*********** Series in Arkouda *********** Like Pandas, Arkouda supports ``Series``. The purpose and intended functionality remains the same in Arkouda, but are configured to be based on ``arkouda.pdarrays``. .. autoclass:: arkouda.Series Features ========== ``Series`` support the majority of functionality offered by ``pandas.Series``. Lookup ---------- .. autofunction:: arkouda.Series.locate Lookup ---------- .. autofunction:: arkouda.Series.locate Sorting ---------- .. autofunction:: arkouda.Series.sort_index .. autofunction:: arkouda.Series.sort_values Head/Tail ---------- .. autofunction:: arkouda.Series.topn .. autofunction:: arkouda.Series.head .. autofunction:: arkouda.Series.tail Value Counts ---------- .. autofunction:: arkouda.Series.value_counts Pandas Integration ---------- .. autofunction:: arkouda.Series.to_pandas .. autofunction:: arkouda.Series.pdconcat