.. _installation-label: Installation ====================== Arkouda installation varies depending upon your preferred OS. If you are not planning to do Arkouda development, follow our :ref:`quickstart-label` guide. Otherwise, select the OS you are using for installation instructions. Overview --------- Dependency installation will vary based on a user's operating system and preferred Python package manager. This serves as a top level view of the steps involved for installing Arkouda. 1. Install Chapel 2. Package Manager Installation *(Anaconda Recommended)* 3. Python Dependency Installation *(Anaconda Only)* 4. Arkouda Python Package Installation Requirements ------------- .. need to use html file below to link properly For a full list of requirements, click `here `_. .. _requirements_pg: REQUIREMENTS.md Download, clone, or fork the `arkouda github repo`_. Further instructions assume that the current directory is the top-level directory of the repo. .. _arkouda github repo: https://github.com/Bears-R-Us/arkouda Install Guides --------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 LINUX_INSTALL WINDOWS_INSTALL MAC_INSTALL