Source code for arkouda.dtypes

from __future__ import annotations

import builtins
import sys
from enum import Enum
from typing import Tuple, Union, cast

import numpy as np  # type: ignore
from typeguard import typechecked

__all__ = [

    "bool": "{}",
    "int64": "{:n}",
    "float64": "{:.17f}",
    "uint8": "{:n}",
    "np.float64": "f",
    "uint64": "{:n}",
    "bigint": "{:n}",

[docs] def dtype(x): # type: ignore # we had to create our own bigint type since numpy # gives them dtype=object there's no np equivalent if (isinstance(x, str) and x == "bigint") or isinstance(x, BigInt): return bigint else: return np.dtype(x)
def _is_dtype_in_union(dtype, union_type) -> builtins.bool: # type: ignore """ Check if a given type is in a typing.Union. Args ---- dtype (type): The type to check for. union_type (type): The typing.Union type to check against. Returns ------- bool: True if the dtype is in the union_type, False otherwise. """ return hasattr(union_type, "__args__") and dtype in union_type.__args__ def _val_isinstance_of_union(val, union_type) -> builtins.bool: # type: ignore """ Check if a given val is an instance of one of the types in the typing.Union Args ---- val: The val to do the isinstance check on. union_type (type): The typing.Union type to check against. Returns ------- bool: True if the val is an instance of one of the types in the union_type, False otherwise. """ return hasattr(union_type, "__args__") and isinstance(val, union_type.__args__) class BigInt: # an estimate of the itemsize of bigint (128 bytes) itemsize = 128 def __init__(self): = "bigint" self.kind = "ui" def __str__(self): return def __repr__(self): return f"dtype({})" def type(self, x): return int(x) uint8 = np.dtype(np.uint8) uint16 = np.dtype(np.uint16) uint32 = np.dtype(np.uint32) uint64 = np.dtype(np.uint64) int8 = np.dtype(np.int8) int16 = np.dtype(np.int16) int32 = np.dtype(np.int32) int64 = np.dtype(np.int64) float32 = np.dtype(np.float32) float64 = np.dtype(np.float64) complex64 = np.dtype(np.complex64) complex128 = np.dtype(np.complex128) bool = np.dtype(bool) str_ = np.dtype(np.str_) bigint = BigInt() npstr = np.dtype(str) intTypes = frozenset((int64, uint64, uint8)) bitType = uint64 # Union aliases used for static and runtime type checking bool_scalars = Union[builtins.bool, np.bool_] float_scalars = Union[float, np.float64, np.float32] int_scalars = Union[ int, np.int8, np.int16, np.int32, np.int64, np.uint8, np.uint16, np.uint32, np.uint64, ] numeric_scalars = Union[float_scalars, int_scalars] numeric_and_bool_scalars = Union[bool_scalars, numeric_scalars] numpy_scalars = Union[ np.float64, np.float32, np.int8, np.int16, np.int32, np.int64, np.bool_, np.str_, np.uint8, np.uint16, np.uint32, np.uint64, ] str_scalars = Union[str, np.str_] all_scalars = Union[bool_scalars, numeric_scalars, numpy_scalars, str_scalars] """ The DType enum defines the supported Arkouda data types in string form. """ class DType(Enum): FLOAT = "float" FLOAT64 = "float64" FLOAT32 = "float32" COMPLEX64 = "complex64" COMPLEX128 = "complex128" INT = "int" INT8 = "int8" INT16 = "int16" INT32 = "int32" INT64 = "int64" UINT = "uint" UINT8 = "uint8" UINT16 = "uint16" UINT32 = "uint32" UINT64 = "uint64" BOOL = "bool" BIGINT = "bigint" STR = "str" def __str__(self) -> str: # type: ignore """ Overridden method returns value, which is useful in outputting a DType as a request parameter """ return self.value def __repr__(self) -> str: # type: ignore """ Overridden method returns value, which is useful in outputting a DType as a request parameter """ return self.value ARKOUDA_SUPPORTED_INTS = ( int, np.int8, np.int16, np.int32, np.int64, np.uint8, np.uint16, np.uint32, np.uint64, BigInt, ) ARKOUDA_SUPPORTED_FLOATS = (float, np.float64) ARKOUDA_SUPPORTED_NUMBERS = ( int, np.int8, np.int16, np.int32, np.int64, float, np.float32, np.float64, np.uint8, np.uint16, np.uint32, np.uint64, BigInt, ) # TODO: bring supported data types into parity with all numpy dtypes # missing full support for: float32, int32, int16, int8, uint32, uint16, complex64, complex128 # ARKOUDA_SUPPORTED_DTYPES = frozenset([member.value for _, member in DType.