)] return x[argsort(x)] elif (isinstance(pda1, list) or isinstance(pda1, tuple)) and ( isinstance(pda2, list) or isinstance(pda2, tuple) ): multiarray_setop_validation(pda1, pda2) if not assume_unique: ag = GroupBy(pda1) ua = ag.unique_keys bg = GroupBy(pda2) ub = bg.unique_keys else: ua = pda1 ub = pda2 # Key for deinterleaving result isa = concatenate( (ones(ua[0].size, dtype=akbool), zeros(ub[0].size, dtype=akbool)), ordered=False ) c = [concatenate(x, ordered=False) for x in zip(ua, ub)] g = GroupBy(c) if assume_unique: # need to verify uniqueness, otherwise answer will be wrong if (g.sum(isa)[1] > 1).any(): raise ValueError("Called with assume_unique=True, but first argument is not unique") if (g.sum(~isa)[1] > 1).any(): raise ValueError("Called with assume_unique=True, but second argument is not unique") k, ct = g.size() truth = g.broadcast(ct == 1, permute=True) atruth = truth[isa] return [x[atruth] for x in ua] else: raise TypeError( f"Both pda1 and pda2 must be pdarray, List, or Tuple. Received {type(pda1)} and {type(pda2)}" )
# (A1 ^ A2) Set Symmetric Difference: elements are not in the intersection
[docs] @typechecked def setxor1d(pda1: groupable, pda2: groupable, assume_unique: bool = False) -> Union[pdarray, groupable]: """ Find the set exclusive-or (symmetric difference) of two arrays. Return the sorted, unique values that are in only one (not both) of the input arrays. Parameters ---------- pda1 : pdarray/Sequence[pdarray, Strings, Categorical] Input array/Sequence of groupable objects pda2 : pdarray/List Input array/sequence of groupable objects assume_unique : bool If True, the input arrays are both assumed to be unique, which can speed up the calculation. Default is False. Returns ------- pdarray/groupable Sorted 1D array/List of sorted pdarrays of unique values that are in only one of the input arrays. Raises ------ TypeError Raised if either pda1 or pda2 is not a pdarray RuntimeError Raised if the dtype of either pdarray is not supported Notes ----- ak.setxor1d is not supported for bool or float64 pdarrays Examples -------- >>> a = ak.array([1, 2, 3, 2, 4]) >>> b = ak.array([2, 3, 5, 7, 5]) >>> ak.setxor1d(a,b) array([1, 4, 5, 7]) #Multi-Array Example >>> a = ak.arange(1, 6) >>> b = ak.array([1, 5, 3, 4, 2]) >>> c = ak.array([1, 4, 3, 2, 5]) >>> d = ak.array([1, 2, 3, 5, 4]) >>> multia = [a, a, a] >>> multib = [b, c, d] >>> ak.setxor1d(multia, multib) [array([2, 2, 4, 4, 5, 5]), array([2, 5, 2, 4, 4, 5]), array([2, 4, 5, 4, 2, 5])] """ from arkouda.categorical import Categorical as Categorical_ if ( isinstance(pda1, (pdarray, Strings, Categorical_)) and isinstance(pda2, (pdarray, Strings, Categorical_)) and type(pda1) is type(pda2) ): if pda1.size == 0: return pda2 # return other pdarray if pda1 is empty if pda2.size == 0: return pda1 # return other pdarray if pda2 is empty if (pda1.dtype == int and pda2.dtype == int) or ( pda1.dtype == akuint64 and pda2.dtype == akuint64 ): repMsg = generic_msg( cmd="setxor1d", args={"arg1": pda1, "arg2": pda2, "assume_unique": assume_unique} ) return create_pdarray(cast(str, repMsg)) if not assume_unique: pda1 = cast(pdarray, unique(pda1)) pda2 = cast(pdarray, unique(pda2)) aux = concatenate((pda1, pda2), ordered=False) aux_sort_indices = argsort(aux) aux = aux[aux_sort_indices] flag = concatenate((array([True]), aux[1:] != aux[:-1], array([True]))) return aux[flag[1:] & flag[:-1]] elif (isinstance(pda1, list) or isinstance(pda1, tuple)) and ( isinstance(pda2, list) or isinstance(pda2, tuple) ): multiarray_setop_validation(pda1, pda2) if not assume_unique: ag = GroupBy(pda1) ua = ag.unique_keys bg = GroupBy(pda2) ub = bg.unique_keys else: ua = pda1 ub = pda2 # Key for deinterleaving result isa = concatenate( (ones(ua[0].size, dtype=akbool), zeros(ub[0].size, dtype=akbool)), ordered=False ) c = [concatenate(x, ordered=False) for x in zip(ua, ub)] g = GroupBy(c) if assume_unique: # need to verify uniqueness, otherwise answer will be wrong if (g.sum(isa)[1] > 1).any(): raise ValueError("Called with assume_unique=True, but first argument is not unique") if (g.sum(~isa)[1] > 1).any(): raise ValueError("Called with assume_unique=True, but second argument is not unique") k, ct = g.size() single = ct == 1 return [x[single] for x in k] else: raise TypeError( f"Both pda1 and pda2 must be pdarray, List, or Tuple. Received {type(pda1)} and {type(pda2)}" )