from __future__ import annotations
import enum
import json
from typing import (
from arkouda.numpy.dtypes import dtype as akdtype
from arkouda.categorical import Categorical
import numpy as np
from typeguard import typechecked
from arkouda.client import generic_msg
from arkouda.numpy.dtypes import _val_isinstance_of_union, bigint
from arkouda.numpy.dtypes import float64 as akfloat64
from arkouda.numpy.dtypes import float_scalars
from arkouda.numpy.dtypes import int64 as akint64
from arkouda.numpy.dtypes import int_scalars
from arkouda.numpy.dtypes import uint64 as akuint64
from arkouda.logger import getArkoudaLogger
from arkouda.pdarrayclass import RegistrationError, create_pdarray, is_sorted, pdarray
from arkouda.pdarraycreation import arange, full
from arkouda.random import default_rng
from arkouda.sorting import argsort, sort
from arkouda.strings import Strings
__all__ = ["unique", "GroupBy", "broadcast", "GROUPBY_REDUCTION_TYPES"]
groupable_element_type = Union[pdarray, Strings, "Categorical"]
groupable = Union[groupable_element_type, Sequence[groupable_element_type]]
# Note: we won't be typechecking GroupBy until we can figure out a way to handle
# the circular import with Categorical
def _get_grouping_keys(pda: groupable):
nkeys = 1
if hasattr(pda, "_get_grouping_keys"):
# Single groupable array
grouping_keys = cast(list, cast(groupable_element_type, pda)._get_grouping_keys())
# Sequence of groupable arrays
nkeys = len(pda)
grouping_keys = []
for k in pda:
if k.size != pda[0].size:
raise ValueError("Key arrays must all be same size")
if not hasattr(k, "_get_grouping_keys"):
raise TypeError(f"{type(k)} does not support grouping")
grouping_keys.extend(cast(list, k._get_grouping_keys()))
return grouping_keys, nkeys
def unique(
pda: groupable,
return_groups: bool = False,
assume_sorted: bool = False,
return_indices: bool = False,
) -> Union[groupable, Tuple[groupable, pdarray, pdarray, int]]:
Find the unique elements of an array.
Returns the unique elements of an array, sorted if the values are integers.
There is an optional output in addition to the unique elements: the number
of times each unique value comes up in the input array.
pda : (list of) pdarray, Strings, or Categorical
Input array.
return_groups : bool, optional
If True, also return grouping information for the array.
assume_sorted : bool, optional
If True, assume pda is sorted and skip sorting step
return_indices: bool, optional
Only applicable if return_groups is True.
If True, return unique key indices along with other groups
unique : (list of) pdarray, Strings, or Categorical
The unique values. If input dtype is int64, return values will be sorted.
permutation : pdarray, optional
Permutation that groups equivalent values together (only when return_groups=True)
segments : pdarray, optional
The offset of each group in the permuted array (only when return_groups=True)
Raised if pda is not a pdarray or Strings object
Raised if the pdarray or Strings dtype is unsupported
For integer arrays, this function checks to see whether `pda` is sorted
and, if so, whether it is already unique. This step can save considerable
computation. Otherwise, this function will sort `pda`.
>>> A = ak.array([3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3])
>>> ak.unique(A)
array([1, 2, 3])
from arkouda.categorical import Categorical as Categorical_
if not return_groups and hasattr(pda, "unique"):
return cast(Categorical_, pda).unique()
# Get all grouping keys
grouping_keys, nkeys = _get_grouping_keys(pda)
keynames = [ for k in grouping_keys]
keytypes = [k.objType for k in grouping_keys]
effectiveKeys = len(grouping_keys)
repMsg = generic_msg(
"returnGroupStr": return_groups,
"assumeSortedStr": assume_sorted,
"nstr": effectiveKeys,
"keynames": keynames,
"keytypes": keytypes,
if return_groups:
parts = cast(str, repMsg).split("+")
permutation = create_pdarray(cast(str, parts[0]))
segments = create_pdarray(cast(str, parts[1]))
unique_key_indices = create_pdarray(cast(str, parts[2]))
unique_key_indices = create_pdarray(cast(str, repMsg))
if nkeys == 1 and not isinstance(pda, Sequence):
unique_keys = pda[unique_key_indices]
unique_keys = tuple(a[unique_key_indices] for a in pda)
if return_groups:
groups = unique_keys, permutation, segments, nkeys
return *groups, unique_key_indices if return_indices else groups
return unique_keys
class GroupByReductionType(enum.Enum):
SUM = "sum"
COUNT = "count"
PROD = "prod"
VAR = "var"
STD = "std"
MEAN = "mean"
MEDIAN = "median"
MIN = "min"
MAX = "max"
ARGMIN = "argmin"
ARGMAX = "argmax"
NUNUNIQUE = "nunique"
ANY = "any"
ALL = "all"
OR = "or"
AND = "and"
XOR = "xor"
FIRST = "first"
MODE = "mode"
UNIQUE = "unique"
def __str__(self) -> str:
Overridden method returns value, which is useful in outputting
a GroupByReductionType as a request parameter
return self.value
def __repr__(self) -> str:
Overridden method returns value, which is useful in outputting
a GroupByReductionType as a request parameter
return self.value
[member.value for _, member in GroupByReductionType.__members__.items()]
class GroupBy:
Group an array or list of arrays by value, usually in preparation
for aggregating the within-group values of another array.
keys : (list of) pdarray, Strings, or Categorical
The array to group by value, or if list, the column arrays to group by row
assume_sorted : bool
If True, assume keys is already sorted (Default: False)
nkeys : int
The number of key arrays (columns)
size : int
The length of the input array(s), i.e. number of rows
permutation : pdarray
The permutation that sorts the keys array(s) by value (row)
unique_keys : (list of) pdarray, Strings, or Categorical
The unique values of the keys array(s), in grouped order
ngroups : int
The length of the unique_keys array(s), i.e. number of groups
segments : pdarray
The start index of each group in the grouped array(s)
logger : ArkoudaLogger
Used for all logging operations
dropna : bool (default=True)
If True, and the groupby keys contain NaN values,
the NaN values together with the corresponding row will be dropped.
Otherwise, the rows corresponding to NaN values will be kept.
Raised if keys is a pdarray with a dtype other than int64
Integral pdarrays, Strings, and Categoricals are natively supported, but
float64 and bool arrays are not.
For a user-defined class to be groupable, it must inherit from pdarray
and define or overload the grouping API:
1) a ._get_grouping_keys() method that returns a list of pdarrays
that can be (co)argsorted.
