Source code for arkouda.array_api._manipulation_functions

from __future__ import annotations

from ._array_object import Array, implements_numpy

from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union, cast
from arkouda.client import generic_msg
from arkouda.pdarrayclass import create_pdarray
from arkouda.pdarraycreation import scalar_array
from arkouda.util import broadcast_dims

import numpy as np

[docs] def broadcast_arrays(*arrays: Array) -> List[Array]: shapes = [a.shape for a in arrays] bcShape = shapes[0] for shape in shapes[1:]: bcShape = broadcast_dims(bcShape, shape) return [broadcast_to(a, shape=bcShape) for a in arrays]
[docs] @implements_numpy(np.broadcast_to) def broadcast_to(x: Array, /, shape: Tuple[int, ...]) -> Array: """ Broadcast the array to the specified shape. """ try: return Array._new( create_pdarray( cast( str, generic_msg( cmd=f"broadcastTo{x.ndim}Dx{len(shape)}D", args={ "name": x._array, "shape": shape, }, ), ) ) ) except RuntimeError as e: raise ValueError(f"Failed to broadcast array: {e}")
[docs] def concat( arrays: Union[Tuple[Array, ...], List[Array]], /, *, axis: Optional[int] = 0 ) -> Array: # TODO: type promotion across input arrays return Array._new( create_pdarray( cast( str, generic_msg( cmd=f"concat{arrays[0].ndim}D" if axis is not None else f"concatFlat{arrays[0].ndim}D", args={ "n": len(arrays), "names": [a._array for a in arrays], "axis": axis, }, ), ) ) )
[docs] def expand_dims(x: Array, /, *, axis: int) -> Array: try: return Array._new( create_pdarray( cast( str, generic_msg( cmd=f"expandDims{x.ndim}D", args={ "name": x._array, "axis": axis, }, ), ) ) ) except RuntimeError as e: raise (IndexError(f"Failed to expand array dimensions: {e}"))
[docs] def flip(x: Array, /, *, axis: Optional[Union[int, Tuple[int, ...]]] = None) -> Array: axisList = [] if axis is not None: axisList = list(axis) if isinstance(axis, tuple) else [axis] try: return Array._new( create_pdarray( cast( str, generic_msg( cmd=f"flipAll{x.ndim}D" if axis is None else f"flip{x.ndim}D", args={ "name": x._array, "nAxes": len(axisList), "axis": axisList, }, ), ) ) ) except RuntimeError as e: raise IndexError(f"Failed to flip array: {e}")
[docs] def moveaxis( x: Array, source: Union[int, Tuple[int, ...]], destination: Union[int, Tuple[int, ...]], / ) -> Array: perm = list(range(x.ndim)) if isinstance(source, tuple): if isinstance(destination, tuple): for s, d in zip(source, destination): perm[s] = d else: raise ValueError("source and destination must both be tuples if source is a tuple") elif isinstance(destination, int): perm[source] = destination else: raise ValueError("source and destination must both be integers if source is a tuple") return permute_dims(x, axes=tuple(perm))
[docs] def permute_dims(x: Array, /, axes: Tuple[int, ...]) -> Array: try: return Array._new( create_pdarray( cast( str, generic_msg( cmd=f"permuteDims{x.ndim}D", args={ "name": x._array, "axes": axes, }, ), ) ) ) except RuntimeError as e: raise IndexError(f"Failed to permute array dimensions: {e}")
[docs] def repeat(x: Array, repeats: Union[int, Array], /, *, axis: Optional[int] = None) -> Array: if isinstance(repeats, int): reps = Array._new(scalar_array(repeats)) else: reps = repeats if axis is None: return Array._new( create_pdarray( cast( str, generic_msg( cmd=f"repeatFlat{x.ndim}D", args={ "name": x._array, "repeats": reps._array, }, ), ) ) ) else: raise NotImplementedError("repeat with 'axis' argument is not yet implemented")
[docs] def reshape( x: Array, /, shape: Tuple[int, ...], *, copy: Optional[bool] = None ) -> Array: # TODO: figure out copying semantics (currently always creates a copy) try: return Array._new( create_pdarray( cast( str, generic_msg( cmd=f"reshape{x.ndim}Dx{len(shape)}D", args={ "name": x._array, "shape": shape, }, ), ) ) ) except RuntimeError as e: raise ValueError(f"Failed to reshape array: {e}")
[docs] def roll( x: Array, /, shift: Union[int, Tuple[int, ...]], *, axis: Optional[Union[int, Tuple[int, ...]]] = None, ) -> Array: axisList = [] if axis is not None: axisList = list(axis) if isinstance(axis, tuple) else [axis] try: return Array._new( create_pdarray( cast( str, generic_msg( cmd=f"rollFlattened{x.ndim}D" if axis is None else f"roll{x.ndim}D", args={ "name": x._array, "nShifts": len(shift) if isinstance(shift, tuple) else 1, "shift": list(shift) if isinstance(shift, tuple) else [shift], "nAxes": len(axisList), "axis": axisList, }, ), ) ) ) except RuntimeError as e: raise IndexError(f"Failed to roll array: {e}")
[docs] def squeeze(x: Array, /, axis: Union[int, Tuple[int, ...]]) -> Array: nAxes = len(axis) if isinstance(axis, tuple) else 1 try: return Array._new( create_pdarray( cast( str, generic_msg( cmd=f"squeeze{x.ndim}Dx{x.ndim - nAxes}D", args={ "name": x._array, "nAxes": nAxes, "axes": list(axis) if isinstance(axis, tuple) else [axis], }, ), ) ) ) except RuntimeError as e: raise ValueError(f"Failed to squeeze array: {e}")
[docs] def stack(arrays: Union[Tuple[Array, ...], List[Array]], /, *, axis: int = 0) -> Array: # TODO: type promotion across input arrays return Array._new( create_pdarray( cast( str, generic_msg( cmd=f"stack{arrays[0].ndim}D", args={ "names": [a._array for a in arrays], "n": len(arrays), "axis": axis, }, ), ) ) )
[docs] def tile(x: Array, repetitions: Tuple[int, ...], /) -> Array: if len(repetitions) > x.ndim: xr = reshape(x, (1,) * (len(repetitions) - x.ndim) + x.shape) reps = repetitions elif len(repetitions) < x.ndim: xr = x reps = (1,) * (x.ndim - len(repetitions)) + repetitions else: xr = x reps = repetitions return Array._new( create_pdarray( cast( str, generic_msg( cmd=f"tile{xr.ndim}D", args={ "name": xr._array, "reps": reps, }, ), ) ) )
[docs] def unstack(x: Array, /, *, axis: int = 0) -> Tuple[Array, ...]: resp = cast( str, generic_msg( cmd=f"unstack{x.ndim}D", args={ "name": x._array, "axis": axis, "numReturnArrays": x.shape[axis], }, ), ) return tuple([Array._new(create_pdarray(a)) for a in resp.split("+")])