Source code for arkouda.client

import json
import os
import warnings
from enum import Enum
from typing import Dict, List, Mapping, Optional, Tuple, Union, cast

from arkouda import __version__, io_util, security
from arkouda.logger import LogLevel, getArkoudaLogger
from arkouda.message import (

__all__ = [

username = security.get_username()
connected = False
serverConfig = None
# verbose flag for arkouda module
verboseDefVal = False
verbose = verboseDefVal
# threshold for __iter__() to limit comms to arkouda_server
pdarrayIterThreshDefVal = 100
pdarrayIterThresh = pdarrayIterThreshDefVal
sparrayIterThreshDefVal = 20  # sps print format is longer; we have small thresh
sparrayIterThresh = sparrayIterThreshDefVal

maxTransferBytesDefVal = 2**30
maxTransferBytes = maxTransferBytesDefVal
# maximum number of capture group for regex
regexMaxCaptures: int = -1
# unit conversion for get_mem_used
_memunit2normunit = {
    "bytes": "b",
    "kilobytes": "kb",
    "megabytes": "mb",
    "gigabytes": "gb",
    "terabytes": "tb",
    "petabytes": "pb",
_memunit2factor = {
    "b": 1,
    "kb": 10**3,
    "mb": 10**6,
    "gb": 10**9,
    "tb": 10**12,
    "pb": 10**15,

def _mem_get_factor(unit: str) -> int:
    unit = unit.lower()

    if unit in _memunit2factor:
        return _memunit2factor[unit]
        for key, normunit in _memunit2normunit.items():
            if key.startswith(unit):
                return _memunit2factor[normunit]
        raise ValueError(
            f"Argument must be one of {set(_memunit2factor.keys()) | set(_memunit2normunit.keys())}"

logger = getArkoudaLogger(name="Arkouda Client", logLevel=LogLevel.INFO)
clientLogger = getArkoudaLogger(name="Arkouda User Logger", logFormat="%(message)s")

class ClientMode(Enum):
    The ClientMode enum provides controlled vocabulary indicating whether the
    Arkouda client is in UI mode or API mode. If in API mode, it is assumed the
    Arkouda client is being used via an API call instead of a Python shell or notebook.

    UI = "UI"
    API = "API"

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        Overridden method returns value.
        return self.value

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        Overridden method returns value.
        return self.value

class ShellMode(Enum):
    The ShellMode Enum indicates whether the Python shell corresponds
    to a REPL shell, Jupyter notebook, or IPython shell.

    IPYTHON_NOTEBOOK = "TerminalInteractiveShell"
    JUPYTER_NOTEBOOK = "ZMQInteractiveShell"

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        Overridden method returns value.
        return self.value

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        Overridden method returns value.
        return self.value

class RequestMode(Enum):
    The RequestMode Enum indicates whether the Arkouda client-server
    communication pattern will be synchronous or asynchronous.


    def __str__(self) -> str:
        Overridden method returns value.
        return self.value

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        Overridden method returns value.
        return self.value

class RequestStatus(Enum):
    The RequestStatus Enum indicates whether an asynchronous method
    invocation has completed.


    def __str__(self) -> str:
        Overridden method returns value.
        return self.value

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        Overridden method returns value.
        return self.value

def get_shell_mode():
    Determines the Python shell type and returns the corresponding
    ShellMode enum.

        The shell mode corresponding to a Python shell, Jupyter notebook,
        or IPython notebook
    shell_mode = None
        shell_mode = ShellMode(get_ipython().__class__.__name__)
    except NameError:
        shell_mode = ShellMode.REPL_SHELL
        return shell_mode

# Get ClientMode, defaulting to UI
mode = ClientMode(os.getenv("ARKOUDA_CLIENT_MODE", "UI").upper())

# Print splash message if in UI mode
if mode == ClientMode.UI:
    import pyfiglet  # type: ignore

    print(f"Client Version: {__version__}")  # type: ignore

# reset settings to default values
def set_defaults() -> None:
    Sets client variables including verbose, maxTransferBytes and
    pdarrayIterThresh to default values.

    global verbose, maxTransferBytes, pdarrayIterThresh
    verbose = verboseDefVal
    pdarrayIterThresh = pdarrayIterThreshDefVal
    maxTransferBytes = maxTransferBytesDefVal

class ChannelType(Enum):
    The ChannelType Enum specifies which Channel implementation is
    to be used for an Arkouda client deployment.

