from __future__ import annotations
from .array_object import Array
from ._dtypes import _real_numeric_dtypes, _real_floating_dtypes
from typing import Optional, Tuple, Literal, cast
from .manipulation_functions import squeeze, reshape, broadcast_arrays
from arkouda.client import generic_msg
from arkouda.pdarrayclass import parse_single_value, create_pdarray, create_pdarrays
from arkouda.pdarraycreation import scalar_array
from arkouda.numeric import cast as akcast
import arkouda as ak
def argmax(x: Array, /, *, axis: Optional[int] = None, keepdims: bool = False) -> Array:
Returns an array with the indices of the maximum values along a given axis.
x : Array
The array to search for maximum values
axis : int, optional
The axis along which to search for maximum values. If None, the array is flattened before
keepdims : bool, optional
Whether to keep the singleton dimension along `axis` in the result.
if x.dtype not in _real_numeric_dtypes:
raise TypeError("Only real numeric dtypes are allowed in argmax")
if x.ndim > 1 and axis is None:
# must flatten ND arrays to 1D without an axis argument
x_op = reshape(x, shape=(-1,))
x_op = x
resp = generic_msg(
"x": x_op._array,
"op": "argmax",
"hasAxis": axis is not None,
"axis": axis if axis is not None else 0,
if axis is None:
return Array._new(scalar_array(parse_single_value(resp)))
arr = Array._new(create_pdarray(resp))
if keepdims:
return arr
return squeeze(arr, axis)
def argmin(x: Array, /, *, axis: Optional[int] = None, keepdims: bool = False) -> Array:
Returns an array with the indices of the minimum values along a given axis.
x : Array
The array to search for minimum values
axis : int, optional
The axis along which to search for minimum values. If None, the array is flattened before
keepdims : bool, optional
Whether to keep the singleton dimension along `axis` in the result.
if x.dtype not in _real_numeric_dtypes:
raise TypeError("Only real numeric dtypes are allowed in argmax")
if x.ndim > 1 and axis is None:
# must flatten ND arrays to 1D without an axis argument
x_op = reshape(x, shape=(-1,))
x_op = x
resp = generic_msg(
"x": x_op._array,
"op": "argmin",
"hasAxis": axis is not None,
"axis": axis if axis is not None else 0,
if axis is None:
return Array._new(scalar_array(parse_single_value(resp)))
arr = Array._new(create_pdarray(resp))
if keepdims:
return arr
return squeeze(arr, axis)
def nonzero(x: Array, /) -> Tuple[Array, ...]:
Returns a tuple of arrays containing the indices of the non-zero elements of the input array.
resp = cast(
args={"x": x._array},
return tuple([Array._new(a) for a in create_pdarrays(resp)])
def where(condition: Array, x1: Array, x2: Array, /) -> Array:
Return elements, either from `x1` or `x2`, depending on `condition`.
condition : Array
When condition[i] is True, store x1[i] in the output array, otherwise store x2[i].
x1 : Array
Values selected at indices where `condition` is True.
x2 : Array
Values selected at indices where `condition` is False.
broadcasted = broadcast_arrays(condition, x1, x2)
return Array._new(
"func": "where",
"condition": akcast(broadcasted[0]._array, ak.dtypes.bool_),
"a": broadcasted[1]._array,
"b": broadcasted[2]._array,
def searchsorted(
x1: Array,
x2: Array,
side: Literal["left", "right"] = "left",
sorter: Optional[Array] = None,
) -> Array:
Given a sorted array `x1`, find the indices to insert elements from another array `x2` such that
the sorted order is maintained.
x1 : Array
The sorted array to search in.
x2 : Array
The values to search for in `x1`.
side : {'left', 'right'}, optional
If 'left', the index of the first suitable location found is given. If 'right', return the
last such index. Default is 'left'.
sorter : Array, optional
The indices that would sort `x1` in ascending order. If None, `x1` is assumed to be sorted.
if x1.dtype not in _real_floating_dtypes or x2.dtype not in _real_floating_dtypes:
raise TypeError("Only real dtypes are allowed in searchsorted")
if x1.ndim > 1:
raise ValueError("searchsorted only supports 1D arrays for x1")
if sorter is not None:
_x1 = x1[sorter]
_x1 = x1
resp = generic_msg(
"x1": _x1._array,
"x2": x2._array,
"side": side,
return Array._new(create_pdarray(resp))