Source code for arkouda.array_api._array_object

Wrapper class around the ndarray object for the array API standard.

The array API standard defines some behaviors differently than ndarray, in
particular, type promotion rules are different (the standard has no
value-based casting). The standard also specifies a more limited subset of
array methods and functionalities than are implemented on ndarray. Since the
goal of the array_api namespace is to be a minimal implementation of the array
API standard, we need to define a separate wrapper class for the array_api

The standard compliant class is only a wrapper class. It is *not* a subclass
of ndarray.

from __future__ import annotations

from enum import IntEnum
from ._dtypes import (
    # _all_dtypes,
    # _integer_or_boolean_dtypes,
    # _numeric_dtypes,
from ._creation_functions import asarray

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, Tuple, Union, Any, Dict, Callable
import types

    from ._typing import Device, Dtype

import arkouda as ak
import numpy as np

from arkouda.pdarraycreation import scalar_array
from arkouda import array_api

HANDLED_FUNCTIONS: Dict[str, Callable] = {}

[docs] class Array: """ n-d array object for the array API namespace. See the docstring of :py:obj:`np.ndarray <numpy.ndarray>` for more information. This is a wrapper around numpy.ndarray that restricts the usage to only those things that are required by the array API namespace. Note, attributes on this object that start with a single underscore are not part of the API specification and should only be used internally. This object should not be constructed directly. Rather, use one of the creation functions, such as asarray(). """ _array: ak.pdarray _empty: bool # Use a custom constructor instead of __init__, as manually initializing # this class is not supported API. @classmethod def _new(cls, x, /, empty: bool = False): """ This is a private method for initializing the array API Array object. Functions outside of the array_api submodule should not use this method. Use one of the creation functions instead, such as ``asarray``. """ obj = super().__new__(cls) obj._array = x obj._empty = empty return obj # Prevent Array() from working def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): raise TypeError( "The array_api Array object should not be instantiated directly. \ Use an array creation function, such as asarray(), instead." )
[docs] def tolist(self): """ Convert the array to a Python list or nested lists """ x = self._array.to_list() if self.shape == (): # to match numpy, return a scalar for a 0-dimensional array return x[0] else: return x
[docs] def to_ndarray(self): """ Convert the array to a numpy ndarray """ return self._array.to_ndarray()
[docs] def item(self): """ Convert the array to a Python scalar """ return self._array[0]
[docs] def transpose(self, axes: Optional[Tuple[int, ...]] = None): """ Return a view of the array with the specified axes transposed. For axes=None, reverse all the dimensions of the array. """ from ._manipulation_functions import permute_dims if axes is None: _axes = tuple(range(self.ndim - 1, -1, -1)) else: if len(axes) < self.ndim: _axes_list = list(range(0, self.ndim)) for i, j in enumerate(axes): _axes_list[i] = j _axes = tuple(_axes_list) elif len(axes) == self.ndim: _axes = tuple(axes) else: raise ValueError("number of axes don't match array dimensions") return permute_dims(self, _axes)
# These functions are not required by the spec, but are implemented for # the sake of usability. def __str__(self: Array, /) -> str: """ Performs the operation __str__. """ return self._array.__str__() def __repr__(self: Array, /) -> str: """ Performs the operation __repr__. """ return self._array.