arkouda.sorting =============== .. py:module:: arkouda.sorting Functions --------- .. autoapisummary:: arkouda.sorting.argsort arkouda.sorting.coargsort arkouda.sorting.sort Module Contents --------------- .. py:function:: argsort(pda: Union[arkouda.pdarrayclass.pdarray, arkouda.strings.Strings, arkouda.categorical.Categorical], algorithm: SortingAlgorithm = SortingAlgorithm.RadixSortLSD, axis: arkouda.numpy.dtypes.int_scalars = 0) -> arkouda.pdarrayclass.pdarray Return the permutation that sorts the array. :param pda: The array to sort (int64, uint64, or float64) :type pda: pdarray or Strings or Categorical :returns: The indices such that ``pda[indices]`` is sorted :rtype: pdarray, int64 :raises TypeError: Raised if the parameter is other than a pdarray or Strings .. seealso:: :obj:`coargsort` .. rubric:: Notes Uses a least-significant-digit radix sort, which is stable and resilient to non-uniformity in data but communication intensive. .. rubric:: Examples >>> a = ak.randint(0, 10, 10) >>> perm = ak.argsort(a) >>> a[perm] array([0, 1, 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 8, 9]) .. py:function:: coargsort(arrays: Sequence[Union[arkouda.strings.Strings, arkouda.pdarrayclass.pdarray, arkouda.categorical.Categorical]], algorithm: SortingAlgorithm = SortingAlgorithm.RadixSortLSD) -> arkouda.pdarrayclass.pdarray Return the permutation that groups the rows (left-to-right), if the input arrays are treated as columns. The permutation sorts numeric columns, but not strings/Categoricals -- strings/Categoricals are grouped, but not ordered. :param arrays: The columns (int64, uint64, float64, Strings, or Categorical) to sort by row :type arrays: Sequence[Union[Strings, pdarray, Categorical]] :returns: The indices that permute the rows to grouped order :rtype: pdarray, int64 :raises ValueError: Raised if the pdarrays are not of the same size or if the parameter is not an Iterable containing pdarrays, Strings, or Categoricals .. seealso:: :obj:`argsort` .. rubric:: Notes Uses a least-significant-digit radix sort, which is stable and resilient to non-uniformity in data but communication intensive. Starts with the last array and moves forward. This sort operates directly on numeric types, but for Strings, it operates on a hash. Thus, while grouping of equivalent strings is guaranteed, lexicographic ordering of the groups is not. For Categoricals, coargsort sorts based on which guarantees grouping of equivalent categories but not lexicographic ordering of those groups. .. rubric:: Examples >>> a = ak.array([0, 1, 0, 1]) >>> b = ak.array([1, 1, 0, 0]) >>> perm = ak.coargsort([a, b]) >>> perm array([2, 0, 3, 1]) >>> a[perm] array([0, 0, 1, 1]) >>> b[perm] array([0, 1, 0, 1]) .. py:function:: sort(pda: arkouda.pdarrayclass.pdarray, algorithm: SortingAlgorithm = SortingAlgorithm.RadixSortLSD, axis=-1) -> arkouda.pdarrayclass.pdarray Return a sorted copy of the array. Only sorts numeric arrays; for Strings, use argsort. :param pda: The array to sort (int64, uint64, or float64) :type pda: pdarray or Categorical :returns: The sorted copy of pda :rtype: pdarray, int64, uint64, or float64 :raises TypeError: Raised if the parameter is not a pdarray :raises ValueError: Raised if sort attempted on a pdarray with an unsupported dtype such as bool .. seealso:: :obj:`argsort` .. rubric:: Notes Uses a least-significant-digit radix sort, which is stable and resilient to non-uniformity in data but communication intensive. .. rubric:: Examples >>> a = ak.randint(0, 10, 10) >>> sorted = ak.sort(a) >>> a array([0, 1, 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 8, 9])