use ServerErrors;
import ServerErrors;
- class OutOfBoundsError : Error¶
- class ErrorWithContext : Error¶
Generates an error message that provides a fuller context to the error
by including the line number, proc name, and module name from which the
Error was thrown.
- var lineNumber : int¶
- var routineName : string¶
- var moduleName : string¶
- var errorClass : string¶
- var publishMsg : string¶
- proc init(msg: string, lineNumber: int, routineName: string, moduleName: string, errorClass: string = "ErrorWithContext")¶
Accepts parameters that are used to generate the detailed, context-rich
error message accessible via ErrorWithContext.message() as well as the
client-formatted error message accessible via ErrorWithContext.publish()
- proc init()
- proc publish() : string¶
Returns only the msg init parameter element prepended with “Error: “,
which can be used to report errors back to the Arkouda client in a format
understandable to front-end developers as well as users.
- class DatasetNotFoundError : ErrorWithContext¶
The DatasetNotFoundError is thrown if there is no dataset in the file
being accessed.
- proc init(msg: string, lineNumber: int, routineName: string, moduleName: string)¶
- proc init()
- class WriteModeError : ErrorWithContext¶
The WriteModeError is thrown if a file save operation is executed in append mode
on a brand new file lacking any current datasets.
- proc init(msg: string, lineNumber: int, routineName: string, moduleName: string)¶
- proc init()
- class NotHDF5FileError : ErrorWithContext¶
The NotHDF5FileError is thrown if it is determined a file is not HDFF file.
- proc init(msg: string, lineNumber: int, routineName: string, moduleName: string)¶
- proc init()
- class HDF5FileFormatError : ErrorWithContext¶
The HDF5FileFormatError is thrown if there is an error in parsing the HDF5 file.
- proc init(msg: string, lineNumber: int, routineName: string, moduleName: string)¶
- proc init()
- class MismatchedAppendError : ErrorWithContext¶
The MismatchedAppendError is thrown if an attempt is made to append a dataset to
an HDF5 file where the number of locales for the current Arkouda instance differs
from the number of locales in the Arkouda instance that wrote the original files.
- proc init(msg: string, lineNumber: int, routineName: string, moduleName: string)¶
- proc init()
- class SegStringError : ErrorWithContext¶
The SegStringError is thrown if the file corresponding to the SegString lacks either the
- proc init(msg: string, lineNumber: int, routineName: string, moduleName: string)¶
- proc init()
- class ArgumentError : ErrorWithContext¶
The ArgumentError is thrown if there is a problem with 1.n arguments passed
into a function.
- proc init(msg: string, lineNumber: int, routineName: string, moduleName: string)¶
- proc init()
- class NotImplementedError : ErrorWithContext¶
The NotImplementedError is thrown if the requested operation has not been implemented
for the specified data type(s) and/or command type.
- proc init(msg: string, lineNumber: int, routineName: string, moduleName: string)¶
- proc init()
- class UnknownSymbolError : ErrorWithContext¶
The UnknownSymbolError is thrown if there is not entry in the SymTab.
- proc init(msg: string, lineNumber: int, routineName: string, moduleName: string)¶
- proc init()
- class UnsupportedOSError : ErrorWithContext¶
The UnsupportedOSError is thrown if a function cannot be executed on the host OS.
- proc init(msg: string, lineNumber: int, routineName: string, moduleName: string)¶
- proc init()
- class IOError : ErrorWithContext¶
The IOError is thrown if there is an error in IO code.
- proc init(msg: string, lineNumber: int, routineName: string, moduleName: string)¶
- proc init()
- class OverMemoryLimitError : ErrorWithContext¶
The OverMemoryLimitError is thrown if the projected memory required for a method
invocation will exceed available, free memory on 1..n locales
- proc init(msg: string, lineNumber: int, routineName: string, moduleName: string)¶
- proc init()
- class ConfigurationError : ErrorWithContext¶
The ConfigurationError if the current instance of the server was not
configured to complete a requested operation.
- proc init(msg: string, lineNumber: int, routineName: string, moduleName: string)¶
- proc init()
- proc generateErrorContext(msg: string, lineNumber: int, moduleName: string, routineName: string, errorClass: string = "ErrorWithContext") : string¶
Generates a detailed, context-rich error message for errors such as instances of
built-in Chapel Errors in a format that matches the Arkouda ErrorWithContext
error message format.
- proc getErrorWithContext(lineNumber: int, moduleName: string, routineName: string, msg: string, errorClass: string) throws¶
Factory method for generating ErrorWithContext objects that include an error
message as well as the line number, routine name, and module name where the
error was thrown.