*************** Creating Arrays *************** There are several ways to initialize arkouda ``pdarray`` objects, most of which come from NumPy. Constant ======== .. autofunction:: arkouda.zeros .. autofunction:: arkouda.ones .. autofunction:: arkouda.zeros_like .. autofunction:: arkouda.ones_like Regular ======= .. autofunction:: arkouda.arange .. autofunction:: arkouda.linspace Random ====== .. autofunction:: arkouda.randint .. _concatenate-label: Concatenation ============= Performance note: in multi-locale settings, the default (ordered) mode of ``concatenate`` is very communication-intensive because the distribution of the original and resulting arrays are unrelated and most data must be moved non-locally. If the application does not require the concatenated array to be ordered (e.g. if the result is simply going to be sorted anyway), then using the keyword ``ordered=False`` will greatly speed up concatenation by minimizing non-local data movement. .. autofunction:: arkouda.concatenate