__repr__() def __array__(self, dtype: None | np.dtype[Any] = None): """ convert to numpy array """ return np.asarray(self.to_ndarray(), dtype=dtype) __array_ufunc__ = None def __array_function__(self, func, types, args, kwargs): if func not in HANDLED_FUNCTIONS: return NotImplemented return HANDLED_FUNCTIONS[func](*args, **kwargs) # These are various helper functions to make the array behavior match the # spec in places where it either deviates from or is more strict than # NumPy behavior def _check_allowed_dtypes( self, other: bool | int | float | Array, dtype_category: str, op: str ) -> Array: """ Helper function for operators to only allow specific input dtypes Use like other = self._check_allowed_dtypes(other, 'numeric', '__add__') if other is NotImplemented: return other """ if self.dtype not in _dtype_categories[dtype_category]: raise TypeError(f"Only {dtype_category} dtypes are allowed in {op}") if isinstance(other, (int, complex, float, bool)): other = self._promote_scalar(other) elif isinstance(other, Array): if other.dtype not in _dtype_categories[dtype_category]: raise TypeError(f"Only {dtype_category} dtypes are allowed in {op}") else: return NotImplemented assert isinstance(other, Array) # This will raise TypeError for type combinations that are not allowed # to promote in the spec (even if the NumPy array operator would # promote them). res_dtype = _result_type(self.dtype, other.dtype) if op.startswith("__i"): # Note: NumPy will allow in-place operators in some cases where # the type promoted operator does not match the left-hand side # operand. For example, # >>> a = np.array(1, dtype=np.int8) # >>> a += np.array(1, dtype=np.int16) # The spec explicitly disallows this. if res_dtype != self.dtype: raise TypeError( f"Cannot perform {op} with dtypes {self.dtype} and {other.dtype}" ) return other # Helper function to match the type promotion rules in the spec def _promote_scalar(self, scalar) -> Array: """ Returns a promoted version of a Python scalar appropriate for use with operations on self. This may raise an OverflowError in cases where the scalar is an integer that is too large to fit in a NumPy integer dtype, or TypeError when the scalar type is incompatible with the dtype of self. """ # Note: Only Python scalar types that match the array dtype are # allowed. if isinstance(scalar, bool): if self.dtype not in _boolean_dtypes: raise TypeError( "Python bool scalars can only be promoted with bool arrays" ) elif isinstance(scalar, int): if self.dtype in _boolean_dtypes: raise TypeError( "Python int scalars cannot be promoted with bool arrays" ) if self.dtype in _integer_dtypes: info = np.iinfo(int) if not (info.min <= scalar <= info.max): raise OverflowError( "Python int scalars must be within the bounds of the dtype for integer arrays" ) # int + array(floating) is allowed elif isinstance(scalar, float): if self.dtype not in _floating_dtypes: raise TypeError( "Python float scalars can only be promoted with floating-point arrays." ) elif isinstance(scalar, complex): if self.dtype not in _complex_floating_dtypes: raise TypeError( "Python complex scalars can only be promoted with complex floating-point arrays." ) else: raise TypeError("'scalar' must be a Python scalar") # Note: scalars are unconditionally cast to the same dtype as the # array. # Note: the spec only specifies integer-dtype/int promotion # behavior for integers within the bounds of the integer dtype. # Outside of those bounds we use the default NumPy behavior (either # cast or raise OverflowError). return Array._new(np.array(scalar, self.dtype)) @staticmethod def _normalize_two_args(x1, x2) -> Tuple[Array, Array]: """ Normalize inputs to two arg functions to fix type promotion rules NumPy deviates from the spec type promotion rules in cases where one argument is 0-dimensional and the other is not. For example: >>> import numpy as np >>> a = np.array([1.0], dtype=np.float32) >>> b = np.array(1.0, dtype=np.float64) >>> np.add(a, b) # The spec says this should be float64 array([2.], dtype=float32) To fix this, we add a dimension to the 0-dimension array before passing it through. This works because a dimension would be added anyway from broadcasting, so the resulting shape is the same, but this prevents NumPy from not promoting the dtype. """ # Another option would be to use signature=(x1.dtype, x2.dtype, None), # but that only works for ufuncs, so we would have to call the ufuncs # directly in the operator methods. One should also note that this # sort of trick wouldn't work for functions like searchsorted, which # don't do normal broadcasting, but there aren't any functions like # that in the array API namespace. if x1.ndim == 0 and x2.ndim != 0: # The _array[None] workaround was chosen because it is relatively # performant. broadcast_to(x1._array, x2.shape) is much slower. We # could also manually type promote x2, but that is more complicated # and about the same performance as this. x1 = Array._new(x1._array[None]) elif x2.ndim == 0 and x1.ndim != 0: