

use FileIO;


import FileIO;
const fioLogger = new Logger(logLevel, logChannel)
enum constant HDF5
enum constant ARROW
enum constant PARQUET
enum constant CSV
enum constant UNKNOWN
proc appendFile(filePath: string, line: string) throws
proc writeToFile(filePath: string, line: string) throws
proc writeLinesToFile(filePath: string, lines: string) throws
proc getLineFromFile(filePath: string, lineIndex: int = -1) : string throws
proc getLineFromFile(path: string, match: string) throws
proc delimitedFileToMap(filePath: string, delimiter: string = ", ") : map
proc initDirectory(filePath: string) throws
proc ensureClose(tmpf: file) : bool
  • Ensure the file is closed, disregard errors

proc isGlobPattern(filename: string) : bool throws
  • Indicates whether the filename represents a glob expression as opposed to

  • an specific filename

proc generateFilenames(prefix: string, extension: string, targetLocalesSize: int) : [] string throws
  • Generates a list of filenames to be written to based upon a file prefix,

  • extension, and number of locales.

proc generateFilename(prefix: string, extension: string, idx: int) : string throws
  • Generates a file name composed of a prefix, which is a filename provided by

  • the user along with a file index and extension.

proc getMatchingFilenames(prefix: string, extension: string) throws
  • Generates an array of filenames to be matched in APPEND mode and to be

  • checked in TRUNCATE mode that will warn the user that 1..n files are

  • being overwritten.

proc getFileMetadata(filename: string)
  • Returns a tuple composed of a file prefix and extension to be used to

  • generate locale-specific filenames to be written to.

const MAGIC_PARQUET : bytes = b"PAR1"
const MAGIC_HDF5 : bytes = b"\x89HDF\r\n\x1A\n"
const MAGIC_ARROW : bytes = b"ARROW1\x00\x00"
const MAGIC_CSV : bytes = b"**HEADER"
proc getFileTypeByMagic(header: bytes) : FileType

Determine FileType based on public File Magic for supported types :arg header: file header :type header: bytes


FileType from enum.FileType

proc domain_intersection(d1: domain(1), d2: domain(1))
proc getFirstEightBytesFromFile(path: string) : bytes throws
proc getFileType(filename: string) throws
proc getFileTypeMsg(cmd: string, msgArgs: borrowed MessageArgs, st: borrowed SymTab) : MsgTuple throws
proc lsAnyMsg(cmd: string, msgArgs: borrowed MessageArgs, st: borrowed SymTab) : MsgTuple throws
proc globExpansionMsg(cmd: string, msgArgs: borrowed MessageArgs, st: borrowed SymTab) : MsgTuple throws