    ZMQ = "ZMQ"
    GRPC = "GRPC"

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        Overridden method returns value.
        return self.value

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        Overridden method returns value.
        return self.value

class Channel:
    The Channel class defines methods for connecting to and communicating with
    the Arkouda server.

    url : str
        Channel url used to connect to the Arkouda server which is either set
        to the connect_url or generated from supplied server and port values
    user : str
        Arkouda user who will use the Channel to connect to the arkouda_server
    token : str, optional
        Token used to connect to the arkouda_server if authentication is enabled
    logger : ArkoudaLogger
        ArkoudaLogger used for logging

    __slots__ = ("url", "user", "token", "logger")

    def __init__(
        user: str,
        server: str = "localhost",
        port: int = 5555,
        token: Optional[str] = None,
        connect_url: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> None:
        user : str
            Arkouda user who will use the Channel to connect to the arkouda_server
        server : str, optional
            The hostname of the server (must be visible to the current machine).
            Defaults to `localhost`.
        port : int, optional
            The port of the server. Defaults to 5555.
        token : str, optional
            Token used to connect to the arkouda_server if authentication is enabled
        connect_url : str, optional
            The complete url in the format of tcp://server:port?token=<token_value>
            where the token is optional
        self._set_url(server, port, connect_url)
        self.user = user
        self._set_access_token(server, port, token)
        self.logger = getArkoudaLogger(name="Arkouda Client")

    def _set_url(self, server: str, port: int, connect_url: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
        If the connect_url is None, generates and sets the Channel url per the
        Channel protocol as well as host and port. Otherwise, sets the Channel url
        to the supplied connect_url value.

        server : str
            Arkouda server hostname, ip address, or service name
        port : int
            Arkouda server host port
        connect_url : str, optional
            The complete url in the format of tcp://server:port?token=<token_value>
            where the token is optional

        self.url = connect_url if connect_url else f"tcp://{server}:{port}"

    def _set_access_token(self, server: str, port: int, token: Optional[str]) -> None:
        Sets the token for the Channel by doing the following:

        1. retrieves the token configured for the connect_string from the
           .arkouda/tokens.txt file, if any
        2. if token is None, returns the retrieved token
        3. if token is not None, replaces retrieved token with the token to account
           for situations where the token can change for a url (for example,
           the arkouda_server is restarted and a corresponding new token is generated).

        server : str
            The hostname of the server (must be visible to the current machine)
        port : int
            The port of the server
        username : str
            The username retrieved from the user's home directory
        token : str, optional
            The token supplied by the user, which is required if authentication
            is enabled, defaults to None


            If there's an error writing host:port -> access_token mapping to
            the user's tokens.txt file or retrieving the user's tokens
        path = f"{security.get_arkouda_client_directory()}/tokens.txt"
        url = f"{server}:{port}"

            tokens = io_util.delimited_file_to_dict(path)
        except Exception as e:
            raise IOError(e)

        if cast(str, token) and cast(str, token) not in {"", "None"}:
            saved_token = tokens.get(url)
            if saved_token is None or saved_token != token:
                tokens[url] = cast(str, token)
                    io_util.dict_to_delimited_file(values=tokens, path=path, delimiter=",")
                except Exception as e:
                    raise IOError(e)
            self.token = token
                tokens = io_util.delimited_file_to_dict(path)
            except Exception as e:
                raise IOError(e)
            self.token = tokens.get(url)

    def send_string_message(
        cmd: str,
        recv_binary: bool = False,
        args: Optional[str] = None,
        size: int = -1,
        request_id: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> Union[str, memoryview]:
        Generates a RequestMessage encapsulating command and requesting
        user information, sends it to the Arkouda server, and returns
        either a string or binary depending upon the message format.

        cmd : str
            The name of the command to be executed by the Arkouda server
        recv_binary : bool, defaults to False
            Indicates if the return message will be a string or binary data
        args : str, defaults to None
            A delimited string containing 1..n command arguments
        size : int
            Default -1
            Number of parameters contained in args. Only set if args is json.
        request_id: str, defaults to None
            Specifies an identifier for each request submitted to Arkouda

