use MemoryMgmt;
import MemoryMgmt;
- const mmLogger = new Logger(logLevel, logChannel)¶
- enum MemMgmtType { STATIC, DYNAMIC }¶
Indicates whether static locale host memory or dynamically-captured
memory allocated to the Arkouda process is used to estimate whether
sufficient memory is available to execute the requested command.
- enum constant STATIC¶
- enum constant DYNAMIC¶
- config const availableMemoryPct : real = 90¶
The percentage of currently available memory on each locale host
that is the limit for memory allocated to each Arkouda locale.
- config const memMgmtType = MemMgmtType.STATIC¶
Config param that indicates whether the static memory mgmt logic in
ServerConfig or dynamic memory mgmt in this module will be used. The
default is static memory mgmt.
- record LocaleMemoryStatus¶
- var total_mem : uint(64)¶
- var avail_mem : uint(64)¶
- var pct_avail_mem : int¶
- var arkouda_mem_alloc : uint(64)¶
- var mem_used : uint(64)¶
- var locale_id : int¶
- var locale_hostname : string¶
- proc isSupportedOS() : bool throws¶
- proc getArkoudaPid() : string throws¶
- proc getArkoudaMemAlloc() : uint(64) throws¶
- proc getAvailMemory() : uint(64) throws¶
- proc getTotalMemory() : uint(64) throws¶
- proc getLocaleMemoryStatuses() throws¶
- proc localeMemAvailable(reqMemory) : bool throws¶
- proc isMemAvailable(reqMemory) : bool throws¶
Returns a boolean indicating whether there is either sufficient memory within the
memory allocated to Arkouda on each locale host; if true for all locales, returns true.
If the reqMemory exceeds the memory currently allocated to at least one locale, each locale
host is checked to see if there is memory available to allocate more memory to each
corresponding locale. If there is insufficient memory available on at least one locale,
returns false. If there is sufficient memory on all locales to allocate sufficient,
additional memory to Arkouda to execute the command, returns true.