

use MetricsMsg;


import MetricsMsg;
enum constant ALL
enum constant NUM_REQUESTS
enum constant RESPONSE_TIME
enum constant AVG_RESPONSE_TIME
enum constant TOTAL_MEMORY_USED
enum constant SYSTEM
enum constant SERVER
enum constant SERVER_INFO
enum constant NUM_ERRORS
enum MetricScope { GLOBAL, LOCALE, REQUEST, USER }
enum constant GLOBAL
enum constant LOCALE
enum constant REQUEST
enum constant USER
enum MetricDataType { INT, REAL }
enum constant INT
enum constant REAL
const mLogger = new Logger(logLevel, logChannel)
var metricScope = try! ServerConfig.getEnv(name = "METRIC_SCOPE", default = "MetricScope.REQUEST")
var serverMetrics = new CounterTable()
var requestMetrics = new CounterTable()
var avgResponseTimeMetrics = new AverageMeasurementTable()
var responseTimeMetrics = new MeasurementTable()
var totalResponseTimeMetrics = new MeasurementTable()
var totalMemoryUsedMetrics = new MeasurementTable()
var users = new Users()
var userMetrics = new UserMetrics()
var errorMetrics = new CounterTable()
record User
var name: string
class Users
var users = new map(string, User)
proc getUser(name: string)
proc getUserNames()
proc getUsers()
class MetricValue
var realValue: real
var intValue: int(64)
var dataType: MetricDataType
proc init(realValue: real)
proc init(intValue: int(64))
proc update(val)
class AvgMetricValue: MetricValue
var numValues: int
var intTotal: int(64)
var realTotal: real
proc update(val)
class UserMetrics
var metrics = new map(keyType = User, valType = shared CounterTable)
var users = new Users()
proc getUserMetrics(user: User): borrowed CounterTable
proc incrementPerUserRequestMetrics(userName: string, metricName: string, increment: int = 1)
proc getPerUserNumRequestsPerCommandMetrics(userName: string)
proc getPerUserNumRequestsPerCommandForAllUsersMetrics()
proc incrementNumRequestsPerCommand(userName: string, cmd: string, increment: int = 1)
proc incrementTotalNumRequests(userName: string, increment: int = 1)
class MeasurementTable
  • The MeasurementTable encapsulates real measurements

var measurements = new map(string, real)
proc get(metric: string): real throws
  • Returns the measurement corresponding to the metric name If the

  • metric does not exist, the metric value is set to 0.0 and is returned.

proc set(metric: string, measurement: real) throws
  • Sets the metrics value

proc size()
  • Returns the number of measurements in the MeasurementTable.s

proc add(metric: string, measurement: real) throws
  • Adds a measurement to an existing measurement corresponding to the

  • metric name, setting the value if the metric does not exist.

iter items()
class AverageMeasurementTable: MeasurementTable
  • The AverageMeasurementTable extends the MeasurementTable by generating

  • values that are averages of incoming values for each metric.

var numMeasurements = new map(string, int(64))
var measurementTotals = new map(string, real)
proc getNumMeasurements(metric: string) throws
  • Returns the number of measurements corresponding to a metric.

proc getMeasurementTotal(metric: string): real throws
  • Returns the sum of all measurements corresponding to a metric. Note:

  • this function is designed to invoked internally in order to

  • calculate the avg measurement value corresponding to the metric.

override proc add(metric: string, measurement: real) throws
  • The overridden add method updates the measurement value by doing the following:

    1. adds the measurement to a running total measurement for the metric

    1. increments the number of measurements for the metric

    1. divides the updated total measurement by the number of measurements to

  • to calculate the avg measurement

class CounterTable
var counts = new map(string, int)
proc get(metric: string): int
proc set(metric: string, count: int)
proc increment(metric: string, increment: int = 1)
proc decrement(metric: string, increment: int = 1)
iter items()
proc size()
proc total()
proc exportAllMetrics() throws
proc getUserRequestMetrics(userName: string) throws
proc getAllUserRequestMetrics() throws
proc getServerMetrics() throws
proc getNumRequestMetrics() throws
proc getNumErrorMetrics() throws
proc getPerUserNumRequestMetrics() throws
proc getResponseTimeMetrics() throws
proc getAvgResponseTimeMetrics() throws
proc getTotalResponseTimeMetrics() throws
proc getTotalMemoryUsedMetrics() throws
proc getMaxLocaleMemory(loc) throws
proc getSystemMetrics() throws
proc getServerInfo() throws
class Metric
var name: string
var category: MetricCategory
var scope: MetricScope
var timestamp: dateTime
var value: real
proc init(name: string, category: MetricCategory, scope: MetricScope = MetricScope.GLOBAL, timestamp: dateTime =, value: real)
class UserMetric: Metric
var user: string
proc init(name: string, category: MetricCategory, scope: MetricScope = MetricScope.USER, timestamp: dateTime =, value: real, user: string)
class ArrayMetric: Metric
var cmd: string
var dType: DType
var size: int
proc init(name: string, category: MetricCategory, scope: MetricScope = MetricScope.GLOBAL, timestamp: dateTime =, value: real, cmd: string, dType: DType, size: int)
class LocaleInfo
var name: string
var id: string
var hostname: string
var number_of_processing_units: int
var physical_memory: int
var max_number_of_tasks: int
class ServerInfo
var hostname: string
var version: string
var server_port: int
var locales: [0..numLocales-1] owned LocaleInfo?
var number_of_locales: int
proc init(hostname: string, version: string, server_port: int, locales)
class LocaleMetric: Metric
var locale_num: int
var locale_name: string
var locale_hostname: string
proc init(name: string, category: MetricCategory, scope: MetricScope = MetricScope.LOCALE, timestamp: dateTime =, value: real, locale_num: int, locale_name: string, locale_hostname: string)
proc metricsMsg(cmd: string, msgArgs: borrowed MessageArgs, st: borrowed SymTab): MsgTuple throws