            The response string or binary data sent back from the Arkouda server

            Raised if the return message contains the word "Error", indicating
            a server-side error was thrown
            Raised if the return message is malformed JSON or is missing 1..n
            expected fields

        s- Size is not yet utilized. It is being provided in preparation for further development.
        raise NotImplementedError("send_string_message must be implemented in derived class")

    def send_binary_message(
        cmd: str,
        payload: memoryview,
        recv_binary: bool = False,
        args: Optional[str] = None,
        size: int = -1,
        request_id: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> Union[str, memoryview]:
        Generates a RequestMessage encapsulating command and requesting user information,
        information prepends the binary payload, sends the binary request to the Arkouda
        server, and returns either a string or binary depending upon the message format.

        cmd : str
            The name of the command to be executed by the Arkouda server
        payload : memoryview
            The binary data to be converted to a pdarray, Strings, or Categorical
            object on the Arkouda server
        recv_binary : bool, defaults to False
            Indicates if the return message will be a string or binary data
        args : str, default=None
            A delimited string containing 1..n command arguments
        request_id: str, defaults to None
            Specifies an identifier for each request submitted to Arkouda

            The response string or binary data sent back from the Arkouda server

            Raised if the return message contains the word "Error", indicating
            a server-side error was thrown
            Raised if the return message is malformed JSON or is missing 1..n
            expected fields
        raise NotImplementedError("send_binary_message must be implemented in derived class")

    def connect(self, timeout: int = 0) -> None:
        Establishes a connection to the Arkouda server

        timeout : int
            Connection timeout

            Raised if the return message contains the word "Error", indicating
            a server-side error was thrown
        raise NotImplementedError("connect must be implemented in derived class")

    def disconnect(self) -> None:
        Disconnects from the Arkouda server

            Raised if the return message contains the word "Error", indicating
            a server-side error was thrown
        raise NotImplementedError("connect must be implemented in derived class")

class ZmqChannel(Channel):
    The ZmqChannel class implements the Channel methods for ZMQ request/reply communication
    patterns, which is the Arkouda-Chapel default

    __slots__ = "socket"

    def send_string_message(
        cmd: str,
        recv_binary: bool = False,
        args: Optional[str] = None,
        size: int = -1,
        request_id: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> Union[str, memoryview]:
        message = RequestMessage(
            user=username, token=self.token, cmd=cmd, format=MessageFormat.STRING, args=args, size=size
        # Note - Size is a placeholder here because Binary msg not yet support json args and
        # request_id is a noop for now
        logger.debug(f"sending message {json.dumps(message.asdict())}")


        if recv_binary:
            frame = self.socket.recv(copy=False)
            view = frame.buffer
            # raise errors sent back from the server
            if bytes(view[0 : len(b"Error:")]) == b"Error:":
                raise RuntimeError(frame.bytes.decode())
            return view
            raw_message = self.socket.recv_string()
                return_message = ReplyMessage.fromdict(json.loads(raw_message))

                # raise errors or warnings sent back from the server
                if return_message.msgType == MessageType.ERROR:
                    raise RuntimeError(return_message.msg)
                elif return_message.msgType == MessageType.WARNING:
                return return_message.msg
            except KeyError as ke:
                raise ValueError(f"Return message is missing the {ke} field")
            except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
                raise ValueError(f"Return message is not valid JSON: {raw_message}")

    def send_binary_message(
        cmd: str,
        payload: memoryview,
        recv_binary: bool = False,
        args: Optional[str] = None,
        size: int = -1,
        request_id: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> Union[str, memoryview]:
        # Note - Size is a placeholder here because Binary msg not yet support json args and
        # request_id is a noop for now
        message = RequestMessage(
            user=username, token=self.token, cmd=cmd, format=MessageFormat.BINARY, args=args, size=size
        import zmq

        self.logger.debug(f"sending message {message}")

        self.socket.send(f"{json.dumps(message.asdict())}BINARY_PAYLOAD".encode(), flags=zmq.SNDMORE)
        self.socket.send(payload, copy=False)

        if recv_binary:
            frame = self.socket.recv(copy=False)
            view = frame.buffer
            # raise errors sent back from the server
            if bytes(view[0 : len(b"Error:")]) == b"Error:":
                raise RuntimeError(frame.bytes.decode())
            return view
            raw_message = self.socket.recv_string()
                return_message = ReplyMessage.fromdict(json.loads(raw_message))

