Source code for arkouda.array_api.sorting_functions

from __future__ import annotations

import arkouda as ak

from ._dtypes import _real_numeric_dtypes
from .array_object import Array
from .manipulation_functions import flip

[docs] def argsort(x: Array, /, *, axis: int = -1, descending: bool = False, stable: bool = True) -> Array: """ Return the indices that sort an array along a specified axis. Parameters ---------- x : Array The array to sort axis : int, optional The axis along which to sort. descending : bool, optional Whether to sort in descending order. stable : bool, optional Whether to use a stable sorting algorithm. Note: arkouda's sorting algorithm is always stable so this argument is ignored. """ if axis == -1: axis = x.ndim - 1 a = Array._new(ak.argsort(x._array, axis=axis)) # TODO: pass a 'flip' argument to the server to avoid this extra step if descending: flip(a, axis=axis) return a
[docs] def sort(x: Array, /, *, axis: int = -1, descending: bool = False, stable: bool = True) -> Array: """ Return a sorted copy of an array along a specified axis. Parameters ---------- x : Array The array to sort axis : int, optional The axis along which to sort. descending : bool, optional Whether to sort in descending order. stable : bool, optional Whether to use a stable sorting algorithm. Note: arkouda's sorting algorithm is always stable so this argument is ignored. """ if axis == -1: axis = x.ndim - 1 if x.dtype not in _real_numeric_dtypes: raise TypeError("Only real numeric dtypes are allowed in sort") a = Array._new(ak.sort(x._array, axis=axis)) # TODO: pass a 'flip' argument to the server to avoid this extra step if descending: flip(a, axis=axis) return a