Source code for arkouda.matcher

import json
import re
from typing import cast

from arkouda.client import generic_msg
from arkouda.dtypes import str_scalars
from arkouda.infoclass import list_symbol_table
from arkouda.logger import getArkoudaLogger
from arkouda.match import Match, MatchType
from arkouda.pdarrayclass import create_pdarray, pdarray

[docs] class Matcher: LocationsInfo = frozenset( [ "num_matches", "starts", "lengths", "search_bool", "search_ind", "match_bool", "match_ind", "full_match_bool", "full_match_ind", ] ) def __init__(self, pattern: str_scalars, parent_entry_name: str) -> None: self.objType = type(self).__name__ try: self.pattern = pattern re.compile(self.pattern) except Exception as e: raise ValueError(e) self.parent_entry_name = parent_entry_name self.num_matches: pdarray self.starts: pdarray self.lengths: pdarray self.indices: pdarray self.search_bool: pdarray self.search_ind: pdarray self.match_bool: pdarray self.match_ind: pdarray self.full_match_bool: pdarray self.full_match_ind: pdarray self.populated = False self.logger = getArkoudaLogger(name=__class__.__name__) # type: ignore
[docs] def find_locations(self) -> None: """ Populates Matcher object by finding the positions of matches """ sym_tab = list_symbol_table() if not self.populated or any( [getattr(self, pda).name not in sym_tab for pda in self.LocationsInfo] ): repMsg = cast( str, generic_msg( cmd="segmentedFindLoc", args={ "objType": self.objType, "parent_name": self.parent_entry_name, "groupNum": 0, # groupNum is 0 for regular matches "pattern": self.pattern, }, ), ) created_map = json.loads(repMsg) self.num_matches = create_pdarray(created_map["NumMatches"]) self.starts = create_pdarray(created_map["Starts"]) self.lengths = create_pdarray(created_map["Lens"]) self.indices = create_pdarray(created_map["Indices"]) self.search_bool = create_pdarray(created_map["SearchBool"]) self.search_ind = create_pdarray(created_map["SearchInd"]) self.match_bool = create_pdarray(created_map["MatchBool"]) self.match_ind = create_pdarray(created_map["MatchInd"]) self.full_match_bool = create_pdarray(created_map["FullMatchBool"]) self.full_match_ind = create_pdarray(created_map["FullMatchInd"]) self.populated = True
[docs] def get_match(self, match_type: MatchType, parent: object = None) -> Match: """ Create a Match object of type match_type """ self.find_locations() if match_type == MatchType.SEARCH: matched = self.search_bool indices = self.search_ind elif match_type == MatchType.MATCH: matched = self.match_bool indices = self.match_ind elif match_type == MatchType.FULLMATCH: matched = self.full_match_bool indices = self.full_match_ind else: raise ValueError(f"{match_type} is not a MatchType") match = Match( matched=matched, starts=self.starts[self.indices[matched]], lengths=self.lengths[self.indices[matched]], indices=indices, parent_entry_name=self.parent_entry_name, match_type=match_type, pattern=self.pattern, ) match._parent_obj = parent return match
[docs] def split(self, maxsplit: int = 0, return_segments: bool = False): """ Split string by the occurrences of pattern. If maxsplit is nonzero, at most maxsplit splits occur """ from arkouda.strings import Strings if, ""): raise ValueError("Cannot split or flatten with a pattern that matches the empty string") cmd = "segmentedSplit" repMsg = cast( str, generic_msg( cmd=cmd, args={ "parent_name": self.parent_entry_name, "objtype": self.objType, "max": maxsplit, "return_segs": return_segments, "pattern": self.pattern, }, ), ) if return_segments: arrays = repMsg.split("+", maxsplit=2) return Strings.from_return_msg("+".join(arrays[0:2])), create_pdarray(arrays[2]) else: return Strings.from_return_msg(repMsg)
[docs] def findall(self, return_match_origins: bool = False): """ Return all non-overlapping matches of pattern in Strings as a new Strings object """ from arkouda.strings import Strings self.find_locations() repMsg = cast( str, generic_msg( cmd="segmentedFindAll", args={ "objType": self.objType, "parent_name": self.parent_entry_name, "num_matches": self.num_matches, "starts": self.starts, "lengths": self.lengths, "indices": self.indices, "rtn_origins": return_match_origins, }, ), ) if return_match_origins: arrays = repMsg.split("+", maxsplit=2) return Strings.from_return_msg("+".join(arrays[0:2])), create_pdarray(arrays[2]) else: return Strings.from_return_msg(repMsg)
[docs] def sub(self, repl: str, count: int = 0, return_num_subs: bool = False): """ Return the Strings obtained by replacing non-overlapping occurrences of pattern with the replacement repl. If count is nonzero, at most count substitutions occur If return_num_subs is True, return the number of substitutions that occurred """ from arkouda.strings import Strings repMsg = cast( str, generic_msg( cmd="segmentedSub", args={ "objType": self.objType, "obj": self.parent_entry_name, "repl": repl, "count": count, "rtn_num_subs": return_num_subs, "pattern": self.pattern, }, ), ) if return_num_subs: arrays = repMsg.split("+", maxsplit=2) return Strings.from_return_msg("+".join(arrays[0:2])), create_pdarray(arrays[2]) else: return Strings.from_return_msg(repMsg)