Source code for arkouda.array_api._creation_functions

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List, Optional, Tuple, Union, cast

from arkouda.client import generic_msg
import numpy as np
from arkouda.pdarrayclass import create_pdarray, pdarray
from arkouda.pdarraycreation import _array_memview
from arkouda.dtypes import dtype as akdtype
from arkouda.dtypes import resolve_scalar_dtype
from arkouda.client import maxTransferBytes

    from ._typing import (
from ._dtypes import _all_dtypes

import arkouda as ak

def _check_valid_dtype(dtype):
    # Note: Only spelling dtypes as the dtype objects is supported.

    # We use this instead of "dtype in _all_dtypes" because the dtype objects
    # define equality with the sorts of things we want to disallow.
    for d in (None,) + _all_dtypes:
        if dtype is d:
    raise ValueError("dtype must be one of the supported dtypes")

[docs] def asarray( obj: Union[ Array, bool, int, float, NestedSequence[bool | int | float], SupportsBufferProtocol, ak.pdarray, ], /, *, dtype: Optional[Dtype] = None, device: Optional[Device] = None, copy: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> Array: from ._array_object import Array if device not in ["cpu", None]: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported device {device!r}") if isinstance(obj, ak.pdarray): return Array._new(obj) elif ( isinstance(obj, bool) or isinstance(obj, int) or isinstance(obj, float) or isinstance(obj, complex) ): if dtype is None: xdtype = akdtype(resolve_scalar_dtype(obj)) else: xdtype = akdtype(dtype) res = ak.full(1, obj, xdtype) return Array._new(res) elif isinstance(obj, Array): return Array._new(ak.array(obj._array)) elif isinstance(obj, ak.pdarray): return Array._new(obj) elif isinstance(obj, np.ndarray): obj_flat = obj.flatten() if dtype is None: xdtype = akdtype(obj_flat.dtype) else: xdtype = akdtype(dtype) if obj_flat.nbytes > maxTransferBytes: raise RuntimeError( f"Creating Array would require transferring {obj_flat.nbytes} bytes, which exceeds " f"allowed transfer size. Increase ak.client.maxTransferBytes to force." ) if obj.shape == (): return Array._new( create_pdarray( generic_msg( cmd="create0D", args={"dtype": xdtype, "value": obj.item()}, ) ) ) else: return Array._new( create_pdarray( generic_msg( cmd=f"array{obj.ndim}D", args={"dtype": xdtype, "shape": np.shape(obj) , "seg_string": False}, payload=_array_memview(obj_flat), send_binary=True, ) ) ) else: raise ValueError("asarray not implemented for 'NestedSequence'")
[docs] def arange( start: Union[int, float], /, stop: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None, step: Union[int, float] = 1, *, dtype: Optional[Dtype] = None, device: Optional[Device] = None, ) -> Array: from ._array_object import Array if device not in ["cpu", None]: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported device {device!r}") if stop is None: return Array._new(ak.arange(0, start, step, dtype=dtype)) else: return Array._new(ak.arange(start, stop, step, dtype=dtype))
[docs] def empty( shape: Union[int, Tuple[int, ...]], *, dtype: Optional[Dtype] = None, device: Optional[Device] = None, ) -> Array: from ._array_object import Array if device not in ["cpu", None]: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported device {device!r}") if isinstance(shape, tuple): size = 1 tshape = cast(Tuple, shape) for s in tshape: size *= s return Array._new( pdarray("__empty__", akdtype(dtype), size, len(tshape), tshape, 0, None), empty=True, ) else: vshape = cast(int, shape) return Array._new( pdarray("__empty__", akdtype(dtype), vshape, 1, (vshape,), 0, None), empty=True, )
[docs] def empty_like( x: Array, /, *, dtype: Optional[Dtype] = None, device: Optional[Device] = None ) -> Array: from ._array_object import Array if device not in ["cpu", None]: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported device {device!r}") t = x.dtype if dtype is None else akdtype(dtype) return Array._new( pdarray( "__empty__", t, x._array.size, x._array.ndim, x._array.shape, x._array.itemsize, x._array.max_bits, ), empty=True, )
