arkouda.scipy.special ===================== .. py:module:: arkouda.scipy.special Functions --------- .. autoapisummary:: arkouda.scipy.special.xlogy Module Contents --------------- .. py:function:: xlogy(x: Union[arkouda.pdarrayclass.pdarray, numpy.float64], y: arkouda.pdarrayclass.pdarray) Computes x * log(y). :param x: x must have a datatype that is castable to float64 :type x: pdarray or np.float64 :param y: :type y: pdarray :rtype: arkouda.pdarrayclass.pdarray .. rubric:: Examples >>> import arkouda as ak >>> ak.connect() >>> from arkouda.scipy.special import xlogy >>> xlogy( ak.array([1, 2, 3, 4]), ak.array([5,6,7,8])) array([1.6094379124341003 3.5835189384561099 5.8377304471659395 8.317766166719343]) >>> xlogy( 5.0, ak.array([1, 2, 3, 4])) array([0.00000000000000000 3.4657359027997265 5.4930614433405491 6.9314718055994531])