                # raise errors or warnings sent back from the server
                if return_message.msgType == MessageType.ERROR:
                    raise RuntimeError(return_message.msg)
                elif return_message.msgType == MessageType.WARNING:
                return return_message.msg
            except KeyError as ke:
                raise ValueError(f"Return message is missing the {ke} field")
            except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
                raise ValueError(f"{raw_message} is not valid JSON, may be server-side error")

    def connect(self, timeout: int = 0) -> None:
        # create and configure socket for connections to arkouda server
        import zmq

        context = zmq.Context()
        self.socket = context.socket(zmq.REQ)

        logger.debug(f"ZMQ version: {zmq.zmq_version()}")

        # if timeout is specified, set send and receive timeout params
        if timeout > 0:
            self.socket.setsockopt(zmq.SNDTIMEO, timeout * 1000)
            self.socket.setsockopt(zmq.RCVTIMEO, timeout * 1000)

        # connect to arkouda server
        except Exception as e:
            raise ConnectionError(e)

    def disconnect(self) -> None:
        except Exception as e:
            raise RuntimeError(e)

# Global Channel object reference
channel = None

# Get ChannelType, defaulting to ZMQ
channelType = ChannelType(os.getenv("ARKOUDA_CHANNEL_TYPE", "ZMQ").upper())

def get_channel(
    server: str = "localhost",
    port: int = 5555,
    token: Optional[str] = None,
    connect_url: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Channel:
    Returns the configured Channel implementation

    server : str
        The hostname of the server (must be visible to the current
        machine). Defaults to `localhost`.
    port : int
        The port of the server. Defaults to 5555.
    token : str, optional
        The token used to connect to an existing socket to enable access to
        an Arkouda server where authentication is enabled. Defaults to None.
    connect_url : str, optional
        The complete url in the format of tcp://server:port?token=<token_value>
        where the token is optional

        The Channel implementation configured with the ARKOUDA_CHANNEL_TYPE
        env variable

        Raised if the ARKOUDA_CHANNEL_TYPE references an invalid ChannelType
    if channelType == ChannelType.ZMQ:
        return ZmqChannel(server=server, port=port, user=username, token=token, connect_url=connect_url)
        raise EnvironmentError(f"Invalid channelType {channelType}")