__members__.items()]) ARKOUDA_SUPPORTED_DTYPES = frozenset( ["bool", "float", "float64", "int", "int64", "uint", "uint64", "uint8", "bigint", "str"] ) DTypes = frozenset([member.value for _, member in DType.__members__.items()]) DTypeObjects = frozenset([bool, float, float64, int, int64, str, str_, uint8, uint64]) NumericDTypes = frozenset(["bool", "float", "float64", "int", "int64", "uint64", "bigint"]) SeriesDTypes = { "string": np.str_, "<class 'str'>": np.str_, "int64": np.int64, "uint64": np.uint64, "<class 'numpy.int64'>": np.int64, "float64": np.float64, "<class 'numpy.float64'>": np.float64, "bool": bool, "<class 'bool'>": bool, "datetime64[ns]": np.int64, "timedelta64[ns]": np.int64, } ScalarDTypes = frozenset(["bool", "float64", "int64"])
[docs] def isSupportedInt(num): return isinstance(num, ARKOUDA_SUPPORTED_INTS)
def isSupportedFloat(num): return isinstance(num, ARKOUDA_SUPPORTED_FLOATS)
[docs] def isSupportedNumber(num): return isinstance(num, ARKOUDA_SUPPORTED_NUMBERS)
def _as_dtype(dt) -> Union[np.dtype, "BigInt"]: if not isinstance(dt, np.dtype): return dtype(dt) return dt
[docs] @typechecked def check_np_dtype(dt: Union[np.dtype, "BigInt"]) -> None: """ Assert that numpy dtype dt is one of the dtypes supported by arkouda, otherwise raise TypeError. Raises ------ TypeError Raised if the dtype is not in supported dtypes or if dt is not a np.dtype """ if _as_dtype(dt).name not in DTypes: raise TypeError(f"Unsupported type: {dt}")
[docs] @typechecked def translate_np_dtype(dt) -> Tuple[builtins.str, int]: """ Split numpy dtype dt into its kind and byte size, raising TypeError for unsupported dtypes. Raises ------ TypeError Raised if the dtype is not in supported dtypes or if dt is not a np.dtype """ # Assert that dt is one of the arkouda supported dtypes dt = _as_dtype(dt) check_np_dtype(dt) trans = {"i": "int", "f": "float", "b": "bool", "u": "uint", "U": "str", "c": "complex"} kind = trans[dt.kind] return kind, dt.itemsize
[docs] def resolve_scalar_dtype(val: object) -> str: # type: ignore """ Try to infer what dtype arkouda_server should treat val as. """ # Python bool or np.bool if isinstance(val, builtins.bool) or ( hasattr(val, "dtype") and cast(np.bool_, val).dtype.kind == "b" ): return "bool" # Python int or* or np.uint* elif isinstance(val, int) or (hasattr(val, "dtype") and cast(np.uint, val).dtype.kind in "ui"): # we've established these are int, uint, or bigint, # so we can do comparisons if isSupportedInt(val) and val >= 2**64: # type: ignore return "bigint" elif isinstance(val, np.uint64) or val >= 2**63: # type: ignore return "uint64" else: return "int64" # Python float or np.float* elif isinstance(val, float) or (hasattr(val, "dtype") and cast(np.float_, val).dtype.kind == "f"): return "float64" elif isinstance(val, complex) or (hasattr(val, "dtype") and cast(np.float_, val).dtype.kind == "c"): return "float64" # TODO: actually support complex values in the backend elif isinstance(val, builtins.str) or isinstance(val, np.str_): return "str" # Other numpy dtype elif hasattr(val, "dtype"): return cast(np.dtype, val).name # Other python type else: return builtins.str(type(val))
[docs] def get_byteorder(dt: np.dtype) -> str: """ Get a concrete byteorder (turns '=' into '<' or '>') """ if dt.byteorder == "=": if sys.byteorder == "little": return "<" elif sys.byteorder == "big": return ">" else: raise ValueError("Client byteorder must be 'little' or 'big'") else: return dt.byteorder
[docs] def get_server_byteorder() -> str: """ Get the server's byteorder """ from arkouda.client import get_config order = get_config()["byteorder"] if order not in ("little", "big"): raise ValueError("Server byteorder must be 'little' or 'big'") return cast("str", order)