2) (Optional) a .group() method that returns the permutation that
groups the array
If the input is a single array with a .group() method defined, method 2
will be used; otherwise, method 1 will be used.
objType = "GroupBy"
def __init__(
keys: Optional[groupable] = None,
assume_sorted: bool = False,
dropna: bool = True,
from arkouda.numeric import isnan
def drop_na_keys():
if self.dropna is True:
if isinstance(self.keys, pdarray) and self.keys.dtype == akfloat64:
self.keys = self.keys[~isnan(self.keys)]
elif isinstance(self.keys, list):
is_not_nan = [
for key in self.keys
if isinstance(key, pdarray) and key.dtype == akfloat64
if len(is_not_nan) > 0:
use_value = is_not_nan[0]
for bool_arry in is_not_nan:
use_value = use_value & bool_arry
self.keys = [key[use_value] for key in keys]
# Type Checks required because @typechecked was removed for causing other issues
# This prevents non-bool values that can be evaluated to true (ie non-empty arrays)
# from causing unexpected results. Experienced when forgetting to wrap multiple key arrays in [].
# See Issue #1267
self.registered_name: Optional[str] = None
if not isinstance(assume_sorted, bool):
raise TypeError("assume_sorted must be of type bool.")
self.logger = getArkoudaLogger(name=self.__class__.__name__)
self.assume_sorted = assume_sorted
self.dropna = dropna
if (
"orig_keys" in kwargs
and "permutation" in kwargs
and "unique_keys" in kwargs
and "segments" in kwargs
self.keys = cast(groupable, kwargs.get("orig_keys", None))
self.unique_keys = kwargs.get("unique_keys", None)
self.permutation = kwargs.get("permutation", None)
self.segments = kwargs.get("segments", None)
self.nkeys = len(self.keys)
self._uki = self.permutation[self.segments]
elif (
"orig_keys" in kwargs
and "permutation" in kwargs
and "uki" in kwargs
and "segments" in kwargs
self.keys = cast(groupable, kwargs.get("orig_keys", None))
self._uki = kwargs.get("uki", None)
self.permutation = kwargs.get("permutation", None)
self.segments = kwargs.get("segments", None)
self.nkeys = len(self.keys) if isinstance(self.keys, Sequence) else 1
if not isinstance(self.keys, Sequence):
self.unique_keys = self.keys[self._uki]
self.unique_keys = tuple(a[self._uki] for a in self.keys)
elif keys is None:
raise ValueError("No keys passed to GroupBy.")
self.keys = cast(groupable, keys)
) = unique( # type: ignore
self.length = self.permutation.size
self.ngroups = self.segments.size
def from_return_msg(rep_msg):
from arkouda.categorical import Categorical as Categorical_
data = json.loads(rep_msg)
perm = create_pdarray(data["permutation"])
segs = create_pdarray(data["segments"])
uki = create_pdarray(data["uki"])
keys = []
for k in sorted(data.keys()): # sort keys to ensure order
create_data = data[k]
if k == "permutation" or k == "segments" or k == "uki":
comps = create_data.split("+|+")
if comps[0] == pdarray.objType.upper():
elif comps[0] == Strings.objType.upper():
elif comps[0] == Categorical_.objType.upper():
if len(keys) == 1:
keys = keys[0]
return GroupBy(orig_keys=keys, permutation=perm, segments=segs, uki=uki)
def to_hdf(
Save the GroupBy to HDF5. The result is a collection of HDF5 files, one file
per locale of the arkouda server, where each filename starts with prefix_path.
prefix_path : str
Directory and filename prefix that all output files will share
dataset : str
Name prefix for saved data within the HDF5 file
mode : str {'truncate' | 'append'}
By default, truncate (overwrite) output files, if they exist.
If 'append', add data as a new column to existing files.
file_type: str ("single" | "distribute")
Default: "distribute"
When set to single, dataset is written to a single file.
When distribute, dataset is written on a file per locale.
This is only supported by HDF5 files and will have no impact of Parquet Files.
GroupBy is not currently supported by Parquet
from arkouda.categorical import Categorical as Categorical_
from import _file_type_to_int, _mode_str_to_int
keys = self.keys if isinstance(self.keys, Sequence) else [self.keys]
objTypes = [k.objType for k in keys] # pdarray, Strings, and Categorical all have objType prop
dtypes = [k.categories.dtype if isinstance(k, Categorical_) else k.dtype for k in keys]
# access the names of the key or names of properties for categorical
gb_keys = [
if not isinstance(k, Categorical_)
else json.dumps(
**({"permutation":} if k.permutation is not None else {}),
**({"segments":} if k.segments is not None else {}),
for k in keys
"num_keys": len(gb_keys),
"key_names": gb_keys,
"key_dtypes": dtypes,
"key_objTypes": objTypes,
"unique_key_idx": self._uki,
"permutation": self.permutation,
"segments": self.segments,
"dset": dataset,
"write_mode": _mode_str_to_int(mode),
"filename": prefix_path,
"objType": self.objType,
"file_format": _file_type_to_int(file_type),
def update_hdf(
prefix_path: str,
dataset: str = "groupby",
repack: bool = True,
from import (
# determine the format (single/distribute) that the file was saved in
file_type = _get_hdf_filetype(prefix_path + "*")
from arkouda.categorical import Categorical as Categorical_
keys = self.keys
if not isinstance(self.keys, Sequence):
keys = [self.keys]
objTypes = [k.objType for k in keys] # pdarray, Strings, and Categorical all have objType prop
dtypes = [k.categories.dtype if isinstance(k, Categorical_) else k.dtype for k in keys]
# access the names of the key or names of properties for categorical
gb_keys = [
if not isinstance(k, Categorical_)
else json.dumps(
**({"permutation":} if k.permutation is not None else {}),
**({"segments":} if k.segments is not None else {}),
for k in keys
"num_keys": len(gb_keys),
"key_names": gb_keys,
"key_dtypes": dtypes,
"key_objTypes": objTypes,
"unique_key_idx": self._uki,
"permutation": self.permutation,
"segments": self.segments,
"dset": dataset,
"write_mode": _mode_str_to_int("truncate"),
"filename": prefix_path,
"objType": self.objType,
"file_format": _file_type_to_int(file_type),
"overwrite": True,
if repack:
def size(self) -> Tuple[groupable, pdarray]:
Count the number of elements in each group, i.e. the number of times
each key appears. This counts the total number of rows (including NaN values).
unique_keys : (list of) pdarray or Strings
The unique keys, in grouped order
counts : pdarray, int64
The number of times each unique key appears
See Also
>>> a = ak.randint(1,5,10)
>>> a
array([3, 2, 3, 1, 2, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4])
>>> g = ak.GroupBy(a)
>>> keys,counts = g.size()
>>> keys
array([1, 2, 3, 4])
>>> counts
array([1, 2, 4, 3])
repMsg = generic_msg(
args={"segments": cast(pdarray, self.segments), "size": self.length},
return self.unique_keys, create_pdarray(repMsg)
def count(self, values: pdarray) -> Tuple[groupable, pdarray]:
Count the number of elements in each group. NaN values will be excluded from the total.
values: pdarray
The values to be count by group (excluding NaN values).
unique_keys : (list of) pdarray or Strings
The unique keys, in grouped order
counts : pdarray, int64
The number of times each unique key appears (excluding NaN values).
