Source code for arkouda.array_api._searching_functions

from __future__ import annotations

from ._array_object import Array
from ._dtypes import _real_numeric_dtypes

from typing import Optional, Tuple, Literal, cast

from ._manipulation_functions import squeeze, reshape, broadcast_arrays

from arkouda.client import generic_msg
from arkouda.pdarrayclass import parse_single_value, create_pdarray
from arkouda.pdarraycreation import scalar_array
from arkouda.numeric import cast as akcast
import arkouda as ak

[docs] def argmax(x: Array, /, *, axis: Optional[int] = None, keepdims: bool = False) -> Array: if x.dtype not in _real_numeric_dtypes: raise TypeError("Only real numeric dtypes are allowed in argmax") if x.ndim > 1 and axis is None: # must flatten ND arrays to 1D without an axis argument x_op = reshape(x, shape=(-1,)) else: x_op = x resp = generic_msg( cmd=f"reduce->idx{x_op.ndim}D", args={ "x": x_op._array, "op": "argmax", "hasAxis": axis is not None, "axis": axis if axis is not None else 0, }, ) if axis is None: return Array._new(scalar_array(parse_single_value(resp))) else: arr = Array._new(create_pdarray(resp)) if keepdims: return arr else: return squeeze(arr, axis)
[docs] def argmin(x: Array, /, *, axis: Optional[int] = None, keepdims: bool = False) -> Array: if x.dtype not in _real_numeric_dtypes: raise TypeError("Only real numeric dtypes are allowed in argmax") if x.ndim > 1 and axis is None: # must flatten ND arrays to 1D without an axis argument x_op = reshape(x, shape=(-1,)) else: x_op = x resp = generic_msg( cmd=f"reduce->idx{x_op.ndim}D", args={ "x": x_op._array, "op": "argmin", "hasAxis": axis is not None, "axis": axis if axis is not None else 0, }, ) if axis is None: return Array._new(scalar_array(parse_single_value(resp))) else: arr = Array._new(create_pdarray(resp)) if keepdims: return arr else: return squeeze(arr, axis)
[docs] def nonzero(x: Array, /) -> Tuple[Array, ...]: resp = cast( str, generic_msg( cmd=f"nonzero{x.ndim}D", args={"x": x._array}, ) ) return tuple([Array._new(create_pdarray(a)) for a in resp.split("+")])
[docs] def where(condition: Array, x1: Array, x2: Array, /) -> Array: broadcasted = broadcast_arrays(condition, x1, x2) return Array._new( create_pdarray( generic_msg( cmd=f"efunc3vv{broadcasted[0].ndim}D", args={ "func": "where", "condition": akcast(broadcasted[0]._array, ak.dtypes.bool), "a": broadcasted[1]._array, "b": broadcasted[2]._array, }, ) ) )
[docs] def searchsorted( x1: Array, x2: Array, /, *, side: Literal['left', 'right'] = 'left', sorter: Optional[Array] = None ) -> Array: raise NotImplementedError("searchsorted is not yet implemented")