[docs] def connect( server: str = "localhost", port: int = 5555, timeout: int = 0, access_token: Optional[str] = None, connect_url: Optional[str] = None, access_channel: Optional[Channel] = None, ) -> None: """ Connect to a running arkouda server. Parameters ---------- server : str, optional The hostname of the server (must be visible to the current machine). Defaults to `localhost`. port : int, optional The port of the server. Defaults to 5555. timeout : int, optional The timeout in seconds for client send and receive operations. Defaults to 0 seconds, whicn is interpreted as no timeout. access_token : str, optional The token used to connect to an existing socket to enable access to an Arkouda server where authentication is enabled. Defaults to None. connect_url : str, optional The complete url in the format of tcp://server:port?token=<token_value> where the token is optional access_channel : Channel, optional The desired Channel implementation that differs from the default ZmqChannel Returns ------- None Raises ------ ConnectionError Raised if there's an error in connecting to the Arkouda server ValueError Raised if there's an error in parsing the connect_url parameter RuntimeError Raised if there is a server-side error Notes ----- On success, prints the connected address, as seen by the server. If called with an existing connection, the socket will be re-initialized. """ global connected, serverConfig, verbose, regexMaxCaptures, channel # send the connect message cmd = "connect" logger.debug(f"[Python] Sending request: {cmd}") """ If access-channel is not None, set global channel to access_channel. If not, set the global channel object via the get_channel factory method """ if access_channel: channel = access_channel else: channel = get_channel(server=server, port=port, token=access_token, connect_url=connect_url) # connect via the channel channel.connect(timeout) # send connect request to server and get the response confirming if # the connect request succeeded and, if not not, the error message return_message = channel.send_string_message(cmd=cmd) logger.debug(f"[Python] Received response: {str(return_message)}") connected = True serverConfig = _get_config_msg() if serverConfig["arkoudaVersion"] != __version__: warnings.warn( ( "Version mismatch between client ({}) and server ({}); " + "this may cause some commands to fail or behave " + "incorrectly! Updating arkouda is strongly recommended." ).format(__version__, serverConfig["arkoudaVersion"]), RuntimeWarning, ) regexMaxCaptures = serverConfig["regexMaxCaptures"] # type: ignore
def _parse_url(url: str) -> Tuple[str, int, Optional[str]]: """ Parses the url in the following format if authentication enabled: tcp://<hostname/url>:<port>?token=<token> If authentication is not enabled, the url is expected to be in the format: tcp://<hostname/url>:<port> Parameters ---------- url : str The url string Returns ------- Tuple[str,int,Optional[str]] A tuple containing the host, port, and token, the latter of which is None if authentication is not enabled for the Arkouda server being accessed Raises ------ ValueError if the url does not match one of the above formats, if the port is not an integer, or if there's a general string parse error raised in the parsing of the url parameter """ try: # split on tcp:// and if missing or malformmed, raise ValueError no_protocol_stub = url.split("tcp://") if len(no_protocol_stub) < 2: raise ValueError( "url must be in form tcp://<hostname/url>:<port> or " "tcp://<hostname/url>:<port>?token=<token>" ) # split on : to separate host from port or port?token=<token> host_stub = no_protocol_stub[1].split(":") if len(host_stub) < 2: raise ValueError( "url must be in form tcp://<hostname/url>:<port> or " "tcp://<hostname/url>:<port>?token=<token>" ) host = host_stub[0] port_stub = host_stub[1] if "?token=" in port_stub: port_token_stub = port_stub.split("?token=") return (host, int(port_token_stub[0]), port_token_stub[1]) else: return (host, int(port_stub), None) except Exception as e: raise ValueError(e) def _start_tunnel(addr: str, tunnel_server: str) -> Tuple[str, object]: """ Starts ssh tunnel Parameters ---------- tunnel_server : str The ssh server url Returns ------- str The new tunneled-version of connect string object The ssh tunnel object Raises ------ ConnectionError If the ssh tunnel could not be created given the tunnel_server url and credentials (either password or key file) """ from zmq import ssh kwargs = {"addr": addr, "server": tunnel_server} keyfile = os.getenv("ARKOUDA_KEY_FILE") password = os.getenv("ARKOUDA_PASSWORD") if keyfile: kwargs["keyfile"] = keyfile if password: kwargs["password"] = password try: return ssh.tunnel.open_tunnel(**kwargs) except Exception as e: raise ConnectionError(e) # message arkouda server the client is disconnecting from the server
[docs] def disconnect() -> None: """ Disconnects the client from the Arkouda server Returns ------- None Raises ------ ConnectionError Raised if there's an error disconnecting from the Arkouda server """ global connected, serverConfig, verbose if connected: # send disconnect message to server message = "disconnect" logger.debug(f"[Python] Sending request: {message}") return_message = cast(str, cast(Channel, channel).send_string_message(message)) logger.debug(f"[Python] Received response: {return_message}") try: cast(Channel, channel).disconnect() except Exception as e: raise ConnectionError(e) connected = False serverConfig = None else:"not connected; cannot disconnect")