>>> a = ak.array([1, 0, -1, 1, 0, -1])
>>> a
array([1 0 -1 1 0 -1])
>>> b = ak.array([1, np.nan, -1, np.nan, np.nan, -1], dtype = "float64")
>>> b
array([1.00000000000000000 nan -1.00000000000000000 nan nan -1.00000000000000000])
>>> g = ak.GroupBy(a)
>>> keys,counts = g.count(b)
>>> keys
array([-1 0 1])
>>> counts
array([2 0 1])
k, v = self.aggregate(values, "count")
return k, cast(pdarray, v)
def aggregate(
values: groupable,
operator: str,
skipna: bool = True,
ddof: int_scalars = 1,
) -> Tuple[groupable, groupable]:
Using the permutation stored in the GroupBy instance, group another
array of values and apply a reduction to each group's values.
values : pdarray
The values to group and reduce
operator: str
The name of the reduction operator to use
skipna: bool
boolean which determines if NANs should be skipped
ddof : int_scalars
"Delta Degrees of Freedom" used in calculating std
unique_keys : groupable
The unique keys, in grouped order
aggregates : groupable
One aggregate value per unique key in the GroupBy instance
Raised if the values array is not a pdarray
Raised if the key array size does not match the values size or
if the operator is not in the GroupBy.Reductions array
Raised if the requested operator is not supported for the
values dtype
>>> keys = ak.arange(0, 10)
>>> vals = ak.linspace(-1, 1, 10)
>>> g = ak.GroupBy(keys)
>>> g.aggregate(vals, 'sum')
(array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]), array([-1, -0.77777777777777768,
-0.55555555555555536, -0.33333333333333348, -0.11111111111111116,
0.11111111111111116, 0.33333333333333348, 0.55555555555555536, 0.77777777777777768,
>>> g.aggregate(vals, 'min')
(array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]), array([-1, -0.77777777777777779,
-0.55555555555555558, -0.33333333333333337, -0.11111111111111116, 0.11111111111111116,
0.33333333333333326, 0.55555555555555536, 0.77777777777777768, 1]))
operator = operator.lower()
if operator not in self.Reductions:
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported reduction: {operator}\nMust be one of {self.Reductions}")
# TO DO: remove once logic is ported over to Chapel
if operator == "nunique":
return self.nunique(values)
if operator == "first":
return self.first(cast(groupable_element_type, values))
if operator == "mode":
return self.mode(values)
if operator == "unique":
return self.unique(values)
# All other aggregations operate on pdarray
if cast(pdarray, values).size != self.length:
raise ValueError("Attempt to group array using key array of different length")
if self.assume_sorted:
permuted_values = cast(pdarray, values)
permuted_values = cast(pdarray, values)[cast(pdarray, self.permutation)]
repMsg = generic_msg(
"values": permuted_values,
"segments": self.segments,
"op": operator,
"skip_nan": skipna,
"ddof": ddof,
if operator.startswith("arg"):
return (
cast(pdarray, self.permutation[create_pdarray(repMsg)]),
return self.unique_keys, create_pdarray(repMsg)
def sum(self, values: pdarray, skipna: bool = True) -> Tuple[groupable, pdarray]:
Using the permutation stored in the GroupBy instance, group
another array of values and sum each group's values.
values : pdarray
The values to group and sum
skipna: bool
boolean which determines if NANs should be skipped
unique_keys : (list of) pdarray or Strings
The unique keys, in grouped order
group_sums : pdarray
One sum per unique key in the GroupBy instance
Raised if the values array is not a pdarray object
Raised if the key array size does not match the values size or
if the operator is not in the GroupBy.Reductions array
The grouped sum of a boolean ``pdarray`` returns integers.
>>> a = ak.randint(1,5,10)
>>> a
array([3, 3, 4, 3, 3, 2, 3, 2, 4, 2])
>>> g = ak.GroupBy(a)
>>> g.keys
array([3, 3, 4, 3, 3, 2, 3, 2, 4, 2])
>>> b = ak.randint(1,5,10)
>>> b
array([3, 3, 3, 4, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 4])
>>> g.sum(b)
(array([2, 3, 4]), array([8, 14, 6]))
k, v = self.aggregate(values, "sum", skipna)
return k, cast(pdarray, v)
def prod(self, values: pdarray, skipna: bool = True) -> Tuple[groupable, pdarray]:
Using the permutation stored in the GroupBy instance, group
another array of values and compute the product of each group's
values : pdarray
The values to group and multiply
skipna: bool
boolean which determines if NANs should be skipped
unique_keys : (list of) pdarray or Strings
The unique keys, in grouped order
group_products : pdarray, float64
One product per unique key in the GroupBy instance
Raised if the values array is not a pdarray object
Raised if the key array size does not match the values size
or if the operator is not in the GroupBy.Reductions array
Raised if prod is not supported for the values dtype
The return dtype is always float64.
>>> a = ak.randint(1,5,10)
>>> a
array([3, 3, 4, 3, 3, 2, 3, 2, 4, 2])
>>> g = ak.GroupBy(a)
>>> g.keys
array([3, 3, 4, 3, 3, 2, 3, 2, 4, 2])
>>> b = ak.randint(1,5,10)
>>> b
array([3, 3, 3, 4, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 4])
(array([2, 3, 4]), array([12, 108.00000000000003, 8.9999999999999982]))
k, v = self.aggregate(values, "prod", skipna)
return k, cast(pdarray, v)
def var(
self, values: pdarray, skipna: bool = True, ddof: int_scalars = 1
) -> Tuple[groupable, pdarray]:
Using the permutation stored in the GroupBy instance, group
another array of values and compute the variance of
each group's values.
values : pdarray
The values to group and find variance
skipna: bool
boolean which determines if NANs should be skipped
ddof : int_scalars
"Delta Degrees of Freedom" used in calculating var
unique_keys : (list of) pdarray or Strings
The unique keys, in grouped order
group_vars : pdarray, float64
One var value per unique key in the GroupBy instance
Raised if the values array is not a pdarray object
Raised if the key array size does not match the values size
or if the operator is not in the GroupBy.Reductions array
The return dtype is always float64.
The variance is the average of the squared deviations from the mean,
i.e., ``var = mean((x - x.mean())**2)``.
The mean is normally calculated as ``x.sum() / N``, where ``N = len(x)``.
If, however, `ddof` is specified, the divisor ``N - ddof`` is used
instead. In standard statistical practice, ``ddof=1`` provides an
unbiased estimator of the variance of a hypothetical infinite population.
``ddof=0`` provides a maximum likelihood estimate of the variance for
normally distributed variables.
