*********** Random in Arkouda *********** Pseudo random number generation in Arkouda is modeled after numpy. Just like in numpy the preferred way to access the random functionality in arkouda is via ``Generator`` objects. If a ``Generator`` is initialized with a seed, the stream of random numbers it produces can be reproduced by a new ``Generator`` with the same seed. This reproducibility is not guaranteed across releases. .. autoclass:: arkouda.random.Generator Creation ========= To create a ``Generator`` use the ``default_rng`` constructor .. autofunction:: arkouda.random.default_rng Features ========== choice --------- .. autofunction:: arkouda.random.Generator.choice exponential --------- .. autofunction:: arkouda.random.Generator.exponential integers --------- .. autofunction:: arkouda.random.Generator.integers logistic --------- .. autofunction:: arkouda.random.Generator.logistic lognormal --------- .. autofunction:: arkouda.random.Generator.lognormal normal --------- .. autofunction:: arkouda.random.Generator.normal permutation --------- .. autofunction:: arkouda.random.Generator.permutation poisson --------- .. autofunction:: arkouda.random.Generator.poisson shuffle --------- .. autofunction:: arkouda.random.Generator.shuffle random --------- .. autofunction:: arkouda.random.Generator.random standard_exponential --------- .. autofunction:: arkouda.random.Generator.standard_exponential standard_normal --------- .. autofunction:: arkouda.random.Generator.standard_normal uniform --------- .. autofunction:: arkouda.random.Generator.uniform