arkouda.pdarraymanipulation =========================== .. py:module:: arkouda.pdarraymanipulation Functions --------- .. autoapisummary:: arkouda.pdarraymanipulation.delete arkouda.pdarraymanipulation.vstack Module Contents --------------- .. py:function:: delete(arr: arkouda.pdarrayclass.pdarray, obj: Union[arkouda.pdarrayclass.pdarray, slice, int], axis: Optional[int] = None) -> arkouda.pdarrayclass.pdarray Return a copy of 'arr' with elements along the specified axis removed. :param arr: The array to remove elements from :type arr: pdarray :param obj: The indices to remove from 'arr'. If obj is a pdarray, it must have an integer dtype. :type obj: Union[pdarray, slice, int] :param axis: The axis along which to remove elements. If None, the array will be flattened before removing elements. Defaults to None. :type axis: Optional[int], optional :returns: A copy of 'arr' with elements removed :rtype: pdarray .. py:function:: vstack(tup: Union[Tuple[arkouda.pdarrayclass.pdarray], List[arkouda.pdarrayclass.pdarray]], *, dtype: Optional[Union[type, str]] = None, casting: Literal['no', 'equiv', 'safe', 'same_kind', 'unsafe'] = 'same_kind') -> arkouda.pdarrayclass.pdarray Stack a sequence of arrays vertically (row-wise). This is equivalent to concatenation along the first axis after 1-D arrays of shape `(N,)` have been reshaped to `(1,N)`. :param tup: The arrays to be stacked :type tup: Tuple[pdarray] :param dtype: The data-type of the output array. If not provided, the output array will be determined using `np.common_type` on the input arrays Defaults to None :type dtype: Optional[Union[type, str]], optional :param casting: Controls what kind of data casting may occur - currently unused :type casting: {"no", "equiv", "safe", "same_kind", "unsafe"], optional :returns: * * *pdarray* -- The stacked array