>>> a = ak.randint(1,5,10)
>>> a
array([3, 3, 4, 3, 3, 2, 3, 2, 4, 2])
>>> g = ak.GroupBy(a)
>>> g.keys
array([3, 3, 4, 3, 3, 2, 3, 2, 4, 2])
>>> b = ak.randint(1,5,10)
>>> b
array([3, 3, 3, 4, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 4])
>>> g.var(b)
(array([2 3 4]), array([2.333333333333333 1.2 0]))
k, v = self.aggregate(values, "var", skipna, ddof)
return k, cast(pdarray, v)
def std(
self, values: pdarray, skipna: bool = True, ddof: int_scalars = 1
) -> Tuple[groupable, pdarray]:
Using the permutation stored in the GroupBy instance, group
another array of values and compute the standard deviation of
each group's values.
values : pdarray
The values to group and find standard deviation
skipna: bool
boolean which determines if NANs should be skipped
ddof : int_scalars
"Delta Degrees of Freedom" used in calculating std
unique_keys : (list of) pdarray or Strings
The unique keys, in grouped order
group_stds : pdarray, float64
One std value per unique key in the GroupBy instance
Raised if the values array is not a pdarray object
Raised if the key array size does not match the values size
or if the operator is not in the GroupBy.Reductions array
The return dtype is always float64.
The standard deviation is the square root of the average of the squared
deviations from the mean, i.e., ``std = sqrt(mean((x - x.mean())**2))``.
The average squared deviation is normally calculated as
``x.sum() / N``, where ``N = len(x)``. If, however, `ddof` is specified,
the divisor ``N - ddof`` is used instead. In standard statistical
practice, ``ddof=1`` provides an unbiased estimator of the variance
of the infinite population. ``ddof=0`` provides a maximum likelihood
estimate of the variance for normally distributed variables. The
standard deviation computed in this function is the square root of
the estimated variance, so even with ``ddof=1``, it will not be an
unbiased estimate of the standard deviation per se.
>>> a = ak.randint(1,5,10)
>>> a
array([3, 3, 4, 3, 3, 2, 3, 2, 4, 2])
>>> g = ak.GroupBy(a)
>>> g.keys
array([3, 3, 4, 3, 3, 2, 3, 2, 4, 2])
>>> b = ak.randint(1,5,10)
>>> b
array([3, 3, 3, 4, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 4])
>>> g.std(b)
(array([2 3 4]), array([1.5275252316519465 1.0954451150103321 0]))
k, v = self.aggregate(values, "std", skipna, ddof)
return k, cast(pdarray, v)
def mean(self, values: pdarray, skipna: bool = True) -> Tuple[groupable, pdarray]:
Using the permutation stored in the GroupBy instance, group
another array of values and compute the mean of each group's
values : pdarray
The values to group and average
skipna: bool
boolean which determines if NANs should be skipped
unique_keys : (list of) pdarray or Strings
The unique keys, in grouped order
group_means : pdarray, float64
One mean value per unique key in the GroupBy instance
Raised if the values array is not a pdarray object
Raised if the key array size does not match the values size
or if the operator is not in the GroupBy.Reductions array
The return dtype is always float64.
>>> a = ak.randint(1,5,10)
>>> a
array([3, 3, 4, 3, 3, 2, 3, 2, 4, 2])
>>> g = ak.GroupBy(a)
>>> g.keys
array([3, 3, 4, 3, 3, 2, 3, 2, 4, 2])
>>> b = ak.randint(1,5,10)
>>> b
array([3, 3, 3, 4, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 4])
>>> g.mean(b)
(array([2, 3, 4]), array([2.6666666666666665, 2.7999999999999998, 3]))
k, v = self.aggregate(values, "mean", skipna)
return k, cast(pdarray, v)
def min(self, values: pdarray, skipna: bool = True) -> Tuple[groupable, pdarray]:
Using the permutation stored in the GroupBy instance, group
another array of values and return the minimum of each group's
values : pdarray
The values to group and find minima
skipna: bool
boolean which determines if NANs should be skipped
unique_keys : (list of) pdarray or Strings
The unique keys, in grouped order
group_minima : pdarray
One minimum per unique key in the GroupBy instance
Raised if the values array is not a pdarray object or if min is
not supported for the values dtype
Raised if the key array size does not match the values size
or if the operator is not in the GroupBy.Reductions array
Raised if min is not supported for the values dtype
>>> a = ak.randint(1,5,10)
>>> a
array([3, 3, 4, 3, 3, 2, 3, 2, 4, 2])
>>> g = ak.GroupBy(a)
>>> g.keys
array([3, 3, 4, 3, 3, 2, 3, 2, 4, 2])
>>> b = ak.randint(1,5,10)
>>> b
array([3, 3, 3, 4, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 4])
>>> g.min(b)
(array([2, 3, 4]), array([1, 1, 3]))
if values.dtype == bool:
raise TypeError("min is only supported for pdarrays of dtype float64, uint64, and int64")
k, v = self.aggregate(values, "min", skipna)
return k, cast(pdarray, v)
def max(self, values: pdarray, skipna: bool = True) -> Tuple[groupable, pdarray]:
Using the permutation stored in the GroupBy instance, group
another array of values and return the maximum of each
group's values.
values : pdarray
The values to group and find maxima
skipna: bool
boolean which determines if NANs should be skipped
unique_keys : (list of) pdarray or Strings
The unique keys, in grouped order
group_maxima : pdarray
One maximum per unique key in the GroupBy instance
Raised if the values array is not a pdarray object or if max is
not supported for the values dtype
Raised if the key array size does not match the values size or
if the operator is not in the GroupBy.Reductions array
Raised if max is not supported for the values dtype
>>> a = ak.randint(1,5,10)
>>> a
array([3, 3, 4, 3, 3, 2, 3, 2, 4, 2])
>>> g = ak.GroupBy(a)
>>> g.keys
array([3, 3, 4, 3, 3, 2, 3, 2, 4, 2])
>>> b = ak.randint(1,5,10)
>>> b
array([3, 3, 3, 4, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 4])
>>> g.max(b)
(array([2, 3, 4]), array([4, 4, 3]))
if values.dtype == bool:
raise TypeError("max is only supported for pdarrays of dtype float64, uint64, and int64")
k, v = self.aggregate(values, "max", skipna)
return k, cast(pdarray, v)
def argmin(self, values: pdarray) -> Tuple[groupable, pdarray]:
Using the permutation stored in the GroupBy instance, group
another array of values and return the location of the first
minimum of each group's values.
values : pdarray
The values to group and find argmin
unique_keys : (list of) pdarray or Strings
The unique keys, in grouped order
group_argminima : pdarray, int64
One index per unique key in the GroupBy instance
Raised if the values array is not a pdarray object or if argmax
is not supported for the values dtype
Raised if the key array size does not match the values
size or if the operator is not in the GroupBy.Reductions array
Raised if argmin is not supported for the values dtype
The returned indices refer to the original values array as
passed in, not the permutation applied by the GroupBy instance.
