arkouda.array_api.sorting_functions =================================== .. py:module:: arkouda.array_api.sorting_functions Functions --------- .. autoapisummary:: arkouda.array_api.sorting_functions.argsort arkouda.array_api.sorting_functions.sort Module Contents --------------- .. py:function:: argsort(x: arkouda.array_api.array_object.Array, /, *, axis: int = -1, descending: bool = False, stable: bool = True) -> arkouda.array_api.array_object.Array Return the indices that sort an array along a specified axis. :param x: The array to sort :type x: Array :param axis: The axis along which to sort. :type axis: int, optional :param descending: Whether to sort in descending order. :type descending: bool, optional :param stable: Whether to use a stable sorting algorithm. Note: arkouda's sorting algorithm is always stable so this argument is ignored. :type stable: bool, optional .. py:function:: sort(x: arkouda.array_api.array_object.Array, /, *, axis: int = -1, descending: bool = False, stable: bool = True) -> arkouda.array_api.array_object.Array Return a sorted copy of an array along a specified axis. :param x: The array to sort :type x: Array :param axis: The axis along which to sort. :type axis: int, optional :param descending: Whether to sort in descending order. :type descending: bool, optional :param stable: Whether to use a stable sorting algorithm. Note: arkouda's sorting algorithm is always stable so this argument is ignored. :type stable: bool, optional