[docs] def shutdown() -> None: """ Sends a shutdown message to the Arkouda server that does the following: 1. Delete all objects in the SymTable 2. Shuts down the Arkouda server 3. Disconnects the client from the stopped Arkouda Server Returns ------- None Raises ------ RuntimeError Raised if the client is not connected to the Arkouda server or there is an error in disconnecting from the server """ global socket, pspStr, connected, serverConfig, verbose if not connected: raise RuntimeError("not connected, cannot shutdown server") # send shutdown message to server message = "shutdown" logger.debug(f"[Python] Sending request: {message}") return_message = cast(str, cast(Channel, channel).send_string_message(message)) logger.debug(f"[Python] Received response: {return_message}") try: cast(Channel, channel).disconnect() except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError(e) connected = False serverConfig = None
def _json_args_to_str(json_obj: Optional[Dict] = None) -> Tuple[int, str]: """ Convert Python Dictionary into a JSON formatted string that can be parsed by the msg processing system on the Arkouda Server Parameters ---------- json_obj : dict = None Python dictionary of key:val representing command arguments Return ------ Tuple - the number of parameters found and the json formatted string Raises ------ TypeError - Keys are a type other than str - Any value is a dictionary. - A list contains values of multiple types. Notes ----- - Nested dictionaries are not yet supported, but are planned for future support. - Support for lists of pdarray or Strings objects does not yet exist. """ j: List[str] = [] if json_obj is None: # early return when none return 0, json.dumps(j) for key, val in json_obj.items(): if not isinstance(key, str): raise TypeError(f"Argument keys are required to be str. Found {type(key)}") param = ParameterObject.factory(key, val) j.append(json.dumps(param.dict)) return len(j), json.dumps(j) def generic_msg( cmd: str, args: Optional[Dict] = None, payload: Optional[memoryview] = None, send_binary: bool = False, recv_binary: bool = False, ) -> Union[str, memoryview]: """ Sends a binary or string message composed of a command and corresponding arguments to the arkouda_server, returning the response sent by the server. Parameters ---------- cmd : str The server-side command to be executed args : str A space-delimited list of command arguments payload : memoryview The payload when sending binary data send_binary : bool Indicates if the message to be sent is a string or binary recv_binary : bool Indicates if the return message will be a string or binary Returns ------- Union[str, memoryview] The string or binary return message Raises ------ KeyboardInterrupt Raised if the user interrupts during command execution RuntimeError Raised if the client is not connected to the server or if there is a server-side error thrown Notes ----- If the server response is a string, the string corresponds to a success confirmation, warn message, or error message. A memoryview response corresponds to an Arkouda array output as a numpy array. """ global socket, pspStr, connected, verbose if not connected: raise RuntimeError("client is not connected to a server") size, msg_args = _json_args_to_str(args) try: if send_binary: assert payload is not None return cast(Channel, channel).send_binary_message( cmd=cmd, payload=payload, recv_binary=recv_binary, args=msg_args, size=size ) else: assert payload is None return cast(Channel, channel).send_string_message( cmd=cmd, args=msg_args, size=size, recv_binary=recv_binary ) except KeyboardInterrupt as e: # if the user interrupts during command execution, the socket gets out # of sync reset the socket before raising the interrupt exception cast(Channel, channel).connect(timeout=0) raise e
[docs] def get_config() -> Mapping[str, Union[str, int, float]]: """ Get runtime information about the server. Returns ------- Mapping[str, Union[str, int, float]] serverHostname serverPort numLocales numPUs (number of processor units per locale) maxTaskPar (maximum number of tasks per locale) physicalMemory Raises ------ RuntimeError Raised if the client is not connected to a server """ if serverConfig is None: raise RuntimeError("client is not connected to a server") return serverConfig
[docs] def get_max_array_rank() -> int: """ Get the maximum pdarray rank the server was compiled to support This value corresponds to the maximum number in parameter_classes -> array -> nd in the `registration-config.json` file when the server was compiled. Returns ------- int The maximum pdarray rank supported by the server """ if serverConfig is None: raise RuntimeError("client is not connected to a server") return int(serverConfig["maxArrayDims"])
def _get_config_msg() -> Mapping[str, Union[str, int, float]]: """ Get runtime information about the server. Raises ------ RuntimeError Raised if there is a server-side error in getting memory used ValueError Raised if there's an error in parsing the JSON-formatted server config """ try: raw_message = cast(str, generic_msg(cmd="getconfig")) return json.loads(raw_message) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: raise ValueError(f"Returned config is not valid JSON: {raw_message}") except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError(f"{e} in retrieving Arkouda server config")