>>> a = ak.randint(1,5,10)
>>> a
array([3, 3, 4, 3, 3, 2, 3, 2, 4, 2])
>>> g = ak.GroupBy(a)
>>> g.keys
array([3, 3, 4, 3, 3, 2, 3, 2, 4, 2])
>>> b = ak.randint(1,5,10)
>>> b
array([3, 3, 3, 4, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 4])
>>> g.argmin(b)
(array([2, 3, 4]), array([5, 4, 2]))
k, v = self.aggregate(values, "argmin")
return k, cast(pdarray, v)
def argmax(self, values: pdarray) -> Tuple[groupable, pdarray]:
Using the permutation stored in the GroupBy instance, group
another array of values and return the location of the first
maximum of each group's values.
values : pdarray
The values to group and find argmax
unique_keys : (list of) pdarray or Strings
The unique keys, in grouped order
group_argmaxima : pdarray, int64
One index per unique key in the GroupBy instance
Raised if the values array is not a pdarray object or if argmax
is not supported for the values dtype
Raised if the key array size does not match the values size or
if the operator is not in the GroupBy.Reductions array
The returned indices refer to the original values array as passed in,
not the permutation applied by the GroupBy instance.
>>> a = ak.randint(1,5,10)
>>> a
array([3, 3, 4, 3, 3, 2, 3, 2, 4, 2])
>>> g = ak.GroupBy(a)
>>> g.keys
array([3, 3, 4, 3, 3, 2, 3, 2, 4, 2])
>>> b = ak.randint(1,5,10)
>>> b
array([3, 3, 3, 4, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 4])
>>> g.argmax(b)
(array([2, 3, 4]), array([9, 3, 2]))
k, v = self.aggregate(values, "argmax")
return k, cast(pdarray, v)
def _nested_grouping_helper(self, values: groupable) -> groupable:
unique_key_idx = self.broadcast(arange(self.ngroups), permute=True)
if hasattr(values, "_get_grouping_keys"):
# All single-array groupable types must have a _get_grouping_keys method
if isinstance(values, pdarray) and values.dtype == akfloat64:
raise TypeError("grouping/uniquing unsupported for float64 arrays")
togroup = [unique_key_idx, values]
# Treat as a sequence of groupable arrays
for v in values:
if isinstance(v, pdarray) and v.dtype not in [
raise TypeError("grouping/uniquing unsupported for this dtype")
togroup = [unique_key_idx] + list(values)
return togroup
def nunique(self, values: groupable) -> Tuple[groupable, pdarray]:
Using the permutation stored in the GroupBy instance, group another
array of values and return the number of unique values in each group.
values : pdarray, int64
The values to group and find unique values
unique_keys : groupable
The unique keys, in grouped order
group_nunique : groupable
Number of unique values per unique key in the GroupBy instance
Raised if the dtype(s) of values array(s) does/do not support
the nunique method
Raised if the key array size does not match the values size or
if the operator is not in the GroupBy.Reductions array
Raised if nunique is not supported for the values dtype
>>> data = ak.array([3, 4, 3, 1, 1, 4, 3, 4, 1, 4])
>>> data
array([3, 4, 3, 1, 1, 4, 3, 4, 1, 4])
>>> labels = ak.array([1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4])
>>> labels
ak.array([1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4])
>>> g = ak.GroupBy(labels)
>>> g.keys
ak.array([1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4])
>>> g.nunique(data)
array([1,2,3,4]), array([2, 2, 3, 1])
# Group (1,1,1) has values [3,4,3] -> there are 2 unique values 3&4
# Group (2,2,2) has values [1,1,4] -> 2 unique values 1&4
# Group (3,3,3) has values [3,4,1] -> 3 unique values
# Group (4) has values [4] -> 1 unique value
# TO DO: defer to self.aggregate once logic is ported over to Chapel
# return self.aggregate(values, "nunique")
togroup = self._nested_grouping_helper(values)
# Find unique pairs of (key, val)
g = GroupBy(togroup)
# Group unique pairs again by original key
g2 = GroupBy(g.unique_keys[0], assume_sorted=False)
# Count number of values per key
keyorder, nuniq = g2.size()
# The last GroupBy *should* result in sorted key indices, but in case it
# doesn't, we need to permute the answer to match the original key order
if not is_sorted(keyorder):
perm = argsort(keyorder)
nuniq = nuniq[perm]
# Re-join unique counts with original keys (sorting guarantees same order)
return self.unique_keys, nuniq
def any(self, values: pdarray) -> Tuple[Union[pdarray, List[Union[pdarray, Strings]]], pdarray]:
Using the permutation stored in the GroupBy instance, group another
array of values and perform an "or" reduction on each group.
values : pdarray, bool
The values to group and reduce with "or"
unique_keys : (list of) pdarray or Strings
The unique keys, in grouped order
group_any : pdarray, bool
One bool per unique key in the GroupBy instance
Raised if the values array is not a pdarray or if the pdarray
dtype is not bool
Raised if the key array size does not match the values size or
if the operator is not in the GroupBy.Reductions array
if values.dtype != bool:
raise TypeError("any is only supported for pdarrays of dtype bool")
return self.aggregate(values, "any") # type: ignore
def all(self, values: pdarray) -> Tuple[Union[pdarray, List[Union[pdarray, Strings]]], pdarray]:
Using the permutation stored in the GroupBy instance, group
another array of values and perform an "and" reduction on
each group.
values : pdarray, bool
The values to group and reduce with "and"
unique_keys : (list of) pdarray or Strings
The unique keys, in grouped order
group_any : pdarray, bool
One bool per unique key in the GroupBy instance
Raised if the values array is not a pdarray or if the pdarray
dtype is not bool
Raised if the key array size does not match the values size or
if the operator is not in the GroupBy.Reductions array
Raised if all is not supported for the values dtype
if values.dtype != bool:
raise TypeError("all is only supported for pdarrays of dtype bool")
return self.aggregate(values, "all") # type: ignore
def OR(self, values: pdarray) -> Tuple[Union[pdarray, List[Union[pdarray, Strings]]], pdarray]:
Bitwise OR of values in each segment.
Using the permutation stored in the GroupBy instance, group
another array of values and perform a bitwise OR reduction on
each group.
values : pdarray, int64
The values to group and reduce with OR
unique_keys : (list of) pdarray or Strings
The unique keys, in grouped order
result : pdarray, int64
Bitwise OR of values in segments corresponding to keys
Raised if the values array is not a pdarray or if the pdarray
dtype is not int64
Raised if the key array size does not match the values size or
if the operator is not in the GroupBy.Reductions array
Raised if all is not supported for the values dtype
if values.dtype not in [akint64, akuint64, bigint]:
raise TypeError("OR is only supported for pdarrays of dtype int64, uint64, or bigint")
return self.aggregate(values, "or") # type: ignore
def AND(self, values: pdarray) -> Tuple[Union[pdarray, List[Union[pdarray, Strings]]], pdarray]:
Bitwise AND of values in each segment.
Using the permutation stored in the GroupBy instance, group
another array of values and perform a bitwise AND reduction on
each group.
values : pdarray, int64
The values to group and reduce with AND
unique_keys : (list of) pdarray or Strings
The unique keys, in grouped order
result : pdarray, int64
Bitwise AND of values in segments corresponding to keys
Raised if the values array is not a pdarray or if the pdarray
dtype is not int64
Raised if the key array size does not match the values size or
if the operator is not in the GroupBy.Reductions array
Raised if all is not supported for the values dtype
if values.dtype not in [akint64, akuint64, bigint]:
raise TypeError("AND is only supported for pdarrays of dtype int64, uint64, or bigint")
return self.aggregate(values, "and") # type: ignore
def XOR(self, values: pdarray) -> Tuple[Union[pdarray, List[Union[pdarray, Strings]]], pdarray]:
Bitwise XOR of values in each segment.
