arkouda.array_api.manipulation_functions ======================================== .. py:module:: arkouda.array_api.manipulation_functions Functions --------- .. autoapisummary:: arkouda.array_api.manipulation_functions.broadcast_arrays arkouda.array_api.manipulation_functions.broadcast_to arkouda.array_api.manipulation_functions.concat arkouda.array_api.manipulation_functions.expand_dims arkouda.array_api.manipulation_functions.flip arkouda.array_api.manipulation_functions.moveaxis arkouda.array_api.manipulation_functions.permute_dims arkouda.array_api.manipulation_functions.repeat arkouda.array_api.manipulation_functions.reshape arkouda.array_api.manipulation_functions.roll arkouda.array_api.manipulation_functions.squeeze arkouda.array_api.manipulation_functions.stack arkouda.array_api.manipulation_functions.tile arkouda.array_api.manipulation_functions.unstack Module Contents --------------- .. py:function:: broadcast_arrays(*arrays: arkouda.array_api.array_object.Array) -> List[arkouda.array_api.array_object.Array] Broadcast arrays to a common shape. Throws a ValueError if a common shape cannot be determined. .. py:function:: broadcast_to(x: arkouda.array_api.array_object.Array, /, shape: Tuple[int, Ellipsis]) -> arkouda.array_api.array_object.Array Broadcast the array to the specified shape. See: for details. .. py:function:: concat(arrays: Union[Tuple[arkouda.array_api.array_object.Array, Ellipsis], List[arkouda.array_api.array_object.Array]], /, *, axis: Optional[int] = 0) -> arkouda.array_api.array_object.Array Concatenate arrays along an axis. :param arrays: The arrays to concatenate. Must have the same shape except along the concatenation axis. :type arrays: Tuple[Array, ...] or List[Array] :param axis: The axis along which to concatenate the arrays. The default is 0. If None, the arrays are flattened before concatenation. :type axis: int, optional .. py:function:: expand_dims(x: arkouda.array_api.array_object.Array, /, *, axis: int) -> arkouda.array_api.array_object.Array Create a new array with an additional dimension inserted at the specified axis. :param x: The array to expand :type x: Array :param axis: The axis at which to insert the new (size one) dimension. Must be in the range `[-x.ndim-1, x.ndim]`. :type axis: int .. py:function:: flip(x: arkouda.array_api.array_object.Array, /, *, axis: Optional[Union[int, Tuple[int, Ellipsis]]] = None) -> arkouda.array_api.array_object.Array Reverse an array's values along a particular axis or axes. :param x: The array to flip :type x: Array :param axis: The axis or axes along which to flip the array. If None, flip the array along all axes. :type axis: int or Tuple[int, ...], optional .. py:function:: moveaxis(x: arkouda.array_api.array_object.Array, source: Union[int, Tuple[int, Ellipsis]], destination: Union[int, Tuple[int, Ellipsis]], /) -> arkouda.array_api.array_object.Array Move axes of an array to new positions. :param x: The array whose axes are to be reordered :type x: Array :param source: Original positions of the axes to move. Values must be unique and fall within the range `[-x.ndim, x.ndim)`. :type source: int or Tuple[int, ...] :param destination: Destination positions for each of the original axes. Must be the same length as `source`. Values must be unique and fall within the range `[-x.ndim, x.ndim)`. :type destination: int or Tuple[int, ...] .. py:function:: permute_dims(x: arkouda.array_api.array_object.Array, /, axes: Tuple[int, Ellipsis]) -> arkouda.array_api.array_object.Array Permute the dimensions of an array. :param x: The array whose dimensions are to be permuted :type x: Array :param axes: The new order of the dimensions. Must be a permutation of the integers from 0 to `x.ndim-1`. :type axes: Tuple[int, ...] .. py:function:: repeat(x: arkouda.array_api.array_object.Array, repeats: Union[int, arkouda.array_api.array_object.Array], /, *, axis: Optional[int] = None) -> arkouda.array_api.array_object.Array Repeat elements of an array. :param x: The array whose values to repeat :type x: Array :param repeats: The number of repetitions for each element. * If axis is None, must be an integer, or a 1D array of integers with the same size as `x`. * If axis is not None, must be an integer, or a 1D array of integers whose size matches the number of elements along the specified axis. :type repeats: int or Array :param axis: The axis along which to repeat elements. If None, the array is flattened before repeating. :type axis: int, optional .. py:function:: reshape(x: arkouda.array_api.array_object.Array, /, shape: Tuple[int, Ellipsis], *, copy: Optional[bool] = None) -> arkouda.array_api.array_object.Array Reshape an array to a new shape. :param x: The array to reshape :type x: Array :param shape: The new shape for the array. Must have the same number of elements as the original array. :type shape: Tuple[int, ...] :param copy: Whether to create a copy of the array. WARNING: currently always creates a copy, ignoring the value of this parameter. :type copy: bool, optional .. py:function:: roll(x: arkouda.array_api.array_object.Array, /, shift: Union[int, Tuple[int, Ellipsis]], *, axis: Optional[Union[int, Tuple[int, Ellipsis]]] = None) -> arkouda.array_api.array_object.Array Roll the values in an array by the specified shift(s) along the specified axis or axes. Elements that roll beyond the last position are re-introduced at the first position. :param x: The array to roll :type x: Array :param shift: The number of positions by which to shift each axis. If `axis` and `shift` are both tuples, they must have the same length and the `i`-th element of `shift` is the number of positions to shift `axis[i]`. If axis is a tuple and shift is an integer, the same shift is applied to each axis. If axis is None, must be an integer or a one-tuple. :type shift: int or Tuple[int, ...] :param axis: The axis or axes along which to roll the array. If None, the array is flattened before rolling. :type axis: int or Tuple[int, ...], optional .. py:function:: squeeze(x: arkouda.array_api.array_object.Array, /, axis: Union[int, Tuple[int, Ellipsis]]) -> arkouda.array_api.array_object.Array Remove degenerate (size one) dimensions from an array. :param x: The array to squeeze :type x: Array :param axis: The axis or axes to squeeze (must have a size of one). :type axis: int or Tuple[int, ...] .. py:function:: stack(arrays: Union[Tuple[arkouda.array_api.array_object.Array, Ellipsis], List[arkouda.array_api.array_object.Array]], /, *, axis: int = 0) -> arkouda.array_api.array_object.Array Stack arrays along a new axis. The resulting array will have one more dimension than the input arrays with a size equal to the number of input arrays. :param arrays: The arrays to stack. Must have the same shape. :type arrays: Tuple[Array, ...] or List[Array] :param axis: The axis along which to stack the arrays. Must be in the range `[-N, N)`, where N is the number of dimensions in the input arrays. The default is 0. :type axis: int, optional .. py:function:: tile(x: arkouda.array_api.array_object.Array, repetitions: Tuple[int, Ellipsis], /) -> arkouda.array_api.array_object.Array Tile an array with the specified number of repetitions along each dimension. :param x: The array to tile :type x: Array :param repetitions: The number of repetitions along each dimension. If there are more repetitions than array dimensions, singleton dimensions are prepended to the array to make it match the number of repetitions. If there are more array dimensions than repetitions, ones are prepended to the repetitions tuple to make it's length match the number of array dimensions. :type repetitions: Tuple[int, ...] .. py:function:: unstack(x: arkouda.array_api.array_object.Array, /, *, axis: int = 0) -> Tuple[arkouda.array_api.array_object.Array, Ellipsis] Decompose an array along an axis into multiple arrays of the same shape. :param x: The array to unstack :type x: Array :param axis: The axis along which to unstack the array. The default is 0. :type axis: int, optional