x2 = Array._new(x2._array[None]) return (x1, x2) # Note: A large fraction of allowed indices are disallowed here (see the # docstring below) def _validate_index(self, key): raise IndexError("not implemented") # Everything below this line is required by the spec. def __abs__(self: Array, /) -> Array: """ Performs the operation __abs__. """ return self def __add__(self: Array, other: Union[int, float, Array], /) -> Array: if isinstance(other, (int, float)): return Array._new(self._array + other) else: return Array._new(self._array + other._array) def __and__(self: Array, other: Union[int, bool, Array], /) -> Array: if isinstance(other, (int, float)): return Array._new(self._array and other) else: return Array._new(self._array and other._array) def __array_namespace__( self: Array, /, *, api_version: Optional[str] = None ) -> types.ModuleType: if api_version is not None: raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized array API version: {api_version!r}") return array_api def __bool__(self: Array, /) -> bool: if s := self._single_elem(): return bool(s) else: raise ValueError( "The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. " "Use 'any' or 'all'" ) def __complex__(self: Array, /) -> complex: if s := self._single_elem(): return complex(s) else: raise ValueError("cannot convert non-scalar array to complex") def __dlpack_device__(self: Array, /) -> Tuple[IntEnum, int]: raise ValueError("Not implemented") def __eq__(self: Array, other: object, /) -> bool: if isinstance(other, (int, bool, float)): return self._array == scalar_array(other) elif isinstance(other, Array): return self._array == other._array else: return False def __float__(self: Array, /) -> float: if s := self._single_elem(): if isinstance(s, complex): raise TypeError("can't convert complex to float") else: return float(s) else: raise ValueError("cannot convert non-scalar array to float") def __floordiv__(self: Array, other: Union[int, float, Array], /) -> Array: if isinstance(other, (int, float)): return Array._new(self._array // other) else: return Array._new(self._array // other._array) def __ge__(self: Array, other: Union[int, float, Array], /) -> Array: if isinstance(other, (int, float)): return Array._new(self._array >= other) else: return Array._new(self._array >= other._array) def __getitem__( self: Array, key: Union[int, slice, Tuple[Union[int, slice], ...], Array], /, ) -> Array: if isinstance(key, Array): if key.size == 1 or key.shape == (): k = key._array[0] else: k = key._array elif isinstance(key, np.ndarray): k = asarray(key) elif isinstance(key, tuple): k = [] for kt in key: if isinstance(kt, Array): if kt.size == 1 or kt.shape == (): k.append(kt._array[0]) else : k.append(kt._array) elif isinstance(kt, np.ndarray): k.append(asarray(kt)._array) else: k.append(kt) k = tuple(k) else: # int, slice k = key a = self._array[k] if isinstance(a, ak.pdarray): return Array._new(a) else: return Array._new(scalar_array(a)) def __gt__(self: Array, other: Union[int, float, Array], /) -> Array: if isinstance(other, (int, float)): return Array._new(self._array > other) else: return Array._new(self._array > other._array) def __int__(self: Array, /) -> int: if s := self._single_elem(): if isinstance(s, complex): raise TypeError("can't convert complex to int") else: return int(s) else: raise ValueError("cannot convert non-scalar array to int") def __index__(self: Array, /) -> int: if s := self._single_elem(): if isinstance(s, int): return s else: raise TypeError("Only integer arrays can be converted to a Python integer") else: raise ValueError("cannot convert non-scalar array to int") def __invert__(self: Array, /) -> Array: if self.dtype in _integer_dtypes or self.dtype in _boolean_dtypes: return Array._new(~self._array) else: raise TypeError("Only integer and boolean arrays can be inverted") def __le__(self: Array, other: Union[int, float, Array], /) -> Array: if isinstance(other, (int, float)): return Array._new(self._array <= other) else: return Array._new(self._array <= other._array) def __lshift__(self: Array, other: Union[int, Array], /) -> Array: if isinstance(other, int): return Array._new(self._array << other) else: return Array._new(self._array << other._array) def __lt__(self: Array, other: Union[int, float, Array], /) -> Array: if isinstance(other, (int, float)): return Array._new(self._array < other) else: return