Using the permutation stored in the GroupBy instance, group
another array of values and perform a bitwise XOR reduction on
each group.
values : pdarray, int64
The values to group and reduce with XOR
unique_keys : (list of) pdarray or Strings
The unique keys, in grouped order
result : pdarray, int64
Bitwise XOR of values in segments corresponding to keys
Raised if the values array is not a pdarray or if the pdarray
dtype is not int64
Raised if the key array size does not match the values size or
if the operator is not in the GroupBy.Reductions array
Raised if all is not supported for the values dtype
if values.dtype not in [akint64, akuint64]:
raise TypeError("XOR is only supported for pdarrays of dtype int64 or uint64")
return self.aggregate(values, "xor") # type: ignore
def head(
values: groupable_element_type,
n: int = 5,
return_indices: bool = True,
) -> Tuple[groupable, groupable_element_type]:
Return the first n values from each group.
values : (list of) pdarray-like
The values from which to select, according to their group membership.
n: int, optional, default = 5
Maximum number of items to return for each group.
If the number of values in a group is less than n,
all the values from that group will be returned.
return_indices: bool, default False
If True, return the indices of the sampled values.
Otherwise, return the selected values.
unique_keys : (list of) pdarray-like
The unique keys, in grouped order
result : pdarray-like
The first n items of each group.
If return_indices is True, the result are indices.
O.W. the result are values.
>>> a = ak.arange(10) %3
>>> a
array([0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 0])
>>> v = ak.arange(10)
>>> v
array([0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9])
>>> g = GroupBy(a)
>>> unique_keys, idx = g.head(v, 2, return_indices=True)
>>> _, values = g.head(v, 2, return_indices=False)
>>> unique_keys
array([0 1 2])
>>> idx
array([0 3 1 4 2 5])
>>> values
array([0 3 1 4 2 5])
>>> v2 = -2 * ak.arange(10)
>>> v2
array([0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 -12 -14 -16 -18])
>>> _, idx2 = g.head(v2, 2, return_indices=True)
>>> _, values2 = g.head(v2, 2, return_indices=False)
>>> idx2
array([0 3 1 4 2 5])
>>> values2
array([0 -6 -2 -8 -4 -10])
repMsg = generic_msg(
"values": self.permutation,
"segments": self.segments,
"op": "head",
"n": n,
"skip_nan": False,
"ddof": 1,
ret_indices = create_pdarray(repMsg)
if return_indices is True:
return self.unique_keys, ret_indices
return self.unique_keys, values[ret_indices]
def tail(
values: groupable_element_type,
n: int = 5,
return_indices: bool = True,
) -> Tuple[groupable, groupable_element_type]:
Return the last n values from each group.
values : (list of) pdarray-like
The values from which to select, according to their group membership.
n: int, optional, default = 5
Maximum number of items to return for each group.
If the number of values in a group is less than n,
all the values from that group will be returned.
return_indices: bool, default False
If True, return the indices of the sampled values.
Otherwise, return the selected values.
unique_keys : (list of) pdarray-like
The unique keys, in grouped order
result : pdarray-like
The last n items of each group.
If return_indices is True, the result are indices.
O.W. the result are values.
>>> a = ak.arange(10) %3
>>> a
array([0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 0])
>>> v = ak.arange(10)
>>> v
array([0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9])
>>> g = GroupBy(a)
>>> unique_keys, idx = g.tail(v, 2, return_indices=True)
>>> _, values = g.tail(v, 2, return_indices=False)
>>> unique_keys
array([0 1 2])
>>> idx
array([6 9 4 7 5 8])
>>> values
array([6 9 4 7 5 8])
>>> v2 = -2 * ak.arange(10)
>>> v2
array([0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 -12 -14 -16 -18])
>>> _, idx2 = g.tail(v2, 2, return_indices=True)
>>> _, values2 = g.tail(v2, 2, return_indices=False)
>>> idx2
array([6 9 4 7 5 8])
>>> values2
array([-12 -18 -8 -14 -10 -16])
repMsg = generic_msg(
"values": self.permutation,
"segments": self.segments,
"op": "tail",
"n": n,
"skip_nan": False,
"ddof": 1,
ret_indices = create_pdarray(repMsg)
if return_indices is True:
return self.unique_keys, ret_indices
return self.unique_keys, values[ret_indices]
def first(self, values: groupable_element_type) -> Tuple[groupable, groupable_element_type]:
First value in each group.
values : pdarray-like
The values from which to take the first of each group
unique_keys : (list of) pdarray-like
The unique keys, in grouped order
result : pdarray-like
The first value of each group
# Index of first value in each segment, in input domain
first_idx = self.permutation[self.segments]
return self.unique_keys, values[first_idx]
def mode(self, values: groupable) -> Tuple[groupable, groupable]:
Most common value in each group. If a group is multi-modal, return the
modal value that occurs first.
values : (list of) pdarray-like
The values from which to take the mode of each group
unique_keys : (list of) pdarray-like
The unique keys, in grouped order
result : (list of) pdarray-like
The most common value of each group
togroup = self._nested_grouping_helper(values)
# Get value counts for each key group
g = GroupBy(togroup)
keys_values, value_count = g.size()
# Descending rank of first instance of each (key, value) pair
first_rank = g.length - g.permutation[g.segments]
ki, unique_values = keys_values[0], keys_values[1:]
# Find the index of the modal value for each unique key
# If more than one modal value, this will get the first one
g2 = GroupBy(ki)
uki, mode_count = g2.max(value_count)
# First value for which value count is maximized
_, mode_idx = g2.argmax(first_rank * (value_count == g2.broadcast(mode_count)))
# GroupBy should be stable with a single key array, but
# if for some reason these unique keys are not in original
# order, then permute them accordingly
if not cast(pdarray, (uki == arange(self.ngroups))).all():
mode_idx = mode_idx[argsort(cast(pdarray, uki))]
# Gather values at mode indices
if len(unique_values) == 1:
# squeeze singletons
mode = unique_values[0][mode_idx]
mode = [uv[mode_idx] for uv in unique_values]
return self.unique_keys, mode
def sample(
values: groupable,
Return a random sample from each group. You can either specify the number of elements
or the fraction of elements to be sampled. random_state can be used for reproducibility
values : (list of) pdarray-like
The values from which to sample, according to their group membership.
n: int, optional
Number of items to return for each group.
Cannot be used with frac and must be no larger than
the smallest group unless replace is True.
Default is one if frac is None.
frac: float, optional
Fraction of items to return. Cannot be used with n.
replace: bool, default False
Allow or disallow sampling of the value more than once.
weights: pdarray, optional
Default None results in equal probability weighting.