[docs] def eye( n_rows: int, n_cols: Optional[int] = None, /, *, k: int = 0, dtype: Optional[Dtype] = None, device: Optional[Device] = None, ) -> Array: from ._array_object import Array if device not in ["cpu", None]: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported device {device!r}") cols = n_rows if n_cols is not None: cols = n_cols repMsg = generic_msg( cmd="eye", args={ "dtype": np.dtype(dtype).name, "rows": n_rows, "cols": cols, "diag": k, }, ) return Array._new(create_pdarray(repMsg))
[docs] def from_dlpack(x: object, /) -> Array: raise ValueError("Not implemented")
[docs] def full( shape: Union[int, Tuple[int, ...]], fill_value: Union[int, float], *, dtype: Optional[Dtype] = None, device: Optional[Device] = None, ) -> Array: a = zeros(shape, dtype=dtype, device=device) a._array.fill(fill_value) return a
[docs] def full_like( x: Array, /, fill_value: Union[int, float], *, dtype: Optional[Dtype] = None, device: Optional[Device] = None, ) -> Array: return full(x.shape, fill_value, dtype=dtype, device=device)
[docs] def linspace( start: Union[int, float], stop: Union[int, float], /, num: int, *, dtype: Optional[Dtype] = None, device: Optional[Device] = None, endpoint: bool = True, ) -> Array: from ._array_object import Array if device not in ["cpu", None]: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported device {device!r}") return Array._new(ak.linspace(start, stop, num))
[docs] def meshgrid(*arrays: Array, indexing: str = "xy") -> List[Array]: # if indexing not in ['xy', 'ij']: # raise ValueError( # "Valid values for `indexing` are 'xy' and 'ij'.") # array_names = "[" # first = True # dim = 1 # for a in arrays: # if first: # dim = a._array.ndim # first = False # else: # if a._array.dim != dim: # raise ValueError(f"all arrays must have the same dimensionality for 'meshgrid'") # array_names += "," # array_names += # array_names += "]" # repMsg = generic_msg( # cmd=f"meshgrid{dim}D", # args={ # "num": len(array_names), # "arrays": array_names, # "indexing": indexing, # }, # ) # arrayMsgs = repMsg.split(",") # return [Array._new(create_pdarray(msg)) for msg in arrayMsgs] raise ValueError("Not implemented")
[docs] def ones( shape: Union[int, Tuple[int, ...]], *, dtype: Optional[Dtype] = None, device: Optional[Device] = None, ) -> Array: a = zeros(shape, dtype=dtype, device=device) a._array.fill(1) return a
[docs] def ones_like( x: Array, /, *, dtype: Optional[Dtype] = None, device: Optional[Device] = None ) -> Array: return ones(x.shape, dtype=dtype, device=device)
[docs] def tril(x: Array, /, *, k: int = 0) -> Array: from ._array_object import Array repMsg = generic_msg( cmd=f"tril{x._array.ndim}D", args={ "array":, "diag": k, }, ) return Array._new(create_pdarray(repMsg))
[docs] def triu(x: Array, /, *, k: int = 0) -> Array: from ._array_object import Array repMsg = generic_msg( cmd=f"triu{x._array.ndim}D", args={ "array":, "diag": k, }, ) return Array._new(create_pdarray(repMsg))
[docs] def zeros( shape: Union[int, Tuple[int, ...]], /, *, dtype: Optional[Dtype] = None, device: Optional[Device] = None, ) -> Array: from ._array_object import Array if device not in ["cpu", None]: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported device {device!r}") if isinstance(shape, tuple): ndim = len(shape) else: if shape == 0: ndim = 0 else: ndim = 1 dtype = akdtype(dtype) # normalize dtype dtype_name = cast(np.dtype, dtype).name repMsg = generic_msg( cmd=f"create{ndim}D", args={ "dtype": dtype_name, "shape": shape, "value": 0, }, ) return Array._new(create_pdarray(repMsg))
[docs] def zeros_like( x: Array, /, *, dtype: Optional[Dtype] = None, device: Optional[Device] = None ) -> Array: return zeros(x.shape, dtype=dtype, device=device)