Source code for arkouda.array_api.set_functions

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import NamedTuple, cast

from arkouda.client import generic_msg
from arkouda.pdarrayclass import create_pdarray, create_pdarrays

from .array_object import Array

[docs] class UniqueAllResult(NamedTuple): values: Array indices: Array inverse_indices: Array counts: Array
[docs] class UniqueCountsResult(NamedTuple): values: Array counts: Array
[docs] class UniqueInverseResult(NamedTuple): values: Array inverse_indices: Array
[docs] def unique_all(x: Array, /) -> UniqueAllResult: """ Return a tuple of arrays containing: - the unique values in `x` - the indices of the first occurrence of each unique value - the inverse indices that reconstruct `x` from the unique values - the counts of each unique value """ arrays = create_pdarrays( cast( str, generic_msg( cmd=f"uniqueAll<{x.dtype},{x.ndim}>", args={"name": x._array}, ), ) ) return UniqueAllResult( values=Array._new(arrays[0]), indices=Array._new(arrays[1]), inverse_indices=Array._new(arrays[2]), counts=Array._new(arrays[3]), )
[docs] def unique_counts(x: Array, /) -> UniqueCountsResult: """ Return a tuple of arrays containing: - the unique values in `x` - the counts of each unique value """ arrays = create_pdarrays( cast( str, generic_msg( cmd=f"uniqueCounts<{x.dtype},{x.ndim}>", args={"name": x._array}, ), ) ) return UniqueCountsResult( values=Array._new(arrays[0]), counts=Array._new(arrays[1]), )
[docs] def unique_inverse(x: Array, /) -> UniqueInverseResult: """ Return a tuple of arrays containing: - the unique values in `x` - the inverse indices that reconstruct `x` from the unique values """ arrays = create_pdarrays( cast( str, generic_msg( cmd=f"uniqueInverse<{x.dtype},{x.ndim}>", args={"name": x._array}, ), ) ) return UniqueInverseResult( values=Array._new(arrays[0]), inverse_indices=Array._new(arrays[1]), )
[docs] def unique_values(x: Array, /) -> Array: """ Return an array containing the unique values from `x`. """ return Array._new( create_pdarray( cast( str, generic_msg( cmd=f"uniqueValues<{x.dtype},{x.ndim}>", args={"name": x._array}, ), ) ) )