If passed a pdarray, then values must have the same length as the groupby keys
and will be used as sampling probabilities after normalization within each group.
Weights must be non-negative with at least one positive element within each group.
random_state: int or ak.random.Generator, optional
If int, seed for random number generator.
If ak.random.Generator, use as given.
return_indices: bool, default False
if True, return the indices of the sampled values.
Otherwise, return the sample values.
permute_samples: bool, default False
if True, return permute the samples according to group
Otherwise, keep samples in original order.
if return_indices is True, return the indices of the sampled values.
Otherwise, return the sample values.
from arkouda.numeric import cast as akcast
from arkouda.numeric import round as akround
if frac is not None and n is not None:
raise ValueError("Please enter a value for `frac` OR `n`, not both")
if frac is None and n is None:
n = 1
if not isinstance(values, Sequence):
if values.size != self.length:
raise ValueError("Attempt to group values using key array of different length")
if any(val.size != self.length for val in values):
raise ValueError("Attempt to group values using key array of different length")
_, seg_lens = self.size()
if n is not None:
if not _val_isinstance_of_union(n, int_scalars):
raise TypeError("n must be an int scalar.")
num_samples = full(seg_lens.size, n, akint64)
if frac is not None:
if not _val_isinstance_of_union(frac, float_scalars):
raise TypeError("frac must be a float scalar.")
num_samples = akcast(akround(frac * seg_lens), dt=akint64)
if not replace and (num_samples > seg_lens).any():
raise ValueError("Cannot take a larger sample than population when replace is False")
if (num_samples <= 0).any():
raise ValueError("Cannot take a negative number of samples")
has_weights = weights is not None
if has_weights:
if not isinstance(weights, pdarray):
raise TypeError("weights must be a pdarray")
if weights.size != self.length:
raise ValueError("Weights and values to be sampled must be of same length")
if (weights < 0).any():
raise ValueError("Weights may not include negative values")
permuted_weights = weights[self.permutation]
# the below is equivalent to doing `_, weight_sum = self.sum(weights)`, but
# by calling segmentedReduction directly, we avoid permuting the weights twice.
# it's unclear if this is worth the additional code complexity
repMsg = generic_msg(
"values": permuted_weights,
"segments": self.segments,
"op": "sum",
"skip_nan": True,
"ddof": 1,
weight_sum = create_pdarray(repMsg)
if (weight_sum == 0).any():
raise ValueError("All segments must have at least one value of non-zero weight")
if permuted_weights.dtype != akfloat64:
permuted_weights = akcast(permuted_weights, akfloat64)
permuted_weights = ""
random_state = default_rng(random_state)
gen_name = random_state._name_dict[akdtype(akfloat64 if has_weights else akint64)]
has_seed = random_state._seed is not None
repMsg = generic_msg(
"genName": gen_name,
"perm": self.permutation,
"segs": self.segments,
"segLens": seg_lens,
"weights": permuted_weights,
"numSamples": num_samples,
"replace": replace,
"hasWeights": has_weights,
"hasSeed": has_seed,
"seed": random_state._seed if has_seed else "",
"state": random_state._state,
random_state._state += self.length
# sorting the sample permutation gives the sampled indices
sampled_idx = create_pdarray(repMsg) if permute_samples else sort(create_pdarray(repMsg))
if return_indices:
return sampled_idx
elif not isinstance(values, Sequence):
return values[sampled_idx]
return [val[sampled_idx] for val in values]
def unique(self, values: groupable):
Return the set of unique values in each group, as a SegArray.
values : (list of) pdarray-like
The values to unique
unique_keys : (list of) pdarray-like
The unique keys, in grouped order
result : (list of) SegArray
The unique values of each group
Raised if values is or contains Strings or Categorical
from arkouda import Categorical
from arkouda.segarray import SegArray
if isinstance(values, (Strings, Categorical)) or (
isinstance(values, Sequence) and any([isinstance(v, (Strings, Categorical)) for v in values])
raise TypeError("Groupby.unique not supported on Strings or Categorical")
togroup = self._nested_grouping_helper(values)
# Group to unique (key, value) pairs
g = GroupBy(togroup)
ki, unique_values = g.unique_keys[0], g.unique_keys[1:]
# Group pairs by key
g2 = GroupBy(ki)
# GroupBy should be stable with a single key array, but
# if for some reason these unique keys are not in original
# order, then permute them accordingly
if not (g2.unique_keys == arange(self.ngroups)).all():
perm = argsort(cast(pdarray, g2.unique_keys))
reorder = True
reorder = False
# Form a SegArray for each value array
# Segments are from grouping by key indices
# Values are the unique elements of the values arg
if len(unique_values) == 1:
# Squeeze singleton results
ret = SegArray(g2.segments, unique_values[0])
if reorder:
ret = ret[perm]
ret = [SegArray(g2.segments, uv) for uv in unique_values] # type: ignore
if reorder:
ret = [r[perm] for r in ret] # type: ignore
return self.unique_keys, ret
def broadcast(
self, values: Union[pdarray, Strings], permute: bool = True
) -> Union[pdarray, Strings]:
Fill each group's segment with a constant value.
values : pdarray, Strings
The values to put in each group's segment
permute : bool
If True (default), permute broadcast values back to the ordering
of the original array on which GroupBy was called. If False, the
broadcast values are grouped by value.
pdarray, Strings
The broadcasted values
Raised if value is not a pdarray object
Raised if the values array does not have one
value per segment
This function is a sparse analog of ``np.broadcast``. If a
GroupBy object represents a sparse matrix (tensor), then
this function takes a (dense) column vector and replicates
each value to the non-zero elements in the corresponding row.
>>> a = ak.array([0, 1, 0, 1, 0])
>>> values = ak.array([3, 5])
>>> g = ak.GroupBy(a)
# By default, result is in original order
>>> g.broadcast(values)
array([3, 5, 3, 5, 3])
# With permute=False, result is in grouped order
>>> g.broadcast(values, permute=False)
array([3, 3, 3, 5, 5]
>>> a = ak.randint(1,5,10)
>>> a
array([3, 1, 4, 4, 4, 1, 3, 3, 2, 2])
>>> g = ak.GroupBy(a)
>>> keys,counts = g.size()
>>> g.broadcast(counts > 2)
array([True False True True True False True True False False])
>>> g.broadcast(counts == 3)
array([True False True True True False True True False False])
>>> g.broadcast(counts < 4)
array([True True True True True True True True True True])
if values.size != self.segments.size:
raise ValueError("Must have one value per segment")
is_str = isinstance(values, Strings)
if is_str:
str_vals = values
values = arange(str_vals.size)
cmd = "broadcast"
repMsg = cast(
"permute": permute,
"size": self.length,
broadcasted = create_pdarray(repMsg)
return str_vals[broadcasted] if is_str else broadcasted
def build_from_components(user_defined_name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs) -> GroupBy:
function to build a new GroupBy object from component keys and permutation.
user_defined_name : str (Optional) Passing a name will init the new GroupBy
and assign it the given name
kwargs : dict Dictionary of components required for rebuilding the GroupBy.