[docs] def get_mem_used(unit: str = "b", as_percent: bool = False) -> int: """ Compute the amount of memory used by objects in the server's symbol table. Parameters ---------- unit : str {'b', 'kb', 'mb', 'gb', 'tb', 'pb'} unit of return ('b' by default) as_percent : bool If True, return the percent (as an int) of the available memory that's been used False by default Returns ------- int Indicates the amount of memory allocated to symbol table objects. Raises ------ RuntimeError Raised if there is a server-side error in getting memory used ValueError Raised if the returned value is not an int-formatted string """ mem_used_message = cast( str, generic_msg(cmd="getmemused", args={"factor": _mem_get_factor(unit), "as_percent": as_percent}), ) return int(mem_used_message)
[docs] def get_mem_avail(unit: str = "b", as_percent: bool = False) -> int: """ Compute the amount of memory available to be used. Parameters ---------- unit : str {'b', 'kb', 'mb', 'gb', 'tb', 'pb'} unit of return ('b' by default) as_percent : bool If True, return the percent (as an int) of the memory that's available to be used False by default Returns ------- int Indicates the amount of memory available to be used. Raises ------ RuntimeError Raised if there is a server-side error in getting memory available ValueError Raised if the returned value is not an int-formatted string """ mem_avail_message = cast( str, generic_msg(cmd="getavailmem", args={"factor": _mem_get_factor(unit), "as_percent": as_percent}), ) return int(mem_avail_message)
[docs] def get_mem_status() -> List[Mapping[str, Union[str, int, float]]]: """ Retrieves the memory status for each locale Returns ------- List[Mapping[str, Union[str, int, float]]] total_mem: total physical memory on locale host avail_mem: current available memory on locale host arkouda_mem_alloc: memory allocated to Arkouda chapel process on locale host pct_avail_mem: percentage of physical memory currently available on locale host locale_id: locale id which is between 0 and numLocales-1 locale_hostname: host name of locale host Raises ------ RuntimeError Raised if there is a server-side error in getting per-locale memory status information """ try: raw_message = cast(str, generic_msg(cmd="getmemstatus")) return json.loads(raw_message) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: raise ValueError(f"Returned memory status is not valid JSON: {raw_message}") except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError(f"{e} in retrieving Arkouda server config")
[docs] def get_server_commands() -> Mapping[str, str]: """ Return a dictionary of available server commands and the functions they map to Returns ------- dict String to String mapping of available server commands to functions Raises ------ RuntimeError Raised if there is a server-side error in retrieving and formatting the CommandMap ValueError Raised if there's an error in parsing the JSON-formatted server string """ try: raw_message = cast(str, generic_msg(cmd="getCmdMap")) return json.loads(raw_message) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: raise ValueError(f"Returned config is not valid JSON: {raw_message}") except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError(f"{e} in retrieving Arkouda server config")
def _no_op() -> str: """ Send a no-op message just to gather round trip time Returns ------- str The noop command result Raises ------ RuntimeError Raised if there is a server-side error in executing noop request """ return cast(str, generic_msg(cmd="noop"))
[docs] def ruok() -> str: """ Simply sends an "ruok" message to the server and, if the return message is "imok", this means the arkouda_server is up and operating normally. A return message of "imnotok" indicates an error occurred or the connection timed out. This method is basically a way to do a quick healthcheck in a way that does not require error handling. Returns ------- str A string indicating if the server is operating normally (imok), if there's an error server-side, or if ruok did not return a response (imnotok) in both of the latter cases """ try: res = cast(str, generic_msg(cmd="ruok")) if res == "imok": return "imok" else: return f"imnotok because: {res}" except Exception as e: return f"ruok did not return response: {str(e)}"
[docs] def generate_history( num_commands: Optional[int] = None, command_filter: Optional[str] = None ) -> List[str]: """ Generates list of commands executed within the the Python shell, Jupyter notebook, or IPython notebook, with an optional cmd_filter and number of commands to return. Parameters ---------- num_commands : int The number of commands from history to retrieve command_filter : str String containing characters used to select a subset of commands. Returns ------- List[str] A list of commands from the Python shell, Jupyter notebook, or IPython notebook Examples -------- >>> ak.connect() connected to arkouda server tcp://*:5555 >>> ak.get_config() >>> ak.ones(10000) array([1 1 1 ... 1 1 1]) >>> nums = ak.randint(0,500,10000) >>> ak.argsort(nums) array([105 457 647 ... 9362 9602 9683]) >>> ak.generate_history(num_commands=5, command_filter='ak.') ['ak.connect()', 'ak.get_config()', 'ak.ones(10000)', 'nums = ak.randint(0,500,10000)', 'ak.argsort(nums)'] """ shell_mode = get_shell_mode() if shell_mode == ShellMode.REPL_SHELL: from arkouda.history import ShellHistoryRetriever return ShellHistoryRetriever().retrieve(command_filter, num_commands) else: from arkouda.history import NotebookHistoryRetriever return NotebookHistoryRetriever().retrieve(command_filter, num_commands)