arkouda.array_api.searching_functions ===================================== .. py:module:: arkouda.array_api.searching_functions Functions --------- .. autoapisummary:: arkouda.array_api.searching_functions.argmax arkouda.array_api.searching_functions.argmin arkouda.array_api.searching_functions.nonzero arkouda.array_api.searching_functions.searchsorted arkouda.array_api.searching_functions.where Module Contents --------------- .. py:function:: argmax(x: arkouda.array_api.array_object.Array, /, *, axis: Optional[int] = None, keepdims: bool = False) -> arkouda.array_api.array_object.Array Returns an array with the indices of the maximum values along a given axis. :param x: The array to search for maximum values :type x: Array :param axis: The axis along which to search for maximum values. If None, the array is flattened before searching. :type axis: int, optional :param keepdims: Whether to keep the singleton dimension along `axis` in the result. :type keepdims: bool, optional .. py:function:: argmin(x: arkouda.array_api.array_object.Array, /, *, axis: Optional[int] = None, keepdims: bool = False) -> arkouda.array_api.array_object.Array Returns an array with the indices of the minimum values along a given axis. :param x: The array to search for minimum values :type x: Array :param axis: The axis along which to search for minimum values. If None, the array is flattened before searching. :type axis: int, optional :param keepdims: Whether to keep the singleton dimension along `axis` in the result. :type keepdims: bool, optional .. py:function:: nonzero(x: arkouda.array_api.array_object.Array, /) -> Tuple[arkouda.array_api.array_object.Array, Ellipsis] Returns a tuple of arrays containing the indices of the non-zero elements of the input array. .. py:function:: searchsorted(x1: arkouda.array_api.array_object.Array, x2: arkouda.array_api.array_object.Array, /, *, side: Literal['left', 'right'] = 'left', sorter: Optional[arkouda.array_api.array_object.Array] = None) -> arkouda.array_api.array_object.Array Given a sorted array `x1`, find the indices to insert elements from another array `x2` such that the sorted order is maintained. :param x1: The sorted array to search in. :type x1: Array :param x2: The values to search for in `x1`. :type x2: Array :param side: If 'left', the index of the first suitable location found is given. If 'right', return the last such index. Default is 'left'. :type side: {'left', 'right'}, optional :param sorter: The indices that would sort `x1` in ascending order. If None, `x1` is assumed to be sorted. :type sorter: Array, optional .. py:function:: where(condition: arkouda.array_api.array_object.Array, x1: arkouda.array_api.array_object.Array, x2: arkouda.array_api.array_object.Array, /) -> arkouda.array_api.array_object.Array Return elements, either from `x1` or `x2`, depending on `condition`. :param condition: When condition[i] is True, store x1[i] in the output array, otherwise store x2[i]. :type condition: Array :param x1: Values selected at indices where `condition` is True. :type x1: Array :param x2: Values selected at indices where `condition` is False. :type x2: Array