Expected keys are "orig_keys", "permutation", "unique_keys", and "segments"
The GroupBy object created by using the given components
if (
"orig_keys" in kwargs
and "permutation" in kwargs
and "unique_keys" in kwargs
and "segments" in kwargs
g = GroupBy(None, **kwargs)
g.registered_name = user_defined_name
return g
missingKeys = []
if "orig_keys" not in kwargs:
if "permutation" not in kwargs:
if "unique_keys" not in kwargs:
if "segments" not in kwargs:
raise ValueError(f"Can't build GroupBy. kwargs is missing required keys: {missingKeys}.")
def _get_groupby_required_pieces(self) -> Dict:
Internal function that returns a dictionary with all required components of self
Dictionary of all required components of self
Components (keys, permutation)
requiredPieces = frozenset(["keys", "permutation", "unique_keys", "segments"])
return {piece_name: getattr(self, piece_name) for piece_name in requiredPieces}
def register(self, user_defined_name: str) -> GroupBy:
Register this GroupBy object and underlying components with the Arkouda server
user_defined_name : str
user defined name the GroupBy is to be registered under,
this will be the root name for underlying components
The same GroupBy which is now registered with the arkouda server and has an updated name.
This is an in-place modification, the original is returned to support a
fluid programming style.
Please note you cannot register two different GroupBys with the same name.
Raised if user_defined_name is not a str
If the server was unable to register the GroupBy with the user_defined_name
See also
unregister, attach, unregister_groupby_by_name, is_registered
Objects registered with the server are immune to deletion until
they are unregistered.
from arkouda import Categorical
if self.registered_name is not None and self.is_registered():
raise RegistrationError(f"This object is already registered as {self.registered_name}")
if isinstance(self.keys, (pdarray, Strings, Categorical)):
key_data = [
if not isinstance(self.keys, Categorical)
else json.dumps(
if self.keys.permutation is not None
else {}
if self.keys.segments is not None
else {}
key_data = [
if not isinstance(k, Categorical)
else json.dumps(
**({"permutation":} if k.permutation is not None else {}),
**({"segments":} if k.segments is not None else {}),
for k in self.keys
"name": user_defined_name,
"objType": self.objType,
"segments": self.segments,
"permutation": self.permutation,
"uki": self._uki,
"num_keys": len(self.keys) if isinstance(self.keys, Sequence) else 1,
"keys": key_data,
"key_objTypes": (
[key.objType for key in self.keys]
if isinstance(self.keys, Sequence)
else [self.keys.objType]
self.registered_name = user_defined_name
return self
def unregister(self):
Unregister this GroupBy object in the arkouda server which was previously
registered using register() and/or attached to using attach()
If the object is already unregistered or if there is a server error
when attempting to unregister
See also
register, attach, unregister_groupby_by_name, is_registered
Objects registered with the server are immune to deletion until
they are unregistered.
from arkouda.util import unregister
if not self.registered_name:
raise RegistrationError(
"This item does not have a name and does not appear to be registered."
self.registered_name = None # Clear our internal GroupBy object name
def is_registered(self) -> bool:
Return True if the object is contained in the registry
Indicates if the object is contained in the registry
Raised if there's a server-side error or a mismatch of registered components
See Also
register, attach, unregister, unregister_groupby_by_name
Objects registered with the server are immune to deletion until
they are unregistered.
from arkouda.util import is_registered
if self.registered_name is None:
return False
return is_registered(self.registered_name)
def attach(user_defined_name: str) -> GroupBy:
Function to return a GroupBy object attached to the registered name in the
arkouda server which was registered using register()
user_defined_name : str
user defined name which GroupBy object was registered under
The GroupBy object created by re-attaching to the corresponding server components
if user_defined_name is not registered
See Also
register, is_registered, unregister, unregister_groupby_by_name
import warnings
from arkouda.util import attach
"ak.GroupBy.attach() is deprecated. Please use ak.attach() instead.",
return attach(user_defined_name)
def unregister_groupby_by_name(user_defined_name: str) -> None:
Function to unregister GroupBy object by name which was registered
with the arkouda server via register()
user_defined_name : str
Name under which the GroupBy object was registered
if user_defined_name is not a string
if there is an issue attempting to unregister any underlying components
See Also
register, unregister, attach, is_registered
import warnings
from arkouda.util import unregister
"ak.GroupBy.unregister_groupby_by_name() is deprecated. Please use ak.unregister() instead.",
return unregister(user_defined_name)
def most_common(self, values):
(Deprecated) See `GroupBy.mode()`.
return self.mode(values)
def broadcast(
segments: pdarray,
values: Union[pdarray, Strings],
size: Union[int, np.int64, np.uint64] = -1,
permutation: Union[pdarray, None] = None,
Broadcast a dense column vector to the rows of a sparse matrix or grouped array.
segments : pdarray, int64
Offsets of the start of each row in the sparse matrix or grouped array.
Must be sorted in ascending order.
values : pdarray, Strings
The values to broadcast, one per row (or group)
size : int
The total number of nonzeros in the matrix. If permutation is given, this
argument is ignored and the size is inferred from the permutation array.
permutation : pdarray, int64
The permutation to go from the original ordering of nonzeros to the ordering
grouped by row. To broadcast values back to the original ordering, this
permutation will be inverted. If no permutation is supplied, it is assumed
that the original nonzeros were already grouped by row. In this case, the
size argument must be given.
pdarray, Strings
The broadcast values, one per nonzero
- If segments and values are different sizes
- If segments are empty
- If number of nonzeros (either user-specified or inferred from permutation)
is less than one
# Define a sparse matrix with 3 rows and 7 nonzeros
>>> row_starts = ak.array([0, 2, 5])
>>> nnz = 7
# Broadcast the row number to each nonzero element
>>> row_number = ak.arange(3)
>>> ak.broadcast(row_starts, row_number, nnz)
array([0 0 1 1 1 2 2])
# If the original nonzeros were in reverse order...
>>> permutation = ak.arange(6, -1, -1)
>>> ak.broadcast(row_starts, row_number, permutation=permutation)
array([2 2 1 1 1 0 0])
if segments.size != values.size:
raise ValueError("segments and values arrays must be same size")
if segments.size == 0:
raise ValueError("cannot broadcast empty array")
if permutation is None:
if size == -1:
raise ValueError("must either supply permutation or size")
pname = "none"
permute = False
pname =
permute = True
size = cast(Union[int, np.int64, np.uint64], permutation.size)
if size < 1:
raise ValueError("result size must be greater than zero")
is_str = isinstance(values, Strings)
if is_str:
str_vals = values
values = arange(str_vals.size)
cmd = "broadcast"
repMsg = cast(
"permName": pname,
"permute": permute,
"size": size,
broadcasted = create_pdarray(repMsg)
return str_vals[broadcasted] if is_str else broadcasted