Array._new(self._array < other._array) def __matmul__(self: Array, other: Array, /) -> Array: # from .linalg import matmul # from ._manipulation_functions import (reshape, squeeze) # if self.ndim == 1: # left = reshape(self, (1, self.size)) # ld = True # else: # left = self # ld = False # if other.ndim == 1: # right = reshape(other, (other.size, 1)) # rd = True # else: # right = other # rd = False # if left.shape[-1] != right.shape[-2]: # raise ValueError( # f"matmul: shapes {left.shape} and {right.shape} are not compatible" # ) # prod = matmul(left, right) # if ld: # prod = squeeze(prod, 0) # if rd: # prod = squeeze(prod, 1) # return prod raise ValueError("Not implemented") def __mod__(self: Array, other: Union[int, float, Array], /) -> Array: if isinstance(other, (int, float)): return Array._new(self._array % other) else: return Array._new(self._array % other._array) def __mul__(self: Array, other: Union[int, float, Array], /) -> Array: if isinstance(other, (int, float)): return Array._new(self._array * other) else: return Array._new(self._array * other._array) def __ne__(self: Array, other: object, /) -> bool: if isinstance(other, (int, bool, float)): return self._array != scalar_array(other) elif isinstance(other, Array): return self._array != other._array else: return False def __neg__(self: Array, /) -> Array: return Array._new(-self._array) def __or__(self: Array, other: Union[int, bool, Array], /) -> Array: if isinstance(other, (int, bool)): return Array._new(self._array or other) else: return Array._new(self._array or other._array) def __pos__(self: Array, /) -> Array: return self def __pow__(self: Array, other: Union[int, float, Array], /) -> Array: if isinstance(other, (int, float)): return Array._new(self._array ** other) else: return Array._new(self._array ** other._array) def __rshift__(self: Array, other: Union[int, Array], /) -> Array: if isinstance(other, int): return Array._new(self._array >> other) else: return Array._new(self._array >> other._array) def __setitem__( self, key: Union[int, slice, Tuple[Union[int, slice], ...], Array], value: Union[int, float, bool, Array], /, ) -> None: if isinstance(key, Array): self._array[key._array] = value else: self._array[key] = value def __sub__(self: Array, other: Union[int, float, Array], /) -> Array: if isinstance(other, (int, float)): return Array._new(self._array - other) else: return Array._new(self._array - other._array) def __truediv__(self: Array, other: Union[float, Array], /) -> Array: if isinstance(other, (int, float)): return Array._new(self._array / other) else: return Array._new(self._array / other._array) def __xor__(self: Array, other: Union[int, bool, Array], /) -> Array: if isinstance(other, (int, bool)): return Array._new(self._array ^ other) else: return Array._new(self._array ^ other._array) def __iadd__(self: Array, other: Union[int, float, Array], /) -> Array: if isinstance(other, (int, float)): self._array += other return self else: self._array += other._array return self def __radd__(self: Array, other: Union[int, float, Array], /) -> Array: if isinstance(other, (int, float)): return Array._new(other + self._array) else: return Array._new(other._array + self._array) def __iand__(self: Array, other: Union[int, bool, Array], /) -> Array: if isinstance(other, (int, float)): self._array &= other return self else: self._array &= other._array return self def __rand__(self: Array, other: Union[int, bool, Array], /) -> Array: if isinstance(other, (int, float)): return Array._new(other and self._array) else: return Array._new(other._array and self._array) def __ifloordiv__(self: Array, other: Union[int, float, Array], /) -> Array: if isinstance(other, (int, float)): self._array //= other return self else: self._array //= other._array return self def __rfloordiv__(self: Array, other: Union[int, float, Array], /) -> Array: if isinstance(other, (int, float)): return Array._new(other // self._array) else: return Array._new(other._array // self._array) def __ilshift__(self: Array, other: Union[int, Array], /) -> Array: if isinstance(other, int): self._array <<= other return self else: self._array <<= other._array return self def __rlshift__(self: Array, other: Union[int, Array], /) -> Array: if isinstance(other, int): return Array._new(other << self._array) else: return Array._new(other._array << self._array) def __imatmul__(self: Array, other: Array, /) -> Array: raise ValueError("Not implemented") def __rmatmul__(self: Array, other: Array, /) -> Array: raise ValueError("Not implemented") def __imod__(self: Array, other: Union[int, float, Array], /) -> Array: if isinstance(other, (int, float)): self._array %= other return self else: self._array %= other._array return self def __rmod__(self: Array, other: Union[int, float, Array], /) -> Array: if isinstance(other, (int, float)): return Array._new(other % self._array) else: return Array._new(other._array % self._array) def __imul__(self: Array, other: Union[int, float, Array], /) -> Array: if isinstance(other, (int, float)): self._array *= other return self else: self._array *= other._array return self def __rmul__(self: Array, other: Union[int, float, Array], /) -> Array: if isinstance(other, (int, float)): return Array._new(other * self._array) else: return Array._new(other._array * self._array) def __ior__(self: Array, other: Union[int, bool, Array], /) -> Array: if isinstance(other, (int, float)): self._array |= other return self else: self._array |= other._array return self def __ror__(self: Array, other: Union[int, bool, Array], /) -> Array: if isinstance(other, (int, float)): return Array._new(other or self._array) else: return Array._new(other._array or self._array) def __ipow__(self: Array, other: Union[int, float, Array], /) -> Array: if isinstance(other, (int, float)): self._array **= other return self else: self._array **= other._array return self def __rpow__(self: Array, other: Union[int, float, Array], /) -> Array: if isinstance(other, (int, float)): return Array._new(other ** self._array) else: return Array._new(other._array ** self._array) def __irshift__(self: Array, other: Union[int, Array], /) -> Array: if isinstance(other, int): self._array >>= other return self else: self._array >>= other._array return self def __rrshift__(self: Array, other: Union[int, Array], /) -> Array: if isinstance(other, int): return Array._new(other >> self._array) else: return Array._new(other._array >> self._array) def __isub__(self: Array, other: Union[int, float, Array], /) -> Array: if isinstance(other, (int, float)): self._array -= other return self else: self._array -= other._array return self def __rsub__(self: Array, other: Union[int, float, Array], /) -> Array: if isinstance(other, (int, float)): return Array._new(other - self._array) else: return Array._new(other._array - self._array) def __itruediv__(self: Array, other: Union[float, Array], /) -> Array: if isinstance(other, (int, float)): self._array /= other return self else: self._array /= other._array return self def __rtruediv__(self: Array, other: Union[float, Array], /) -> Array: if isinstance(other, (int, float)): return Array._new(other / self._array) else: return Array._new(other._array / self._array) def __ixor__(self: Array, other: Union[int, bool, Array], /) -> Array: if isinstance(other, (int, float)): self._array ^= other return self else: self._array ^= other._array return self def __rxor__(self: Array, other: Union[int, bool, Array], /) -> Array: if isinstance(other, (int, float)): return Array._new(other ^ self._array) else: return Array._new(other._array ^ self._array)
[docs] def to_device(self: Array, device: Device, /, stream: None = None) -> Array: raise ValueError("Not implemented")
def _has_single_elem(self: Array, /) -> bool: return self._array.shape == [] or self._array.size == 1 def _single_elem(self: Array) -> Optional[Union[int, float, complex, bool]]: if self._has_single_elem(): return self._array[0] else: return None @property def dtype(self) -> Dtype: return self._array.dtype @property def device(self) -> Device: return "cpu" @property def mT(self) -> Array: raise ValueError("Not implemented") @property def ndim(self) -> int: # note: this is not the same as 'self._array.ndim' # because 0D/scalar pdarrays will have ndim=1 # but have a shape of '()' return len(self._array.shape) @property def shape(self) -> Tuple[int, ...]: return tuple(self._array.shape) @property def size(self) -> int: return int(self._array.size) @property def T(self) -> Array: raise ValueError("Not implemented")
[docs] def implements_numpy(numpy_function): """Register an __array_function__ implementation for MyArray objects.""" def decorator(func): HANDLED_FUNCTIONS[numpy_function] = func return func return decorator